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Clinton Touts New Slogan: America, Here's Your Change

by Scott Ott · 30 Comments

(2008-01-05) — Buoyed by “a great night for Democrats” in Iowa, Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign took the enthusiasm generated by her strong third-place finish into New Hampshire where she hopes voters will expand her party’s mandate for change.
The Clinton campaign unveiled it’s 11th new slogan in as many weeks — a phrase designed to tap [...]


Tags: Politics

Huckabee, Obama End Divisiveness, Unite Campaigns

by Scott Ott · 33 Comments

(2008-01-04) — Iowa presidential caucus winners Mike Huckabee and Barack Obama today announced at a joint news conference in New Hampshire that “the partisan divisiveness which has torn our land is dead.”
The new Democrat and Republican frontrunners have decided to unite their two campaigns under one banner to “overthrow the military-industrial complex, crush greedy [...]


Tags: Politics

Hillary: Too Early to Talk About Withdrawal

by Scott Ott · 9 Comments

(2008-01-02) — Former presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton today reaffirmed her commitment to her White House bid in the face of polls showing she could finish as low as second or third in Thursday’s Iowa caucuses.
Reprising her campaign announcement speech, Sen. Clinton said, “I’m in, and I’m in to win. But it all depends [...]


Tags: Politics