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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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September 04, 2003
Senator Blames Congress for NASA Failures
by Scott Ott

(2003-09-04) -- Senator Ernest F. Hollings, D-SC, today fixed the blame for failures at NASA which resulted in the space shuttle disaster primarily on himself and his colleagues in Congress.

"Since we provide the funding and oversight for the agency, the buck stops here," said Mr. Hollings. "Far be it from the Congress to look for a scapegoat on NASA's staff, or to critique the culture. We're ultimately responsible for the culture. We play the music to which they dance."

Congress is expected to issue a formal apology to the families of shuttle astronauts accepting blame for its role in the crash.

"Leadership means taking responsibility," said Mr. Hollings. "We in Congress must be role models for America's children by doing the right thing."

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