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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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October 10, 2003
Debate: Clark Fails Democrat Litmus Test
by Scott Ott

(2003-10-10) -- Presidential candidate Wesley Clark has failed the party's litmus test, according to his opponents in last night's Democrat debate.

"The key measure of a true Democrat is whether you hate George Bush with your whole heart," said former Vermont Governor Howard Dean. "And we all have our doubts about you, General Clark. You seem lukewarm in your hatred of Bush."

Mr. Clark, who registered as a Democrat within the past month, insisted that he has opposed many Bush administration policies, but it wasn't enough to assuage the other eight candidates.

"Where were you when I was filled with loathing and rage for President Bush?" Sen. John Kerry asked Mr. Clark. "You were giving a speech about what a good job Bush was doing defending our freedoms. If you were really one of us, you would have ignored his accomplishments, and focused on accusing him of lying every time he opens his mouth...which by the way looks like a chimpanzee mouth. Monkey-mouth Bush -- that's what I like to call him."

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