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Hillary Lists Non-Assassination Reasons to Keep Running

by Scott Ott · 24 Comments

(2008-05-26) — Sen. Hillary Clinton, in a further attempt to distance herself from her recent remarks about Robert F. Kennedy’s White House bid, released a list of other circumstances that provide the rationale for her staying in the race for the Democrat presidential nomination.

Handed to reporters aboard her campaign’s flagship Toyota Prius, the list of [...]


Tags: Politics

Hillary Raises RFK, D-Day as Reasons to Stay in Race

by Scott Ott · 36 Comments

(2008-05-24) — Just a day after citing the persistence of Robert F. Kennedy’s presidential campaign as justification for her to remain in the race for the Democrat nomination, Sen. Hillary Clinton noted that the U.S. victory over Hitler’s Germany “didn’t really get started until June.”

Sen. Clinton, in an interview aboard her financially-strapped campaign’s flagship Toyota [...]


Tags: Politics