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Russia to Defeat US Missile Shield with Trigger Locks

by Scott Ott · 8 Comments

(2008-08-21) — Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, speaking on behalf of former President Vladimir Putin, today threatened that if the United States deploys its missile defense shield in Poland, Russia’s response “will go beyond diplomacy.”

“We cannot stand by as America places defensive weapons within hundreds of miles of our offensive nuclear missiles,” said Mr. Medvedev. “Our [...]


Tags: Global News

Iran Making 'Wireless Atomic Energy' Not Nuke Missiles

by Scott Ott · 39 Comments

(2008-05-27) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in response to an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report accusing his government of withholding information about its nuclear program, today suggested that Iran may be pioneering development of “wireless atomic energy” that could “ultimately end dependence on oil” in some countries.
The IAEA report alleges that Iran has refused [...]


Tags: Global News

NIE on Iran Nukes Offers Money Back If Wrong

by Scott Ott · 41 Comments

(2007-12-08) — A little-noticed paragraph in the latest controversial National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran’s nuclear capabilities notes that if the report’s authors are wrong in concluding that Iran ceased its nuclear weapons program in 2003, they’ll refund the cost of the report.
“We’re so confident in our findings,” wrote intelligence analyst Thomas Fingar, “that if [...]


Tags: Global News

Bush, Putin Agree: Iran Seeks Peace with Nukes

by Scott Ott · 48 Comments

(2007-10-16) — President George Bush today agreed with Russian President Vladimir Putin that Iran’s pursuit of nuclear technology is “ultimately aimed at a lasting peace.”
Mr. Putin, visiting Tehran for talks with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, defended Iran’s right to “peaceful nuclear activities“.
Mr. Bush said he agrees with his Russian counterpart that Mr. Ahmadinejad “has been [...]


Tags: Global News