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[Trifecta] Ft. Hood Shooter a Victim? We Take Offense.

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 9 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story editor Scott Ott co-hosts a thrice-weekly show called Trifecta on with Bill Whittle and Steve Green. Subscribing to PJTV brings you information and insight from a patriotic perspective that you just can’t get in the mainstream media.
Fort Hood Fable: Media Persists in Painting Jihadist Killer as Victim
Here’s the audio of Scott Ott’s 2 min. conclusion to this segment.

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9 responses so far ↓

  • 1 JamesonLewis3rd // Nov 12, 2009 at 12:44 pm

    God Bless America

  • 2 Hawkeye_R // Nov 12, 2009 at 2:55 pm

    Wow Scott! I don't often hear anger in your voice or in your writings, but I heard it today. A perfect example of "Righteous Indignation". Way to go. Tell it like it is.

  • 3 ChileSerrano // Nov 12, 2009 at 3:24 pm

    Mass Murder.

    A desperate cry for help.

    I didn't even see that rabbit-hole, Officer …

  • 4 Upnorthlurkin // Nov 12, 2009 at 4:36 pm

    I am <e>IN AWE,</e> Scott! My heart soars when I hear like minded folks express the same anger I feel! That we've let political correctness take this strong a hold as to hamper our common sense is horrible! You are so right! And we should all be ashamed for sitting on our hands and letting this happen to our beloved country!

  • 5 Upnorthlurkin // Nov 12, 2009 at 5:39 pm

    (Any of you html techies care to 'splain the non-italicized words above?!)
    It worked one day pour moi…and now today…not so much.

  • 6 JamesonLewis3rd // Nov 12, 2009 at 6:47 pm

    Not "e" but either "em" or "i".

  • 7 Upnorthlurkin // Nov 12, 2009 at 6:58 pm

    Ya mean like this?!

  • 8 RAM1 // Nov 12, 2009 at 11:11 pm

    I keep hearing, "Why wasn't anything done, there were red flags all over the place!"

    Are you SERIOUS????????

    Just put on a small thinking cap, What happens everyday BEFORE a crime is committed? Cops. military, judges, ANYONE will ALL tell you, "Sorry, there is nothing we can do UNTIL they do something."

    Add to that the fact the person is a minority, and the "protectors" get even more scared to do anything.

    Then add the person is a Muslim, and they don't even want to comment.

    Then the final obstacle, they would have to go against the left wing Obama administration, that hates the military and seem willing to hurt it as much as possible WITHOUT looking that way!!! Then you have what happens when someone DOES do something about us being attacked by "The Enemy"—see GWB and what libs have to say about him trying to protect America from Muslim TERRORISTS, to this very day!!!

    Proof Barry wants to hurt the military, just off the top of my head:

    (1) His reaction to our troops being attacked at Fort Hood.

    (2) Repealing "Don't ask, don't tell."

    (3) Dragging his feat on sending more troops to Afghanistan that were requested WEEKS ago!!!

    (4) TRYING to cut veterans benefits some months back, UNTIL he was called on it!

    PLEASE. add you own!

  • 9 onlineanalyst // Nov 12, 2009 at 11:32 pm

    Your (3) is actually MONTHS ago, RAM1.

    We have idiots "advising" ObaMao that we should ignore the Taliban, yet AlQaeda is infiltrating and complicit with the Taliban.

    We have a military policy that has emplaced ROE's that endanger our troops because the rabid jihadists hide among the civilian population. The tribes people hate the Taliban.

    Your righteous anger echoes my own, Scott. The excuses for Hasan's cold-blooded act are indefensible. The man requested arms training even though his duties never would have necessitated his use of weapons. His premeditated actions were an example of a Muslim zealot on personal jihad. His behavior as a psychiatrist was unethical and non-professional. His grievances against our nation began with the fall of the twin towers on 9/11 and escalated through his correspondence with the radical imam.

    I am disgusted by the weak spines of our leaders and the direction of our country's foreign policy.

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