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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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September 14, 2003
Democrat Candidates Debate New Title for Bill Clinton
by Scott Ott

(2003-09-14) -- Democrat Presidential contenders, campaigning in Iowa yesterday, vigorously debated what title they should use to refer to former President Bill Clinton.

Dick Gephardt, Dennis Kucinich, Joe Lieberman and Carol Moseley-Braun lobbied to refer to the former president as the "Dear Leader." However, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Bob Graham and John Edwards argued that Mr. Clinton should be addressed as "Exalted Leader." The Rev. Al Sharpton stood alone in insisting on calling him "The Grand Kahuna."

The White House hopefuls did agree on one thing.

"The Exalted Leader was magnanimously gracious in allowing us to share the stage with him in Iowa," said Mr. Dean. "I still can't believe I got to kiss his ring. I won't wash my lips for a month."

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