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Obama: Palin Book Shows Need for Public Option

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 25 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

Decrying the lack of “choice and competition” in the U.S. memoir market, President Obama today backed a House bill to create a “single-writer public option” autobiography to serve the needs of an estimated 47 million Americans who can’t afford Sarah Palin’s $28.99 hardcover “Going Rogue.”

[READ THE REST at The Washington Examiner]

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25 responses so far ↓

  • 1 camojack // Nov 17, 2009 at 12:50 pm

    "Dreams of audacity"?

  • 2 ChileSerrano // Nov 17, 2009 at 6:36 pm

    boberin : I don't see any comment by you on the last thread about hunger - nor a "steady stream of insults, accusations and denials" either. Whatever are you talking about ?

    p.s. My comment to you on that thread ('nitpicking' etc.), BTW, was a response to a comment you made about comments disappearing … which, strangely, has also disappeared ( cue Twilight Zone theme music … )

  • 3 Upnorthlurkin // Nov 17, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    That you are still under the impression (mistaken) that you can come here spewing your bleeding heart liberal talking points and flog us with them is just insane….. We will always believe our sources, you will believe yours. You refuse to accept our ideals, we refuse to accept yours. I'm frankly tired of pulling the wagon which keeps filling up with more and more (victims) people who are able to pull but who choose not to! I long ago accepted the fact there are those who are unable to take care of themselves, but their numbers are few. I reject the liberal view that people are for the most part, helpless and worse, too stupid to take good care of themselves. I also reject the notion that life is fair….or is supposed to be fair. Hard work and sacrifice should be rewarded, laziness and sloth should not. People make choices all the time….some good some not. I'm willing to give a hand up….I don't beleive in making things fair by dragging the top down! And your attempt at sarcasm is silly….

  • 4 Upnorthlurkin // Nov 17, 2009 at 6:56 pm

    And I didn't hear a single uhhhh, or ahhhh! Refreshing! Quick thinking, articulate….now if only she were a half black man….. oh, never mind…!

  • 5 CallMeShelly // Nov 17, 2009 at 8:09 pm

    For a woman the liberal hates they sure love talking about her. I wonder if they ever thought that if they just quit harping on her people would forget who she is.

    Sure glad they don't

  • 6 Upnorthlurkin // Nov 17, 2009 at 9:58 pm

    Democrats let us know who they fear (our Sara-cuda) by obsessing about her! (Same with Rush) If they/she is/are so insignificant, why the constant attention?! Rush dared MSNBC to go a week without mentioning his name….. they couldn't make it a day! It's hilarious! And I think believe should be spelled "i" before the "e" … my previous post.

  • 7 Upnorthlurkin // Nov 17, 2009 at 10:30 pm

    Borrowed from BO's Teleprompter's blog…

    Alas the Great Capitulator

    AKA America Hater

    He said with a bow

    I want to be Mao

    When greeting the Chinese Dictator

  • 8 onlineanalyst // Nov 17, 2009 at 6:35 pm

    Rush just now finished a super interview with Sarah Palin and the topics discussed focused on policy postions, not the nonsense that the media like to push. Whatever role she chooses to pursue politically, she is an excellent promoter of common-sense solutions, proven during her own tenure in various leadership positions..

  • 9 CallMeShelly // Nov 17, 2009 at 10:49 pm

    When we awoke and rubbed the sleep from our eyes during the Carter Administration a new figure rose from the horizon named Reagan. Many who first heard his vision for America may not have trusted him because we saw our country so been beaten down. But soon his words made sense and those, who at first, thought him strange soon began to listen.

    Regan, to many, became one of our most loved president. Now Governor Palin has her voice. Much like Regan many have not figured out if they like her, trust her or even appreciate her wisdom. Will time give her the opportunity to be heard? Will she grow in the hearts of Americans? I don't have the answer but remember how it took a season for Regan to be appreciated.

    "Nuff said

  • 10 onlineanalyst // Nov 18, 2009 at 12:23 am

    OT: "6.4 Billion Dollars Spent in Phantom Districts":

    Did it go to "phantom" ACORN or SEIU coffers?

  • 11 RAM1 // Nov 18, 2009 at 2:42 am

    Perhaps everyone, (INCLUDING YOU!!), should go back and look at my response to you to see your flat out SPIN here?

    I did not throw any insults, I DID doubt the validity of your link AND the "fact", (as you call it), that your percentage, (14%, wasn't it?), of Americans that go hungry!

    If you read my response, then WHY did you not answer my question asking for JUST ONE link to Americans starving in America???

    As I stated there, this was a poll controlled by the liberals who ran it with a "foggy" question about "getting enough to eat"!

    I bet you could ask Michael Moore, Rosie, or Oprah after EVERY meal, "Have you had enough to eat?, and get the same response that the 14% gave on your "poll"!

    Similar to asking Obama and the lib Congress if they are "getting enough tax dollars". Guess what that answer would be?

    I HAVE to ask boberin, why not answer me there instead of dragging that topic to this thread??? I think I know the answer, but will give you, the benefit of the doubt UNLESS you do not answer!

    I REALLY want to know!!!

  • 12 RAM1 // Nov 18, 2009 at 2:53 am

    I have to say, boberin is becoming just ljke Obama! He cried about people giving him a "thumbs down", so I stopped doing that, (even though I SHOULDN'T have! Isn't that what it is for? whether we agree or disagree?), now it seems he has gone one step farther, to cry that he is being mistreated, when ALL I said on the last thread was his "poll" was done SELECTIVELY with a "fuzzy" question!!!

    PLEASE go back and read my response.

    Funny how when confronted by you and OLA, he heaps praise and says, Oh no, not you, just those OTHER meanies!

    Infiltrate, ACT like you are "one of them", then divide! lol

    What a "TOOL" he is!!!

  • 13 ChileSerrano // Nov 18, 2009 at 3:24 am

    boberin : just my $0.02 on the "hunger" issue - have you perhaps seen any of the periodic stories on TV dealing with the epidemic of obesity in America ? Accompanied by appropriately grotesque images ( huge, blubbery, enormous adults with sagging rolls of flesh drooping from various places on their bodies, and children who look like parodies of the Michelin Man? Those stories ? ) Were you assuming that those people were all rich, evil capitalists or something ? Just curious …

  • 14 camojack // Nov 18, 2009 at 6:22 am

    boberin opined:
    Interesting. I comment on the last thread about how many Americans are hungry and I get a steady stream of insults, accusations and denials (with OLA being, as usual, the shining exception)

    Let's review, shall we? Here's what you posted in the aforementioned "last thread":

    "15% of Americans go w/o enough food on a regular basis. Might be time to let go of a few grudges and concentrate on helping ourselves…"

    OK, what portion of that alleged 15% of Americans who "go w/o enough food on a regular basis" are eligible for assistance programs but don't take advantage of them? What portion are drug abusers who trade their food stamps for the drugs they abuse? The foregoing are actual factors for which you have failed to account. In point of fact, nobody in these here United States needs to go hungry. Reality bites! Deal with it…

  • 15 RAM1 // Nov 18, 2009 at 7:01 am

    If you haven't heard Lindsey Graham is FOR the "c(r)ap and traitor" legislation. The more I see R.I.N.O. Graham, the more I wonder if maybe he meant to make the same "move" as Arlen Spector but maybe just forgot?

    Then again, maybe he thinks he is being "stealth" about it and "we stupid Americans" just won't notice he has joined the enemy?

    I actually have/had more respect for someone like Ted Kennedy, who at least stood for his beliefs, no matter how wrong they were. Graham is a self serving "tool"!

    He deserves to be tarred and feathered right beside this scumbag:

  • 16 camojack // Nov 18, 2009 at 1:49 pm

    Even if I were to believe the Inquirer, 50% getting food stamps means they shouldn't be going hungry then, huh? Unless of course, those food stamps get traded for other…"commodities", shall we say? Anyway, don't believe everything you read in the newspapers. I certainly do not

  • 17 RAM1 // Nov 18, 2009 at 11:22 pm

    Just like the other stories, they are ALL from news sources that LEAN, (about to fall over), with your liberal, Obama backing SPIN!

    Funny how your side can laugh at EVERYTHING Fox News reports and then point to trumped up spin acticles from the liberal media as GOSPEL, (not that you actually believe in the ACTUAL GOSPEL! lol

    BTW. I am through RESPONDING to you as you have proved to me for the last time you are only here to cause trouble!

    Please note, I did NOT say I wouldn't call you out on false information you supply, simply that I will not reply to your childish rebuttals!

  • 18 RAM1 // Nov 18, 2009 at 11:42 pm

    Since boberin won't answer this request from me: Give me a link to just ONE (1) story of ANYONE dying of starvation in America?, that I have asked him now for the THIRD time, I am through answering requests for info, links, ANYTHING from him!!!

    AND I am also through even reading the "spin" story links to "Americans who go hungry every day" boberin posts!

    Maybe with all the left wing loony websites out there, he may ACTUALLY find a "starving link" though? ;-)

  • 19 RAM1 // Nov 18, 2009 at 11:56 pm

    Daily Presidential Poll at Rasmussen=Record low!

    Strongly disapprove versus strongly approve is -14!!!

    Obama is making Jimmy Carter look good, and that is NOT "good" for America!

    Too bad America cannot have a recall election like they do for Governors.

  • 20 camojack // Nov 19, 2009 at 1:45 am

    I certainly do not feel compelled to waste my time doing research to convince someone who appears to believe whatever they read in the newspapers. Seriously…

  • 21 onlineanalyst // Nov 19, 2009 at 3:36 pm

    Here is an all-in-one place of links that show how expansive our welfare system is and also why a federal takeover of the healthcare system endangers health innovation, an area where the American system supersedes that of all other nations.

  • 22 JamesonLewis3rd // Nov 19, 2009 at 3:36 pm

    "[T]he American memoir system is broken," BHO said, "because I broke it." And the crowd called out for more.

    Meanwhile: <a href="">If only the law applied to politicians.

  • 23 RAM1 // Nov 19, 2009 at 6:21 pm

    I never said it made him look good, it DOES however help him get his socialist policies through INCLUDING redistributing the wealth if we keep thinking there are not enough welfare and food stamps for "the poor"!

    I hope you can see what I mean when I put "the poor" in quotes. I MEAN the SUPPOSED poor!

  • 24 RAM1 // Nov 19, 2009 at 6:36 pm

    Sarah Is in Indiana today. Now that I have addressed the thread, —-I had a "off topic" thought about the government website that has all those districts that have received stimulus money and no one knows about them or where they are at. I think I know.

    They are in probably those "extra" 7 to 9 States that Obama talked about pre election!

  • 25 onlineanalyst // Nov 19, 2009 at 7:51 pm

    The State of Oblivion? The State of Nirvana? The State of What's Happening Now?" The State of the Black Hole of Slush (Funds) ??!?

    I am sure that we could give names to the others.

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