ScrappleFace: News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher  

Why Subscribe?

Why Subscribe to ScrappleFace Updates
Tired of coming to only to find that the inherently-lazy vast editorial staff has failed to post any new stories since last time? Tired of hitting that refresh button and finding nothing but re-runs? Perhaps it’s time you subscribed to ScrappleFace Updates.

There are three ways to subscribe:
1) email (more about this in a moment)
2) RSS (see the note way at the bottom of this page if you even know what RSS means)
3) Twitter (just click the link, then “Join”), or learn more.

1) Subscribe to ScrappleFace Updates by Email
Each time we post a new story, within minutes, you’ll get an email alert with the headline and an excerpt from the story, along with a link so you can read the rest if you wish. Of course, email is easy to delete…not that you would ever, ever do that to an email from ScrappleFace before clicking the link to read the rest of the story.

In addition, when you subscribe you also get a periodic ScrappleFace newsletter by email with the 10 most recent stories. Forwarding the newsletter to a friend is a great way to share the love, deepen that relational bond, or perhaps even discourage that certain someone from speaking with you ever again.

We’ll also keep you up-to-date on Scott Ott’s other projects, including columns at, videos at YouTube and public speaking events.

Your Email is Safe with Us: We’ll never share it, sell it, or whisper it to Bob Woodward in a D.C. parking garage.

Test It Out: The only thing easier than subscribing to ScrappleFace updates is unsubscribing. Each email comes with a cancel link should you decide that being among the first to know is not right for you.

There’s a little form like this in the upper right corner of every ScrappleFace page, or you can use this one right now.

2) Subscribe to ScrappleFace Updates by RSS
RSS means Really Simple Syndication…which is a big fat lie because most people still think it’s a really complicated concept. (They should call it RCC.)
If you already use RSS feeds, then all you need is this link to add ScrappleFace to the feeds you read. Of course, you may prefer to click this obscure, universally-recognized icon instead.

If you’re new to RSS, here’s the basic idea: Instead of having to visit all of the webpages you normally read each day, and navigate through all of their ads and pictures, you can just get the most recent headlines for all of your favorite sites, all on one page. It allows you to skim a large quantity of news, and read only what you want, thus saving time.

Scott Ott uses Google Reader, which is particularly easy if you already have a Gmail account. This allows him to get the top news of the day from dozens of websites in just a few minutes. If a headline, and a brief excerpt, piques your curiosity, click it to go to the website and read the rest.

3) Subscribe to ScrappleFace via Twitter

Twitter is a free service let’s you “follow” ScrappleFace and editor Scott Ott through brief updates you can receive on a webpage, via text messages on your cell phone, with a free Twitter-friendly program like Twhirl or Tweetdeck, or on your iPhone with Twittelator, available free in the App Store.

When the vast editorial staff posts a story, it automatically issues a “tweet” that includes the headline, and a link to the story for ScrappleFace followers. Twitter followers of ScrappleFace also get occasional satirical headlines that never appear on ScrappleFace as well as updates about Scott Ott.

Whether you subscribe to ScrappleFace via email, RSS or Twitter, or you just visit the webpage the way our grandparents did before the war, we’re grateful that you have chosen to invest your time with us.

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