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September 12, 2003
Reruns: Bin Laden, Al Jazeera Ink Syndication Deal
by Scott Ott

(2003-09-12) -- Osama bin Laden's publicist announced today that the reclusive video star has signed a syndication deal with Al-Jazeera TV which should keep his old episodes running for "as long as he keeps running."

The deal, which involves "lots of cash and other means of support," will allow bin Laden fans to see classic episodes, known as "the dark beard series." The show will be sponsored by "Just for Men" hair coloring.

A spokesman for Al-Jazeera said, "We're overjoyed that we are able to maintain our close relationship with Osama and his organization. We plan to re-edit some of the episodes to create spin-offs like 'Ossie and Marriott', which celebrates the bombing of the hotel in Jakarta."

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