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It’s Biden: Obama VP 1st Ever Announced by Text

by Scott Ott · 76 Comments

Barack Obama’s running mate announcement, captured from iPhone at 3:18 a.m.
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Tags: Politics

Obama To Conceal VP Pick Until VP is Needed

by Scott Ott · 65 Comments

(2008-08-19) — Democrat presidential hopeful Barack Obama said today that he would reveal the name of his running mate “when, and if, we ever actually need a vice president.”
Rampant speculation about Sen. Obama’s VP pick has overshadowed headlines about an Iranian rocket launch, a deadly suicide bombing in Algeria, Russia’s failure to withdraw troops from [...]


Tags: Politics

McCain Googles for VP, Rules Out Amy Winehouse

by Scott Ott · 17 Comments

(2008-06-10) — Sen. John McCain today said his Google search for a vice presidential candidate is “going well” and that so far he has definitively ruled out choosing as his running mate singer Amy Winehouse.
The McCain presidential campaign, eager for the septuagenarian to boost his appeal among young voters, vetted the five-time Grammy winning singer [...]


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