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Hillary Sorry for Backer's Hussein-Obama Reference

by Scott Ott · 39 Comments

(2007-12-18) — Former presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton today apologized to rival Barack Obama for any offense he may have taken from the way former Sen. Bob Kerry endorsed her candidacy this week.
Mr. Kerrey, who ran for president in 1992, in his endorsement remarks mentioned that Sen. Obama’s middle name is Hussein and that [...]


Tags: Politics

Newspapers, Telegraph Firm Endorse Prez Candidates

by Scott Ott · 16 Comments

(2007-12-16) — Senators John McCain, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton this week picked up endorsements from the Des Moines Register and Boston Globe newspapers, as well as backing from the Western Union Telegraph Company and Wells Fargo Stage Coach.
The candidates hope these influential political endorsements boost them to victory in Iowa and New Hampshire, even [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics