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Obama Agrees to Union Rules for Arena Rally

by Scott Ott · 13 Comments

(2007-12-08) — After learning that a campaign event had been booked at a non-unionized venue, Democrat presidential contender Sen. Barack Obama today announced an 11th-hour deal to avert picketing by the local union representing stage hands in exchange for the candidate’s personal pledge to observe union rules while at the arena.
The rally, featuring media star [...]


Tags: Business · Politics

Hollywood Writers Strike Panned, Ratings Tank

by Scott Ott · 57 Comments

(2007-11-06) — Critics slammed the new strike by the Writers Guild of America (WGA), which debuted Monday, calling it “unimaginative,” “derivative” and “a tired rehash of previous work by other unions.”
Variety, the daily newspaper for the entertainment industry, excoriated the WGA strike for what it called “monotonous, repetitive dialog, and a bunch of boring characters [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism

Teachers Union Touts Productivity of ‘Dropout Factories’

by Scott Ott · 101 Comments

(2007-10-30) — With a new study showing that more than 1-in-10 U.S. public high schools has a dropout rate of 40 percent or more, the National Education Association (NEA) today hailed its union members, “who work hard everyday in America’s highly-productive dropout factories.”
“We make a measurable difference in the lives of kids,” said an unnamed [...]


Tags: Education