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Thompson: Political Reporters Lack 'Fire in the Belly'

by Scott Ott · 69 Comments

(2008-01-02) — Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson today questioned whether political reporters covering the race for the White House have enough ambition for the job.
“Most of these journalists seem to lack what you might call fire in the belly,” said the former Tennessee senator. “When’s the last time you read an in-depth story about what [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics

Huckabee Unveils Dirt He Won't Use Against Rivals

by Scott Ott · 40 Comments

(2008-01-01) — To further demonstrate his commitment to a positive campaign strategy, Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee today showed reporters a Powerpoint presentation of opposition research that his staff has compiled against his top GOP rivals and announced he would not be using any of it in his effort to win his party’s nomination.
The revelations [...]


Tags: Politics

Hillary Prescribes 'Plan B' for Obama Post-Iowa

by Scott Ott · 37 Comments

(2007-12-12) — With the Iowa caucuses just three weeks away, advisers to Sen. Hillary Clinton say their original plan to deal with rival Barack Obama by ignoring him — a strategy dubbed “total abstinence” — has clearly failed.
Faced with the very real possibility that Sen. Obama could win in Iowa, and thus become anything [...]


Tags: Politics