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Whale Hunt Resumes, Icelandic Taxidermists Rejoice

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments

(2003-08-17) — As Icelandic whalers begin their first legal hunt since 1989, the nation’s taxidermists are preparing for boom times.
“Since whale kills have become so rare,” said one unnamed taxidermist, “these hunters are going to want to have their trophies stuffed and mounted to hang over their mantles.”
While taxidermists say that most hunters will likely want to display only the head, due to the substantial cost, some will want the entire mammal carcass preserved.
“The Minke whale grows up to 30 feet long, which is too big for display in most Icelandic homes,” said the taxidermist. “But I can do what I call a ’sectional’ which allows the hunter to hang the head on one wall, the body on another and the tail on a third. It’s considered really cutting edge in the industry.”

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