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September 01, 2003
Gov. Davis Accidentally Re-Invented As Al Gore
by Scott Ott

(2003-09-01) -- An attempt by California Gov. Gray Davis to re-invent himself has "gone horribly wrong" according to a campaign advisor.

"The idea was to get him to be more human," said the unnamed advisor, "but it backfired and Gov. Davis actually became Al Gore. He's telling personal stories but it's like listening to an Audix voice mail system."

Indeed, in a campaign appearance early Monday, Gov. Davis told a crowd of supporters, "Please listen carefully, as our stump speech selections have recently changed. To hear how I was cut from the baseball team, press one. For my daily workout routine, press two. For my Catholic Mass attendance schedule, press three. To hear why I prefer broccoli, press four. For the heartwarming story of how I met my wife, press five. For a complete list of endearing anecdotes, press seven. If you're suffering from California's flagging economy and soaring taxes, please remain on the line for our next available governor."

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