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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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September 10, 2003
Iran Prepares for U.S. Invasion in 2015
by Scott Ott

(2003-09-10) -- The government of Iran has begun preparations to resist a military invasion by the United States scheduled for the year 2015. The attack will come after 12 years of attempts to get Iran to cooperate with United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding its nuclear program.

The revelation comes as France, Germany and Britain prepare to submit a U.N. resolution calling on Iran to accelerate its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency. The IAEA alleges that Iran may be in violation of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty due to its possession of enriched uranium, and other factors.

A high-ranking Iranian official said his nation's war plans are based on a study of the history of U.S. and U.N. policy toward Iraq.

"We know the clock is ticking," said the unnamed source. "We only have so much time before the international community takes action against us."

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