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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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October 06, 2003
As Grope Count Climbs, Arnold Reaches Out to Women
by Scott Ott

(2003-10-06) -- As the grope toll for Arnold Schwarzenegger campaign continues to climb, the California gubernatorial candidate today emphasized his concern for women's issues.

"I feel for women in the workplace," said Mr. Schwarzenegger. "I am familiar with their struggles, and I hear their complaints. I have a concern for their needs that is almost palpable. I want to be a champion with women."

The Los Angeles Times reported Sunday that four more women claim that Mr. Schwarzenegger had touched them inappropriately, some as recently as the year 2000. That brings the total number of allegedly-fondled women to 15.

Mr. Schwarzenegger also issued another statement described by his campaign manager as "an apology":

"I was a bad boy, because I didn't know I was going to run for governor," he said. "So, I'm sorry for those women who are so easily offended."

"Where there's smoke there's fire," he added. "And where there's fire people get burned and have blisters and skin grafts and lifelong scars...and...I'm not sure what that means, but I'm going to clean house in Sacramento."

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