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October 02, 2003
Joe Wilson Sent to Confirm N. Korean Nukes
by Scott Ott

(2003-10-02) -- The Bush administration has sent former ambassador Joe Wilson to North Korea to determine if the communist dictatorship intends to do harm with its recently announced nuclear bomb technology.

Mr. Wilson, whose famous wife is an undercover CIA agent, said he plans to visit Pyongyang and eat kimchee with North Korean bureaucrats, and then casually ask them if they intend to "blow something up" with their nuclear bombs.

"It's the same method I used to successfully determine that Iraq didn't try to buy nukes from Niger," Mr. Wilson said. "Except instead of drinking tea, I'll eat kimchee so the North Koreans won't suspect anything. I learned that from Valerie...I mean...uh...a friend who is a CIA agent."

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