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Gov. Paterson Admits to Dope, Coke, Grassy Knoll Shots

by Scott Ott · 72 Comments

(2008-03-25) — New York Gov. David Paterson, who replaced disgraced former Gov. Eliot Spitzer this month, today added to his previous revelations of marital infidelity, and marijuana and cocaine use, by claiming that he has also sniffed glue, tagged subway cars with graffiti, bet on dog fights, driven with his seatbelt unbuckled while talking on [...]


Tags: Law · Politics

Hillary Backs Spitzer Dropping Illegal Alien License Plan

by Scott Ott · 35 Comments

(2007-11-14) — Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton today said she supports New York Gov. Elliot Spitzer’s decision to drop his plan to issue driver’s licenses to illegal aliens as vigorously as she had backed his effort to issue such licenses in the first place.

“I support what governors are trying to do to address illegal [...]


Tags: Politics

Hillary Mulls Supporting Illegal Alien Pilot License

by Scott Ott · 53 Comments

(2007-11-01) — As Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton continues to work round the clock with advisers to determine exactly how she feels about granting automobile driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, the Senator today announced she may support New York Gov. Elliot Spitzer’s new proposal to allow undocumented workers to receive airline transport pilot certification from [...]


Tags: U.S. News

Bush Denies Ahmadinejad Visited New York

by Scott Ott · 70 Comments

(2007-09-26) — President George Bush today denied that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ever visited New York City and said there’s “no definitive evidence” that he spoke at Columbia University or the United Nations this week.
“If it had happened it would have been horrible — a crime against humanity,” said Mr. Bush, “But I can assure [...]


Tags: U.S. News