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Government Warns ‘Patriot Bloggers’

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-02-13) — On the heels of a government warning to “patriot hackers” against attacking Iraqi computer systems, the U.S. Department of Defense today discouraged “patriot bloggers” from engaging in amateur propaganda.
“Well-meaning bloggers may think they’re helping the U.S. to win the upcoming war,” said an unnamed spokesperson, “but their bellicose ranting might actually backfire, making the patriot blogger a tool of the enemy.”
The spokesperson said President Bush recently signed a secret executive order putting an unspecified number of bloggers on the payroll of the CIA to conduct a covert ‘blog-aganda’ campaign.
“These secret bloggers are professionals,” he added. “They’re not just lonely people who can’t get others to listen to them at the office so they vent their spleens online. No, these are highly-intelligent persons carrying out a carefully-planned government communication strategy. Of course, we can’t tell you who they are, and we discourage you from trying to guess.”

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0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 The Inscrutable American // Feb 13, 2003 at 1:02 pm

    Bloggers on CIA payroll

    That’s right. The CIA has hired an unspecified number of ‘patriot bloggers’ to conduct a blog-aganda compaign. I will neither