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BREAKING: Zawahiri Dead, Global Warming Suspected

by Scott Ott · 125 Comments

(2008-08-02) — CBS News foreign affairs correspondent Lara Logan, in an exclusive, Friday reported that al Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri may be dead, and a local Taliban leader blames global warming.

According to a letter from the Taliban official, “Dr. Zawahiri was enjoying a meal when the earth suddenly heated up by several thousand degrees,” said [...]


Tags: Global News

Bush Welcomes Gore with Low-Carbon Ceremony

by Scott Ott · 38 Comments

(2007-11-26) — President George Bush today demonstrated that he can be gracious to his defeated opponents by welcoming former presidential rival Al Gore to the White House with a low-carbon ceremony to celebrate Mr. Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize for publicizing man-made global warming.
The day’s events began when the White House sent an ox cart to [...]


Tags: Science · U.S. News

Bush Touts Hillary's Experience in White House, Senate

by Scott Ott · 72 Comments

(2007-11-21) — President George Bush told ABC News anchor Charlie Gibson this week that Sen. Hillary Clinton’s White House and Senate experience make her the Democrat candidate best prepared to face the Republican presidential nominee in 2008.
“In the White House, First Lady Clinton worked side-by-side with Vice President Al Gore, who I defeated in 2000,” [...]


Tags: Politics

Gore Wins Nobel Prize, High Court Gives It to Bush

by Scott Ott · 43 Comments

(2007-10-12) — Although former Vice President Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize this week for his work as a global-warming performance artist, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled early today that President George Bush would receive the gold medal, the diploma and the $750,000.
Mr. Bush, who was narrowly defeated by Mr. Gore in the 2000 [...]


Tags: Global News · Politics