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Spurned Hillary Mulls 3rd-Party White House Bid

by Scott Ott · 39 Comments

(2008-08-24) — Stung by the fact that Sen. Barack Obama neither considered her as running mate nor sought her advice on whom to choose, Sen. Hillary Clinton may take a page from Teddy Roosevelt’s playbook, and head up a third-party ticket to “teach that kid a lesson.”
In 1912 Mr. Roosevelt rejected a corrupt Republican [...]


Tags: Politics

It’s Biden: Obama VP 1st Ever Announced by Text

by Scott Ott · 76 Comments

Barack Obama’s running mate announcement, captured from iPhone at 3:18 a.m.
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Obama To Conceal VP Pick Until VP is Needed

by Scott Ott · 65 Comments

(2008-08-19) — Democrat presidential hopeful Barack Obama said today that he would reveal the name of his running mate “when, and if, we ever actually need a vice president.”
Rampant speculation about Sen. Obama’s VP pick has overshadowed headlines about an Iranian rocket launch, a deadly suicide bombing in Algeria, Russia’s failure to withdraw troops from [...]


Tags: Politics

LEAKED: Obama VP-Vetting Question List

by Scott Ott · 11 Comments

(2008-08-18) — Despite secrecy measures reminiscent of the Bush-Cheney administration, a list of questions, allegedly used to screen potential running mates for Democrat presidential hopeful Barack Obama, has leaked to the news media from a source close to Caroline Kennedy, the leader of his vice presidential search team.
Aides have told The New York Times that [...]


Tags: Politics