ScrappleFace: News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher  


ScrappleFace: News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report You Decipher was first created in July 2002 by former journalist Scott Ott.

Scott Ott, editor, ScrappleFace.comThat’s right…he’s the same Scott Ott, you know as a dynamic public speaker available through Premiere Speakers Bureau, who’s also an accomplished voiceover artist, and a published author.

The daily conservative news satire site burst into public prominence in January 2003 thanks to a story in which then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld repeatedly apologized for referring to France and Germany as an ‘Axis of Weasels‘. The story spawned a some-selling book of the same name, as well as the dubious distinction of earning one of two ScrappleFace entries at the myth-busting site

In its first five years, ScrappleFace entertained and informed nearly 11 million visitors, and became marginally-famous thanks to laudatory attention from…
Rush Limbaugh

  • Audio Rave 10-23-06

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  • 9-25-2007 Audio (related to this story)

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  • 10-12-2007 Audio & Transcript (related to this story)

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  • 8-6-2008 Audio & Rush References ScrappleFace and The Onion

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  • 11-10-2008

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  • 6-10-2009

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  • 8-25-2010

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Glenn Beck [07-13-2005 Audio Rave]

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Mark Levin [11-30-2006 Audio Rave]

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Hugh Hewitt
Glenn Reynolds at
James Taranto at
William Kristol, Richard Starr and Philip Chalk at The Weekly Standard
Michelle Malkin
Ed Morrissey at Captain’s Quarters Blog
[..and literally thousands of blogs and websites around the globe]
Not to mention…
Sports Illustrated
The Philadelphia Inquirer
The Sydney Morning Herald
Mike Gallagher
Jim Wood
Bobby Gunther Walsh
Mike Koolidge
Michael Medved
Kevin Nelson
World Magazine
[...ok, enough already!]

Well, perhaps a bit more. Here are some gracious words from magnanimous folks who read ScrappleFace.

“ is one of the best parody sites. In fact, it’s created in my own image. This is EIB quality stuff. Scott Ott is hilarious. It’s the kind of stuff that didn’t even exist 15 years ago. But there is a problem with it, at least for me. I want to steal the stuff I see there. But I don’t. I just laugh myself silly.”
-Rush Limbaugh, EIB Network

“ is one of the funniest news sites on the Web and a frequent source of inspiration for my Best of the Web Today column.”

-James Taranto, editor,

“Scott Ott rocks!”
- Glenn Reynolds,

“ScrappleFace’s greatest hits collection is a must-have. Axis of Weasels provides page after page of on-target humor for the post-Sept. 11 age. Bring. It. On.”
- Michelle Malkin, syndicated columnist/author

“Scrappleface is smart, quick, engaged relief for both the intense and casual news watcher. SF appreciates many of the ironies and subtleties of our 24/7 too-much-information existence-thankfully!”
-Kathryn Jean Lopez, editor, National Review Online

“Scrappleface is the funniest news satire site ever. It brings far more tears to my eyes than any Onion.”
-Richard Starr, managing editor, The Weekly Standard

“‘Fools are my theme, let satire be my song.’ That was Lord Byron, almost two centuries ago. But it could be Scott Ott, aka ScrappleFace, today. Our age provides a multitude of fools, and, as you will see in this book, Scott Ott sings most merrily away.”

- William Kristol, Editor, The Weekly Standard

Technical Details: runs on WordPress 2.5, and is hosted by Dayton Creative.

Legal: All content of this site is property of Scott Ott. Each story is copyright © Scott Ott in the year it was written. All rights reserved. To request permission to use ScrappleFace stories in print or broadcast media, write Scott Ott. When posting excerpts of ScrappleFace material to your website, blog, forum or other internet medium, please use only a brief excerpt and link to the original ScrappleFace story. Please do not excerpt the entire story.

This site, its logo, banner, slogan and all other creative matter belongs to Scott Ott.


8 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Hawkeye // Sep 27, 2007 at 7:59 am


    In my opinion, ScrappleFace is without a doubt THE BEST satire site on the web… and you’re up against some pretty stiff competition. I’m honored to have met you Face2Face.

  • 2 Pros and Cons » A “crumbling coalition” “withers! // Oct 10, 2007 at 1:56 pm

    [...] in the world (despitesea-changes in attitudes in France and Germany, two of the leading members of The Axis of Weasels, as well as in Canada and other nations more numerous than prominent chicken of honor, Spain). I [...]

  • 3 mig // Nov 30, 2007 at 12:36 pm

    This site is a life-preserver in a political climate that insists you drown yourself.

  • 4 onlineanalyst // Aug 7, 2008 at 7:11 pm

    It was a link from “Best of the Web” that led me to Scrappleface. This experience occurred well before the 2004 election.

    My introduction to Scott Ott’s blog led me to becoming the political junkie that I am today. It also comforted me to know that there are other conservatives (with great senses of humor) out there across our country. The liberal media can make a thinking person feel quite alone.

    Such fun! Such sanity in an absurd world!

    Scrappleface introduced me to a terrific community of cyber-friends, all thinkers and all witty in uniqe ways.

    One of my happier memories is having Maestro Ott (and his lovely family) join a number of us commenters last year in the Scrappleface Face2Face Rally.

    Keep that Scrappleface Express fired up, Scott. With you and Rush Limbaugh, we conservatives have a fighting chance to correct the aberrations of the Left… and laugh as we watch their flimsy house of cards tumble into a dust heap.

  • 5 Global Dashboard » North America South Asia » Classy // Feb 3, 2009 at 12:04 pm

    [...] people reported dead in Pakistan and Scrappleface - the right-wing answer to the Onion - sees an opportunity to use its wit to settle some political scores. Nice. As the [...]

  • 6 Mixwerk // Jan 28, 2010 at 10:45 am

    I just heart of scrappleface and I really love it, Thanks

  • 7 » Assuming I’m bribable // Jun 17, 2011 at 8:15 am

    [...] just wish I had something as amusing as old ScrappleFace himself, Scott Ott, who once vowed that all contributions would go to “the National Endowment [...]

  • 8 rawfulnews // Oct 14, 2011 at 12:05 am

    Pretty good. Love The Onion, but I'm glad there's other talented satire out there. (of course besides me too).

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