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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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September 17, 2003
Grasso Reluctantly Accepts $75 Trillion Severance
by Scott Ott

(2003-09-17) -- The embattled chairman of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) tonight reluctantly accepted a $75 trillion severance package, unceremoniously ending Richard Grasso's 36-year career with the exchange.

During the past week, investors and government regulators have criticized Mr. Grasso for taking a $139.5 million payout of accrued benefits and tax deferred savings. It was the first time the NYSE had made public its executive's compensation, which is set by the board of directors without the chairman's input.

"It's a humiliating way to end a career," said Mr. Grasso. "The shame of it all will weigh heavily on me for years to come."

Mr. Grasso said he would spend most of the $75 trillion severance pay on "fatty foods, filter-less cigarettes and amusement park thrill rides in a futile effort to numb the pain of a shattered reputation."

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