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October 10, 2003
Sports Illustrated Mentions ScrappleFace
by Scott Ott

Here is the ScrappleFace story referenced in the October 13, 2003 issue of Sports Illustrated (pg. 19).

Paterno Signs Final Contract to Coach Until 2084

Here are some other stories from the ScrappleFace sports archive:
NBA to Give 'Dirty Kobe Money' to Charity
NFL Orders QBs to Look at Black Receivers First
PETA Defends Ball Player Who Hit Sausage
Dusty Baker Worried About President's Africa Trip
Sosa Called to Help NASA with Cork Insulation
Cubs Sue Maker of Sosa's Cork Bat For $280M
Liberia's Taylor Quits to Play Minor League Baseball
MLB Dictates Terms for Re-Admitting Rose
PLO Football Team Loses 72-0, Arafat Declares Victory
Jesse Jackson's Fantasy Football Team Loses Again

There have been others, but this will be enough to give you the false impression that ScrappleFace covers a lot of sports stories.

By the way, to read the S.I. article online, you must be an S.I. subscriber, so no direct link is possible. However, you can buy the magazine at the newsstand for only five times the subscription price per issue.

ScrappleFace is a daily news satire site. No reproductions or fascimiles of this site and its content are allowed without express written consent of the National Football League, the NCAA, Major League Baseball and Scott Ott, editor-in-chief of ScrappleFace.

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