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U.S. Sorry About Koran Burning, Santorum Speaks of Satan, Obama Sings the Blues

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story


SCOTT OTT: It’s Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012, and this is news.
A half dozen are dead and dozens more wounded as thousands of Afghans continue to riot over the accidental burning of some copies of the Koran at a NATO military base in Afghanistan. The Muslim books were apparently being used by prisoners in the library as note paper to pass radical messages among fellow jihadists. A U.S. military commander expressed his deep regret at the desecration of the Islamic scriptures, promised to discipline those responsible, and to buy new copies of the Koran so Muslim extremists who want to kill us will still have easy access to the message of the prophet (peace be upon him) that tells them to kill us.

A recording of Rick Santorum speaking in a church in 2008 shows him saying that Satan attacks the United States, and even mainline Protestant churches. The recently-leaked recording has created quite a stir on the presidential campaign trail, where journalists are eager to write stories that don’t involve numbers, math, or words like deficit and debt.

Meanwhile, White House spokesman Jay Carney said Satan is NOT attacking the nation or the church, that he merely wants to help, but that he probably doesn’t exist anyway.

President Obama’s singing career continued last night at the White House as he crooned along with blues legend BB King and Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger.

(SOT OBAMA SINGS ‘Come on, baby don’t you want to go…Sweet Home Chicago’)

SCOTT OTT: Overnight polling shows a majority of Americans support the President’s travel plans.

And finally today, a 100-year-old menu from the last lunch served in first-class on the RMS Titanic is expected to fetch at least $157,000 at auction in April. The sumptuous meal was served on the afternoon before the ‘unsinkable’ Titanic struck an iceberg and went to the bottom of the Atlantic.
A White House spokesman suggested First Lady Michelle Obama might even bid on the Titanic menu, since it represents one of the few vacation trips she won’t get a chance to take.
For PJ News Break, I’m Scott Ott. Click on PJTV dot com throughout the day for your antidote to the obsolete media.

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