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July 31, 2003
NY Times Links to Blogs, Scraps 'Public Editor' Idea
by Scott Ott

(2003-07-31) -- New York Times executive editor Bill Keller said today he has scrapped plans to hire a public editor as a "reader representative," and instead will link the online newspaper to a network of so-called "blogs".

Many bloggers post political and media commentary on personal web sites and often link to news stories in the Times and other news sources.

"I figured we could save some money, and get better quality by linking to blogs," said Mr. Keller, who recently took the reins of the so-called "gray lady" after a credibility scandal toppled the paper's former editor. "If we hire a public editor, he'll quickly become an insider and people will think it's just an insincere, self-serving PR move. By linking to bloggers who critique us daily, we show that we respect the free marketplace of ideas, and aren't afraid of the heat."

A spokesman for the network of bloggers said, "We'll be glad to get the increased visitor traffic, and the Times readers will be glad to get the truth...for a change."

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