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Iraqi Public: “We Don’t Deserve Freedom”

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-09-24) — Four out of five Iraqi’s believe they don’t deserve freedom, and if Saddam Hussein were toppled they “would really louse things up, big time.”
The results of the latest Iraqi public opinion poll bolster New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof’s view that the U.S. should leave Hussein in power, because the aftermath of regime change could include vigilante justice against Saddam’s former supporters, and even civil war.
“We can’t handle freedom,” said one Iraqi poll respondent. “We are stupider than the people in the rest of the world. We would make decisions against our best interest. That’s why we deserve to be ruled by an iron-fisted dictator.”
Mr. Kristof said, “History shows that regime change is a horrible business. Look at the U.S. and Britain. If the colonies hadn’t thrown off the yoke of tyranny, they never would have had that awful civil war. I’m trying to save the Iraqi people from the same mistake.”

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