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September 25, 2003
Davis to Pay for Nightly Re-Broadcast of Debate
by Scott Ott

(2003-09-25) -- California Governor Gray Davis today announced he will buy TV time to re-broadcast last night's gubernatorial debate each evening in primetime until October 7.

"My ad agency hasn't been able to come up with anything so compelling," said Mr. Davis. "The more we can see Arnold, Cruz and Arianna tearing at each other, the better my chances look. And that wacky guy from the Green party...he really reinforces the circus atmosphere aspect. I loved him."

Mr. Davis said his only concern about repeating the debate was that viewers might actually listen to state Senator Tom McClintock.

"But it's not a major concern," he added. "Voters will just continue to admire Tom, agree with Tom and vote for Arnold."

The Davis campaign also unveiled a new anti-recall slogan: "Just in case your conscience is wrong -- Vote 'No' on Recall and 'Yes' on Arnold."

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