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Tancredo to Keep Running, Violate Election Laws

by Scott Ott · 25 Comments

(2007-12-20) — While widely expected to end his White House bid today, legal-immigration champion Rep. Tom Tancredo reportedly has an alternative plan that calls for staying in the race for the Republican nomination by violating the restrictive campaign funding laws that have thus far relegated him to also ran status.
According to an aide, instead of [...]


Tags: Politics

Edwards Takes Public Cash to Identify with Poor

by Scott Ott · 32 Comments

(2007-09-27) — In a reversal of a previous decision, Democrat presidential candidate John Edwards announced Thursday that his campaign would accept public funding “as a matter of principle to demonstrate that I identify with the poor and downtrodden who live in the second America.”
The decision, which Mr. Edwards noted is “consistent with my previous statements [...]


Tags: Politics