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Feds to Raid Isolated, Black-Robed California Sect

by Scott Ott · 169 Comments

(2008-05-16) — Federal agents and National Guard troops surrounded the gleaming white temple-like San Francisco enclave of an isolationist sect after the black-robed “high priests” of the group yesterday declared themselves to be above the laws of the state of California.

In a move reminiscent of recent raids on polygamist compounds elsewhere, authorities prepared to seize [...]


Tags: Law

Next, FEMA Plans to Stage “Natural” Disasters

by Scott Ott · 41 Comments

(2007-10-29) — With the success of last week’s simulated news conference on the California wildfires by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), mid-level bureaucrats at the disaster-relief agency have reportedly initiated plans to stage “natural” disasters as well.
The imitation news briefing, which featured FEMA employees pretending to be genuine journalists, was “just a test run [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism