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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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October 02, 2003
OxyContin Maker Signs Limbaugh as Spokesman
by Scott Ott

(2003-10-02) -- Purdue Pharma LP of Stamford, CT, the maker Oxycontin, announced today it has signed talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh to do a series of TV and radio commercials for the popular prescription pain killer.

NewsDay reports today that Mr. Limbaugh may have purchased OxyContin and two other medications without a prescription from a former housekeeper.

"Many people have asked me how I was able to do a successful daily three hour show while loaded up on pain meds," Mr. Limbaugh said. "I'm going to love telling them about the low incidence of side-effects I enjoy while gulping dozens of OxyContin each morning. When I say I do this show with half my brain tied behind my back, I'm not kidding."

A Purdue Pharma spokesman said, "We're excited to have America's number one talk host on board. We have heard that he loves the product, and can't get enough of it. His sincerity about his own use of OxyContin will inspire others to ask their doctors or housekeepers to get some for them too."

Purdue Pharma hopes Mr. Limbaugh's image and influence will help his 20 million listeners to think of OxyContin as something more than its street name -- "hillbilly heroin".

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