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Fred Drops Out, Will Announce in June on Leno

by Scott Ott · 45 Comments

(2008-01-22) — One of the most highly-anticipated withdrawals from the Republican presidential field seems all but certain today, with the release of a terse written statement by former Sen. Fred Thompson.
However, disappointed conservatives may have to wait several months for a personal announcement that he’s abandoning his White House bid.
At least one close associate [...]


Tags: Politics

Fred Surges on News Hillary Could 'Whup' Him

by Scott Ott · 73 Comments

(2008-01-15) — The nomination of Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson today took on an air of inevitability, after the former senator from Tennessee announced that he believes Sen. Hillary Clinton could “whup my caboose” in the general election.
“You political journalism types flock to the guys you think Sen. Clinton could beat,” Mr. Thompson told the [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics

Fred Thompson Pulls Out of Presidential Polling

by Scott Ott · 24 Comments

(2008-01-14) — Republican Fred Thompson announced today he has pulled out of the race to set pre-primary expectations through media-driven political polling.
Former Sen. Thompson said he’s committed to winning the Republican nomination for president, and then the White House, but would no longer allow his name to stand in public opinion polls funded by newspapers [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics

Thompson: Political Reporters Lack 'Fire in the Belly'

by Scott Ott · 69 Comments

(2008-01-02) — Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson today questioned whether political reporters covering the race for the White House have enough ambition for the job.
“Most of these journalists seem to lack what you might call fire in the belly,” said the former Tennessee senator. “When’s the last time you read an in-depth story about what [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics

Huckabee Unveils Dirt He Won't Use Against Rivals

by Scott Ott · 40 Comments

(2008-01-01) — To further demonstrate his commitment to a positive campaign strategy, Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee today showed reporters a Powerpoint presentation of opposition research that his staff has compiled against his top GOP rivals and announced he would not be using any of it in his effort to win his party’s nomination.
The revelations [...]


Tags: Politics

Fred Fundraiser Targets $6M in Guns Pre-Christmas

by Scott Ott · 23 Comments

(2007-12-17) — Republican Presidential candidate Fred Thompson today, upon hearing that rival Ron Paul’s supporters had raised $6 million in 24 hours to commemorate the Boston Tea Party, called on his supporters to match that figure in gun purchases before Christmas to mark George Washington’s victory at the Battle of Trenton.
“I’m tired of running around [...]


Tags: Politics

DNC: Adviser’s Criminal Past Shows Thompson Is Lazy

by Scott Ott · 20 Comments

(2007-11-04) — The revelation that one of Fred Thompson’s four presidential campaign co-chairmen was busted for drugs within the past 25 years “simply goes to show how lazy Thompson is,” according to a source at the Democrat National Committee (DNC).
“When you hear that Fred has a top supporter with a criminal record more than two [...]


Tags: Politics

Dull Fred Thompson May Hire Political Stunt Double

by Scott Ott · 28 Comments

(2007-10-04) — As the mainstream media continue to pan Fred Thompson’s performances on the presidential campaign trail, an unnamed spokesman for the Law & Order TV star said the candidate may decide to hire “a political stunt double.”
“Fred learned in Hollywood that you do what you do best, and leave the rest to people who [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics