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Obama Will Urge Kids to Go to Private School

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 120 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

ScrappleFace editor Scott Ott writes a satirical column Tuesdays and Fridays in the Washington Examiner. Here’s an excerpt of his latest and a link to read the rest.

A draft copy of President Barack Obama’s planned September 8 address to America’s public school children, tells students that “If you want to grow up to be like me, you should beg your parents to put you in private school, right now.”
READ THE REST AT The Washington Examiner

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120 responses so far ↓

  • 1 onlineanalyst // Sep 4, 2009 at 12:27 pm

    Oh, Scott, this is funny on so many levels.

    You had better barricard your doors. To paraphrase Chairman Obamao, he is the only one standing between you and the angry NEA members.

    The second wave of the indoctrination will be to have Sen. Kerry tell the students why they have to study hard, or they will be stuck in Iraq. (The Dept. of Ed. is working on those "lesson plans" as we speak.)

  • 2 onlineanalyst // Sep 4, 2009 at 12:28 pm

    "Barricard"? Ah, er, I meant "barricade."

  • 3 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 4, 2009 at 12:29 pm

    It really doesn't matter what he says.
    BHO's motivation is to set himself up as the Collective Parent (a la [place a dictator's name here]).

  • 4 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 12:50 pm

    Nothing dumber than urging kids to study hard/stay in school. He should be impeached for even THINKING such subversive thoughts let alone speaking them out loud…and in front of children no less.
    Let's hope all sane parents keep their kids home…for good. That'll show HIM eh?

    Cue Pink Floyd here…

    We don't need no education
    We dont need no thought control
    No dark sarcasm in the classroom
    Teachers leave them kids alone
    Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
    All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
    All in all you're just another brick in the wall.


  • 5 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 12:53 pm

    (AP) South Korea has the most effective education system in the world's richest countries, with Japan in second place and the United States and Germany near the bottom, a United Nations study said Tuesday.

    "Germany, with its strong educational and intellectual tradition, occupies 19th place out of the 24 nations," just behind the United States in 18th place.

    Chant with me now…"we're #18…we're #18….YEAH! USA, USA…USA!

  • 6 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 4, 2009 at 1:13 pm

    For those who might be interested, here is the context of those lyrics:
    After being insulted by the teacher, Pink dreams that the kids in Pink's school begin to protest against their abusive teachers.

  • 7 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 2:41 pm

    So, the pres inviting children to become active and engaged is wrong because???

    …please explain

  • 8 ChileSerrano // Sep 4, 2009 at 3:34 pm

    All rise for the Pledge …

    And then we'll have readings of selected Revolutionary Poetry praising our Dear Leader …

  • 9 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 3:39 pm

    I think what's needed/called for here is a restraining order. It's just creepy that the pres wants to talk to children. I just pray that we don't leave him alone with them…who does he think he is?

  • 10 Beerme // Sep 4, 2009 at 4:17 pm

    Why do you think that is? Is it the culture of academia which produces our education elites and our unionized teaching corps, which is EXACTLY in line with just about everything that Obama supports or believes in? So just how is it that someone who supports the very system which has our kids in last place in the civilized world (that would be Obama) is going to fix things without the "change" that is needed to do so? That change (hint, hint: it doesn't have to do with money) has to do largely with the teachers' unions and will not be approached by Obama.

    And, nobody has a problem with ANY president addressing students with a message to work hard and stay in school (how did you feel about all the work done by the Bushes in this area?), though many do have a problem when the message is "How can you help Obama".
    "Ask not what your schools can do for you, ask what you can do for Obama"-Has a nice ring to it, eh?

  • 11 Beerme // Sep 4, 2009 at 4:20 pm

    Again (sigh) where do you get the idea that Obama is some force for change in this system??? That is simply ludicrous! He and his cohorts are the resistance to the change that MUST take place to fix our terrible system. Scott clearly states the obvious that the system is bad and the Obamas and their ilk sidestep it by using private schools. We agree that that is not helping things for the bulk of our students that are forced to use public education. And you set up some arghument that says the comments here are for the status quo???? That we want the system to work itself out???


  • 12 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 4:24 pm

    Bush did pretty well in this area. He wa so committed that he even kept right on reading to those kids on 9/11 (couldn't resist, sorry)

    Obama withdrew the part that you say bothered you…so it is all good now…right? I mean the message seems at least harmless if not downright good and I thought presidents were allowed to address children…they've done so before I believe.

    Seems if Obama came out with a plan for a free college education for all (truly free, not one taxed/paid for by us…some sort of benevolent alien gift or something) that about 40% of America would find serious fault with the very notion, to the point of apoplexy/siezures

  • 13 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 4:25 pm

    Bush did pretty well in this area. He was so committed that he even kept right on reading to those kids on 9/11 (couldn't resist, sorry)

    Obama withdrew the part that you say bothered you…so it is all good now…right? I mean the message seems at least harmless if not downright good and I thought presidents were allowed to address children…they've done so before I believe.

    Seems if Obama came out with a plan for a free college education for all (truly free, not one taxed/paid for by us…some sort of benevolent alien gift or something) that about 40% of America would find serious fault with the very notion, to the point of apoplexy/siezures

  • 14 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 4:26 pm

    Bush did pretty well in this area. He was so committed that he even kept right on reading to those kids on 9/11 (couldn't resist, sorry)

    Obama withdrew the part that you say bothered you…so it is all good now…right? I mean the message seems at least harmless if not downright good and I thought presidents were allowed to address children…they've done so before I believe.

    Seems if Obama came out with a plan for a free college education for all (truly free, not one taxed/paid for by us…some sort of benevolent alien gift or something) that about 40% of America would find serious fault with the very notion, to the point of apoplexy/seizures

  • 15 Beerme // Sep 4, 2009 at 4:33 pm

    Kinda reminds one of the Bush Derangement Syndrome doesn't it?
    Laura Bush was a tireless worker for children and their education in particular.
    What you should ask yourself is why the prez would want to have all those children ask what they can do for him in the first place, rather than bask in the fact that he rescinded the request…

  • 16 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 4:49 pm

    I'm guessing all presidents could use help and, in this case, I believe that he (Obama) wanted to know specifically what they (kids) were going to do to help him (Obama) with his goal of having them (kids) stay in school…so the "wheels" were never spinning in my head over the remark/idea…
    Please refer to my profile for clarification!

  • 17 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 4:52 pm

    Let Obama suggest change in the "status quo" of any sort (ANY sort) and watch as the (lynch?) mobs gather near the White House.

    Tell me that wouldn't happen, go ahead.

    I'm extrapolating these things from the vociferous defense that's been mounted to the 18th best health care system which, somehow became the best ever in peoples minds when a change was suggested. Tell me I'm wrong, I'm listenting…

  • 18 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 4:53 pm

    Let Obama suggest change in the "status quo" of any sort (ANY sort) and watch as the (lynch?) mobs gather near the White House.

    Tell me that wouldn't happen, go ahead.

    I'm extrapolating these wacky ideas from the vociferous defense that's been mounted to the 18th best health care system which, somehow became the best ever in peoples minds when a change was suggested. Tell me I'm wrong, I'm listenting…

  • 19 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 4:54 pm

    I'm willing to bet that a few "Pubs" have children in private schools…do I hear a challenge/dollar amount you'd care to wager?

  • 20 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:04 pm

    There are many states (including TX, where I am) which will not be forcing students to submit to participation in the exaltation of BHO.

  • 21 Beerme // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:04 pm

    See, this is where you and the Obama fans out there just simply don't understand the backlash against this Big Government push. It is not a "pub" thing or a "dem" thing. Maybe I should refer you to my profile. It's a government thing. It's just that Obama and "dems" seem more committed to maintaining the government monopoly than "pubs".

    Of course there are Republicans who do the same thing and it's just as reprehensible but it would be more so if those Republicans DEFENDED the same status quo while sidestepping it as so many "dems" do…

  • 22 Beerme // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:04 pm

    OK. You're wrong.

  • 23 onlineanalyst // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:11 pm

    boberin: The lesson plans prepared by the Dept. of Ed. regarding the president's speech (and available on PDF) were revised once alert parents became aware of their content. They promoted the idea of how students could "help the president" and they had reading lists devoted to Obama biography and speeches. The suggested activities smacked of further fluff in the cult of personality. You can be sure that the speech itself has undergone some radical transformations.

    I am most skeptical about the intent of a message by the president to a captive audience of students taught to obey authority figures. Obama has a questionable history re educational philosophy based on his work with Bill Ayers in the Chicago Annenburg Challenge and the Woods Foundation. Ayers agrees with Chavez's role of the State in shaping school curriculum. Both see education as a means to a revolution, and Ayers is in print multiple times saying such.

  • 24 onlineanalyst // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:12 pm

    This remark should appear below my prior one as a continuation:

    Obama sees schools as a means of promoting service. It is abusive of his authority to promote schools as a means to the service to the State. Totalitarian nations have all used such methods and a devotion to the Dear Leader in their tool box of indoctrination.

    Rightfully, school curricula are the responsibility of local communities and the states in which the students live, not the federal government.

  • 25 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:13 pm

    I think, if most conservatives were asked, they would love to see the status quo eliminated. What is the status quo? Government-controlled education.

  • 26 Beerme // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:18 pm

    Exactly! That's why Bob's argument is topsy-turvy…

  • 27 Beerme // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:22 pm

    Oh, and I like pubs a lot…does that make me partisan?

  • 28 onlineanalyst // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:25 pm

    That "free college education" has a price tag to it: service to the State as "volunteers" for a set time.

    The Serve Act is another means of paid volunteering in service to the State. Paid volunteers are an oxymoron, no?

    Nothing that the government promotes as a program is free. Someone (the taxpayer) pays for these programs.

  • 29 onlineanalyst // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:31 pm

    Ah, well, when Dear Leader releases his sealed school transcripts from their lock box, we can look to him as a model of how education will set us free.

    Why does Chairman Obamao object to parents using their tax dollars in vouchers for a school of their choice? Hint: Look for the union label.

  • 30 Upnorthlurkin // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:45 pm

    And how many of our DC representatives send their kids to public schools?! They think they are royalty….and they forget for whom they work! Loved this yesterday!
    Love yours too, Chile!
    OLA, more like der Fürher

  • 31 ChileSerrano // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:48 pm

    This is not the first time that people have taken notice of Barack’s “ … slightly creepy cult of personality … ” ; that description, in fact, was uttered by Newsweek’s Evan Thomas – on The Charlie Rose Show! Thomas was discussing Obama’s victory speech with Jon Meacham and Charlie Rose. Meacham remarked, “ … have you ever seen a victory speech where there was no one else on stage? No adoring wife, no cute kid — he is the message.” Thomas replied, “There is a slightly creepy cult of personality about all of this … He’s clearly managing his own spectacle. He knows how to do it. He’s a — I think, a deeply manipulative guy — … ”

    (Much) more here

  • 32 ChileSerrano // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:49 pm

    This is not the first time that people have taken notice of Barack’s “ … slightly creepy cult of personality … ” ; that description, in fact, was uttered by Newsweek’s Evan Thomas – on The Charlie Rose Show! Thomas was discussing Obama’s victory speech with Jon Meacham and Charlie Rose. Meacham remarked, “ … have you ever seen a victory speech where there was no one else on stage? No adoring wife, no cute kid — he is the message.” Thomas replied, “There is a slightly creepy cult of personality about all of this … He’s clearly managing his own spectacle. He knows how to do it. He’s a — I think, a deeply manipulative guy — … ”

    (Much) more here

  • 33 ChileSerrano // Sep 4, 2009 at 5:50 pm

    This is not the first time that people have taken notice of Barack’s “ … slightly creepy cult of personality … ” ; that description, in fact, was uttered by Newsweek’s Evan Thomas – on The Charlie Rose Show! Thomas was discussing Obama’s victory speech with Jon Meacham and Charlie Rose. Meacham remarked, “ … have you ever seen a victory speech where there was no one else on stage? No adoring wife, no cute kid — he is the message.” Thomas replied, “There is a slightly creepy cult of personality about all of this … He’s clearly managing his own spectacle. He knows how to do it. He’s a — I think, a deeply manipulative guy — … ”

    (Much) more here

  • 34 Upnorthlurkin // Sep 4, 2009 at 6:00 pm

    Besides, all dictators want access to the children!
    Just heard Thomas Sowell call it insidious! (What a racist!!)

  • 35 Hawkeye_R // Sep 4, 2009 at 6:02 pm

    Ain't it the truth Scott! From your lips to Obama's ears. (:D)

  • 36 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 6:28 pm

    Are you implying that the "supreme leader" is somehow allowing his "subjects" to exercise "free will"

    Well, I never!… Never I tell ya!….. In my whole life! Preposterous…

  • 37 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 6:28 pm

    Yes…and no…

  • 38 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 6:29 pm

    Yes…and no…hic!

  • 39 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 2:51 pm

    Best to let the system sort itself out…no need for intervention…much like "free" enterprise…if it ain't broke…don't….oh wait…it IS broke?….never mind

    Our all tooo similar standing in health care/infant mortality and such shows the same thing…leave it be…we'll be "dead" last soon and then…nowhere to go but up! Just imagine

  • 40 RAM1 // Sep 4, 2009 at 6:57 pm

    Of course Chairman 'Bama wants the kids to remain in school. He cannot force feed them his televised rhetoric/indoctrination if they are NOT there.

    Seems the loons on the left that keep defending Obama's every move would ONLY have a problem with Obama piping in his indoctrination if he asked the children to pray in the name of JESUS.

    If Scrapplers keep feeding the troll, he will NEVER! ;-)

  • 41 RAM1 // Sep 4, 2009 at 7:05 pm

    The voucher program was widely popular in D.C. and THIS being an area that has a bastion of support for "Barry"! It would seem that the people of D.C. would be making more of a stink about this, but then again, the left don't "eat their own" like the right does.

    Maybe I should have said, the left will make excuses for their side even when their side is DEAD WRONG!!!!

    Evidence is the "Culture of Corruption" that is the Demon-cratic party in office today. Can you say Charlie Rangle, (for starters)?

  • 42 RAM1 // Sep 4, 2009 at 7:15 pm

    Why, don't you know that "Barry" is the messiah beerme?

    Don't believe me just ask bushhateryetagain!

    He gives EVERYONE the "benefit of the doubt", ——well except Bush, Cheney, Jesus, God, Conservatives, etc, etc.

  • 43 RAM1 // Sep 4, 2009 at 7:28 pm

    GREAT POINT beerme! bober shills for his party because they do not want to lose the power they have now in the education system from grade K thru College!!!

    He "plays" a good game here, but MOST can see, he knows exactly what he is doing in "spinning" and "phrasing" issues.

    As if he KNOWS what Obama was/is going to say to the kids, or what is in Obama's heart. He NATURALLY trusts what Obama's hand picked education department SAYS is/was in the speech, he just doesn't trust that same department when Republicans are in office.


    If they lose that indoctrination provided through the 9 to 1 ratio of lib teachers/professors to Conservatives, they will start losing elections and NEVER get power back again.

  • 44 Upnorthlurkin // Sep 4, 2009 at 7:49 pm

    RAM, not much chance of that….praying in the name of Jesus, that is. By the way, have the devout Obamas found a church in DC yet!….Hmmmm…Why get up Sundays and travel to a church when you can just look in a mirror?!

  • 45 RAM1 // Sep 4, 2009 at 8:16 pm

    He hasn't found one that is willing to have him as the subject of worship yet. There must not be any churches there run by the MSM.

  • 46 NurMahal // Sep 4, 2009 at 8:16 pm

    Republican Congressman Calls on Jones to Resign

    A Republican congressman is calling for the resignation of President Obama's "green jobs" adviser over new revelations about his past affiliations and statements.

    Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana … also called on Obama to suspend appointment of additional so-called "czars" until Congress has a chance to examine the background and responsibilities of such individuals, as well as to determine the constitutionality of such appointments.


    Excuse me ? You mean, Van Jones is still there ?

  • 47 RAM1 // Sep 4, 2009 at 8:19 pm

    He hasn't found a church there yet that worships the same god that he does, —-himself!

    Maybe NBC, the left wing "Obama-bots", or Louie Farrakhan will start one up for him?

  • 48 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 8:24 pm

    Tee hee…I've given you more than your fair share big boy

  • 49 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 8:34 pm

    Ah, happy to be one of the "loons on the left" (eloquently put, thank you) in this instance because I believe that the POTUS can address anyone he chooses, just about anytime he chooses. As far as I know, this right extends to even you and I…but I would have to check for current status on that.
    And, the oh so subversive message that a child should stay in school and study hard actually seems a good one. It's even possible that children might perceive that is the POTUS took the time to address them on the subject that perhaps (just maybe) it's an important message. And if 3 children (1 or 2 would not be enough) take the message to heart and actually do stay in school/study hard…perhaps they can one day join me in fighting the good fight here…allowing the president to address school children.
    Wouldn't that be grand?
    In no one listens/beleives the message than your side will have the advantage…so you have that going for you.

  • 50 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 8:35 pm

    Ah, happy to be one of the "loons on the left" (eloquently put, thank you) in this instance because I believe that the POTUS can address anyone he chooses, just about anytime he chooses. As far as I know, this right extends to even you and I…but I would have to check for current status on that.
    And, the oh so subversive message that a child should stay in school and study hard actually seems a good one. It's even possible that children might perceive that is the POTUS took the time to address them on the subject that perhaps (just maybe) it's an important message. And if 3 children (1 or 2 would not be enough) take the message to heart and actually do stay in school/study hard…perhaps they can one day join me in fighting the good fight here…allowing the president to address school children.
    Wouldn't that be grand?
    In no one listens/believes the message than your side will have the advantage…so you have that going for you.

  • 51 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 8:37 pm

    I did not believe you'd notice…there's hope for you yet! Nice….

  • 52 boberinyetagain // Sep 4, 2009 at 8:40 pm

    or to desegregation laws…vouchers are surely one way to circumvent those and return to the salad days of our youth when men were men and women were glad of it…and the "races" stayed where "they" belonged instead of being all uppity…like "they" are now.

  • 53 onlineanalyst // Sep 4, 2009 at 9:14 pm

    Thank goodness that we have people in Congress who have principles and know a bit about the Constitution.

    Include Pence in that honor roll, as well as Bachman, McCotter, Boehner, Coburn, Inhofe, and others that you are free to add to the list.

    OT What the Obamao administration and the State Department are doing to the people of Honduras is absolutely shameful. They have misportrayed the Honduran constitutional ouster of Zelaya as a coup when, in fact, it was Zelaya who was orchestrating a coup with the help of ballots produced by his buddy Chavez. As a result or siding against the Honduran law, the Obamatrons have become puppets for Chavez, who relies of the rule of tyranny over the rule of law.

  • 54 onlineanalyst // Sep 4, 2009 at 9:23 pm

    Funniest thing is that last week I passed a number of young men, high school students in shirt and tie uniform, on the sidewalks of an all-boys Catholic school in Pittsburgh. They were of mixed race and ethnicity. They probably attend this landmark school because of its reputation for scholarship and character-building. Their parents have sacrificed to send their boys to the school. No doubt some are attending through the generosity of scholarships.

    Public magnet schools based on talent, personal drive and initiative, and scholastic achievement-not racial quotas- are another means of creating excellence.

    Check out Marva Collins's academy in Chicago. This black educator, fed up with the mediocrity and non-achievement of her students in the public schools and the dumbed-down curriculum in them, began a school that is giving kids stuck in lousy schools a fantastic future.

  • 55 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 4, 2009 at 11:04 pm

    I read something today about how Leftists know only the narrative of The Party, nothing else—it's not about the facts—morality isn't an issue, either, nor the Constitution he swore to uphold. The narrative is more important than anything to BHO.

    Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."
    ~~~<a href="">1Corinthians 15:33

  • 56 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 4, 2009 at 11:05 pm

    I read something today about how Leftists know only the narrative of The Party, nothing else—it's not about the facts—morality isn't an issue, either, nor the Constitution he swore to uphold. The narrative is more important than anything to BHO.

    Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."
    ~~~ <a href=""> 1Corinthians 15:33

  • 57 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 4, 2009 at 11:07 pm

    I read something today about how Leftists know only the narrative of The Party, nothing else—it's not about the facts—morality isn't an issue, either, nor the Constitution he swore to uphold. The narrative is more important than anything to BHO.

    Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."
    ~~~ a href=" Corinthians 15&version=NIV"> 1Corinthians 15 :33

  • 58 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 4, 2009 at 11:14 pm

    I read something today about how Leftists know only the narrative of The Party, nothing else—it's not about the facts—morality isn't an issue, either, nor the Constitution he swore to uphold. The narrative is more important than anything to BHO.

    Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."
    ~~~1Corinthians 15:33

  • 59 Upnorthlurkin // Sep 5, 2009 at 1:04 am

    Wonder if TOTUS will close this inspirational piece (of poo) with (the traditional) God Bless America?! How about we start a pool….taking bets…. in 3-2-1
    Kidding…he'd rather die than take pride in our country. What a tool!

  • 60 mindknumbedkid // Sep 5, 2009 at 3:19 am

    How can we improve our infant mortality rate with all of the abortions that occur daily. And yet the left sing the praise of killing innocence. Hypocritical to lament our infant mortality and push for abortion on demand.

  • 61 mindknumbedkid // Sep 5, 2009 at 3:24 am

    Indeed, and there sure are a lot of people lined up for the POTUS to corrupt.

  • 62 mindknumbedkid // Sep 5, 2009 at 3:50 am

    Doesn't the President have bigger fish to fry given our current national and international problems. Obviously he doesn't have enough people under his control….yet. Funny how that for the most part the Obamorons are glad to yield control to his plans for their lives and yet have no desire for the true Messiah? I pity the fools who willingly trade God for government.

  • 63 RAM1 // Sep 5, 2009 at 5:07 am

    Creepy, dangerous dictators like Chairman "O" and the late, (thank goodness), "Jacko" want(ed) access to the children—yes, you are right!

    Hey there's an idea. Chairman "O" can "takeover" Neverland, invite the kiddies and indoctrinate them there with the youthful Hollyweird left wing-nuts!

    Did you see the video the libs who run our schools ran with the tattoo'ed moron kissing his own arms as he sang Chairman "O"'s praises?

    This is the kind of videos they show our children that bober SPINS as "stay in school" BS.

    The left wing-nuts believe because we haven't paid attention in the past, that their foolish "spin jobs:" will still work.

  • 64 RAM1 // Sep 5, 2009 at 5:14 am

    As have everyone here you little man.

    "Tee hee"? And I thought that you were a male poster.

  • 65 RAM1 // Sep 5, 2009 at 5:30 am

    Will "O" use a telepromter, (silly question), and will this be viewed by the ELITE schools, where the ELITEIST's children go like "O"'s kids?

  • 66 RAM1 // Sep 5, 2009 at 5:31 am

    Will "O" use a teleprompter, (silly question), and will this be viewed by the ELITE schools, where the ELITEIST's children go like "O"'s kids?

  • 67 RAM1 // Sep 5, 2009 at 5:33 am

    Pence is a big reason libs fear "talk radio", (at least CONSERVATIVE talk radio), as this is what Pence did prior to running for Congress.

  • 68 RAM1 // Sep 5, 2009 at 5:36 am

    In words like Jones uses, "YES, you evil white people, I am still here! Can I get an amen my brothers and sisters?"

    No, he is not a racist. Well, anymore than he is a communist. lol

  • 69 RAM1 // Sep 5, 2009 at 5:49 am

    Gee, the good people of D.C. (MOST of which are African American) LOVE the voucher program AND I have not heard ANY of them claiming, (excuse me SPINNING, ala—YOU), it is racist. Maybe they cannot think for themselves, (as the left seems to always think), and they will now see it your way?

    Maybe after you and your side keep calling it that, you will convince them and MAKE them agree AGAIN, as with everything else libs/Dems have manipulated them with in the past?

    Then again, maybe, (HOPEFULLY), they will wake up to see that your side is the one that has been oppressing them ALL these years?

  • 70 RAM1 // Sep 5, 2009 at 5:51 am

    Gee, the good people of D.C. (MOST of which are African American) LOVE the voucher program AND I have not heard ANY of them claiming, (excuse me SPINNING, ala—YOU), it is racist. Maybe they cannot think for themselves, (as the left seems to always think), and they will now see it your way?

    Maybe after you and your side keep calling it that, you will convince them and MAKE them agree AGAIN, as with everything else libs/Dems have manipulated them with in the past?

    Then again, maybe, (HOPEFULLY), they will wake up to see that your side is the one that has been oppressing them ALL these years by forcing YOUR erronious views on them?

  • 71 RAM1 // Sep 5, 2009 at 6:50 am

    Here is a timely quote:

    "The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said." —
    Peter F. Drucker

    I feel like this after EVERY Obama speech so how will the kids be able to see what this deceiver is REALLY saying to them?

    There is what Obama says and what he really means!

  • 72 onlineanalyst // Sep 5, 2009 at 1:11 pm

    Mark Steyn urges Obama to Try. Something. Else,

    Steyn zeroes right in on the Zero.
    Love ya, Mark

  • 73 onlineanalyst // Sep 5, 2009 at 2:24 pm

    from The American Thinker:

    "Ayers teaches another course, “Social Conflicts of the 1960s” that promotes the agitprop from his and Dohrn’s Weather Underground Days. Paulo Freire was also a leading theoretician of Liberation Theology, which advocated that schools be used to promote revolutionary fervor and actions among the “oppressed” — which in Freire’s view included most of the world. Liberation theology is also advocated by Pastor Jeremiah Wright, which he has promoted through his pulpit for decades. While the liberation theology pushed by the Pastor has its roots in the work of James Cone, which fuses liberation theology with the cause of African-American liberation and activism, the work of Freire and Cone draw upon the same conceptual foundations.

    "Instead of educating teachers to prepare their students for the real world, and to acculturate immigrant children into the civic culture of America, Ayers is helping to create a cadre of teachers who will promote a view that is radically at odds with the mores of most Americans and that is divorced from the traditions of education in America."

  • 74 onlineanalyst // Sep 5, 2009 at 2:24 pm

    This is from William Ayers’ blog wherein he quotes Cesar Chavez on what “teaching” is (note the emphasis on “service” and remember this speech is just prior to Obama’s national day of service):

    "The end of all education should surely be service to others. We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about the progress and prosperity of our community. Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others for their sake and for our own".

  • 75 ChileSerrano // Sep 5, 2009 at 3:08 pm

    From the Van Jones "apology": "If I have offended anyone with statements I made in the past, I apologize."

    If ? If ?!

    Oh, of course not, Van ! What could possibly have given you that idea !

    You must have tuned in to Fox News by mistake …

  • 76 ChileSerrano // Sep 5, 2009 at 3:12 pm

    From the Van Jones "apology": "If I have offended anyone with statements I made in the past, I apologize."

    If ? If ?!

    Oh, of course not, Van ! What could possibly have given you that idea !

    I bet you tuned in one of those extremists on the Fox News channel by mistake …

  • 77 onlineanalyst // Sep 5, 2009 at 3:18 pm

    This is the typical weaselly "apology" offered by all Lefties. They have no shame nor remorse..

  • 78 onlineanalyst // Sep 5, 2009 at 3:25 pm

    Robert Gibbs refers to the brouhaha over the Prez's speech to schoolchildren as evidence of "the silly season." Gibbsy should know all about silly; he has trademarked it.

    The Obamao administration has once again wee wee'd up by ignoring that our public servants work for us, not we for them.

    Obamao will spend the holiday weekend (between his times on the golf course- his tee parties?) rewriting the speech, so that he can claim that the ado was about nothing. The question is whether the Dept. of Ed will drop the " teachable moment" lesson plans. (Man, he has all of the educrat language down pat.)

  • 79 Upnorthlurkin // Sep 5, 2009 at 5:45 pm

    Mark always does a bang-up job when he subs for Rush but Wednesday and Thursday he was exceptional! Leave it to the bird cage liner to misconstrue his point!

  • 80 Upnorthlurkin // Sep 5, 2009 at 5:51 pm

    I've forgotten who linked to this article in IBD but it' well worth the read.
    How does that old quote read?…. "Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it….

  • 81 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 5, 2009 at 9:43 pm

    The populace is in a frenzy—only not in a good way, anymore.

    The cult of BHO may seek to shred The Constitution but history will be a record of their folly.

  • 82 ChileSerrano // Sep 5, 2009 at 9:59 pm

    Upnorth : That quote is a paraphrase from The Life of Reason by George Santayana, and what he actually said was this -

    “Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

    I would not say that Santayana was a big fan of hope, either. Here's another quote by him :

    "Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness."

  • 83 mindknumbedkid // Sep 6, 2009 at 4:08 am

    Envy comes from looking at a few others that seem to have something that you do not. As long as you lok at them you will not look at doing anything for yourself. Our society is too lazy to try bettering themselves, just let them suckle at the teats of government. They ignorantly believe that things come from government and fail to recognize all of government's gifts come at the expense of their fellow citizens.

  • 84 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 6, 2009 at 10:35 am

    Yes. Pesky word, "knowledge."

    For example: "The Truth shall set you free" is not a Biblical quote.

    Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
    ~~~<a href="">John 8:32

    [emphasis mine]

  • 85 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 6, 2009 at 10:36 am

    Yes. Pesky word, "knowledge."

    For example: "The Truth shall set you free" is not a Biblical quote.

    Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
    ~~~<a href="">John 8:32

    [emphasis mine]

  • 86 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 6, 2009 at 10:38 am

    Yes. Pesky word, "knowledge."

    For example: "The Truth shall set you free" is not a Biblical quote.

    Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
    ~~~John 8:32

    [emphasis mine]

  • 87 RAM1 // Sep 6, 2009 at 11:40 am

    When that "teat" dries up, (as it will), these lazy bums will be robbing and looting because that is the only thing they will be able to do to survive.

    Be SURE and arm yourselves NOW before Obama takes that RIGHT away too!!!

  • 88 RAM1 // Sep 6, 2009 at 11:42 am

    I really liked his song, "Black Magic Woman". ;-)

  • 89 gafisher // Sep 6, 2009 at 4:16 pm

    I think you meant "Barry-cade," OLA.

  • 90 gafisher // Sep 6, 2009 at 4:22 pm

    The supposed goal of "urging kids to study hard/stay in school" can be accomplished without taking them away from their studies, Bober, and is misdirected if it only addresses kids while they're in school. The rationale is so transparent as to be insulting.

  • 91 gafisher // Sep 6, 2009 at 4:29 pm

    There's no doubt Asia in particular took the lead while the U.S. liberal education establishment let our schools slide, Bober, but that's really not relevant to the issue under discussion. Let's look at countries where schoolchildren are intensively indoctrinated by their Dear Leader, just to keep the comparison in line. Where does North Korea stand in that U.N. study?

  • 92 gafisher // Sep 6, 2009 at 4:40 pm

    Bober, you were corrected some time ago on the fake infant mortality figures. To refresh your memory, the study didn't count infants in Cuba and elsewhere who were purposely killed for being members of what one of our "blind justice" SCOTUS members called "populations we don't want too many of," while the U.S. infant mortality figure was based simply on how many infants die, as though they all had an equal right to live. Obviously not a Progressive concept, but we really must compare apples to apples.

  • 93 gafisher // Sep 6, 2009 at 4:42 pm

    "Can you say Charlie Rangle, (for starters)?"

    Not without choking a bit.

  • 94 gafisher // Sep 6, 2009 at 4:45 pm

    Bober, it's obvious you're working from an outdated cliché book. I'd be happy to chip in for a new one, if I can help choose it.

  • 95 gafisher // Sep 6, 2009 at 4:52 pm

    What's far more than "slightly" creepy is the fact that even people who are deeply caught up in the Obama personality cult can see it, yet can't seem to pull out of its grip.

  • 96 gafisher // Sep 6, 2009 at 5:01 pm

    Given that Obama's "Ears" are in a dimly-lit listening post beneath ACORN headquarters, that might be less than comforting …

  • 97 gafisher // Sep 6, 2009 at 5:08 pm

    "Van Jones is still there ?"

    Not officially, as of last night. Unofficially, of course, he'll still have the President's ear (just like a hundred other loonie-left special interests — good thing there's enough ear to go around).

  • 98 gafisher // Sep 6, 2009 at 5:13 pm

    "Obamao will spend the holiday weekend … rewriting the speech …"

    Don't kid yourself. If he had the ability to write speeches he wouldn't sound so inane when he tried to speak extemporaneously. He'll spend the holiday practicing up for reading the speech.

  • 99 ChileSerrano // Sep 6, 2009 at 5:24 pm

    Howard Dean claims that Van Jones is "being penalized" for not realizing what the "Truther" petition was.

    “Look, all of us campaigning for office have had people throw clipboards in front of our face and ask us to sign. And he learned the hard way you ought not to do that. But I don’t think he really thinks the government had anything to do with causing 9-11.”

    I guess that when we have the U.S. Congress passing thousand-page bills without reading them, we really shouldn't expect The Jolly Green Jobs Czar to read some silly petition on a clipboard before he signs it …

    There ought to be a law
    Against you comin' around
    You should be made
    To wear earphones

    Because something is happening here
    But you don't know what it is
    Do you, Mister Jones?

  • 100 SGT_USMC_1ea // Sep 6, 2009 at 5:27 pm

    No, no, no RAM
    That was Carlos Satan-Anna.
    George Santayana was the guy who surrendered to Daniel Boone and Travis Tritt at the Alamo!

    Deus est Semper Fidelis

  • 101 RAM1 // Sep 7, 2009 at 5:13 am

    While Jones being out of this job is a good thing, do NOT expect his replacement to be any less a left wing-nut or extremeist, they will just have to "scrub" his/her past sooner, or do the "Obama" thing and simply refuse to release anything. AND do NOT rule out that Jones may indeed get another job with Obama's crime ridden administration.

    Jones will certainly be high on the list for a pundit for the Lame Stream Media and/or ACORN, unless he decides to become a black pastor?

    He has that "my brothers and sisters" thing going for him, and how the "white man/woman" is/are evil. All he needs is an occasional AMEN thrown in, and a little more talk of how AmeriKKKa is bad for "ALL God's children and other living things". ;-)

  • 102 RAM1 // Sep 7, 2009 at 5:14 am

    While Jones being out of this job is a good thing, do NOT expect his replacement to be any less a left wing-nut or extremeist, they will just have to "scrub" his/her past sooner, or do the "Obama" thing and simply refuse to release anything. AND do NOT rule out that Jones may indeed get another job with Obama's crime ridden administration.

    Jones will certainly be high on the list for a pundit for the Lame Stream Media and/or ACORN, unless he decides to become a black pastor?

    He has that "my brothers and sisters" thing going for him, and how the "white man/woman" are evil. All he needs is an occasional AMEN thrown in, and a little more talk of how AmeriKKKa is bad for "ALL God's children and other living things". ;-)

  • 103 RAM1 // Sep 7, 2009 at 6:01 am

    GOD cannot allow America's moral decline to continue much longer. Can you imagine the following story even being spoken of just a few years ago?

    If it were not for the money that would be needed to add or change restrooms for this pervert, (and ones like him/her), there is not a doubt in my mind Vermont would have already granted his/her request.

    Oh sorry, I forgot, ——"God made "IT" that way".

    My bet is that he/she is a lib/Democrat from a family of them. Any takers?

  • 104 RAM1 // Sep 7, 2009 at 5:26 am

    While Jones being out of this job is a good thing, do NOT expect his replacement to be any less a left wing-nut or extremeist, they will just have to "scrub" his/her past sooner, or do the "Obama" thing and simply refuse to release anything. AND do NOT rule out that Jones may indeed get another job with Obama's crime ridden administration.

    Jones will certainly be high on the list for a pundit for the Lame Stream Media or an ACORN higher up, unless he decides to become a black assistant pastor to Jeremiah Wright?

    He has that "my brothers and sisters" thing going for him, and how the "white man/woman" are evil. All he needs is an occasional AMEN thrown in, and a little more talk of how AmeriKKKa is bad for "ALL God's children and other living things". ;-)

  • 105 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 7, 2009 at 10:14 am

    Czar is Russian for Caesar. Kaiser is German for Caesar. Caesar is Roman for Emperor.

    One at a time has always been bad enough, know what I mean?

    Not wanting to be outdone by previous dictators, the USA has now spawned dozens of them who are under no mandate to justify their anointing and, therefore, take up the hobby of micromanagement of the mundane even though it is just fine already.

    Motto: If it ain't broke, yo, fix it.

  • 106 gafisher // Sep 7, 2009 at 1:14 pm

    Not a few — a lot. In fact, anyone who values children and their education will make every effort to keep them out of the government schools and get them the best schooling they can. Conservatives, some of whom are also Republicans, tend to lead in that commitment and very commonly help others to do the same, but some liberals also recognize the benefits, though usually just for their own children.

  • 107 gafisher // Sep 7, 2009 at 1:22 pm

    Actually, RAM1, it's likely the elitist's kids are getting this stuff all their waking hours.

  • 108 onlineanalyst // Sep 7, 2009 at 1:25 pm

    Though the following comes from "The People's Cube," it is not satire. The "Progressives" are really Regressives, using their 'smart power" realpolitik in a world that has indeed moved on. Those strategies do not work.

  • 109 gafisher // Sep 7, 2009 at 1:27 pm

    Dean might have a point (though still a poor one) if the Truther petition was out of character for Jones, but in fact it fits perfectly with his other moonbat positions.

  • 110 onlineanalyst // Sep 7, 2009 at 1:35 pm

    JL3: I have read some suggestions that rather than refer to Obamao's parallel government as "czars," it is more apt to call them "commissars."

    At any rate, so long, Van Jones. Your own words and videotaped agitprop brought you down. You were your own "smear machine."

    Next up is Marcus Llloyd, who through a sanitized term called localism, is pushing to expand the role of the FCC and marginalize opposing political philosophies in order to have a really state-run media from the bottom up. His hero is Hugo Chavez, who seized the Venezuelan privately owned televsion stations and made them his personal propaganda lackeys.

  • 111 gafisher // Sep 7, 2009 at 1:46 pm

    JL3 Re: "Not wanting to be outdone by previous dictators …"

    Your opening sentence could have included another step. Before adopting the term "czar," FDR promoted his shadow-cabinet as "Dictators" — the Dictator of Labor, the Dictator of Lumber, and so on. And this, like all of FDR's prewar policies, was highly praised by some who should have been — but were not — an embarrassment to FDR and the left.

    The current administration idolizes that of FDR.

  • 112 ChileSerrano // Sep 7, 2009 at 4:00 pm

    The first Labor Day in the United States was celebrated on September 5, 1882 in New York City. - from the Wikipedia entry

    Happy Labor Day, folks! We sure have come a long way since then! No more 10-12 hour days; no more six-day work weeks.

    Well … actually, the historical fact is that it was Henry Ford who gave us the five-day, eight-hour-per-day work week, Ford was tired of continuously losing good employees, he was trying to increase employee retention and at the same time increase profits, so he basically doubled wages and implemented a 5-day work week, and in the process effectively invented the modern weekend.

    It wasn't the unions … or government.

    But hey! It was Congress that made Labor Day a national holiday in 1894. So you can definitely thank the gummint for the day off.

    In fact, with unemployment at 9.7% and going higher, you might want to thank Congress for a whole lot of days off - unless you have a government job (government seems to be the only sector experiencing job growth at the moment …).

  • 113 Beerme // Sep 7, 2009 at 6:48 pm

    Well, I have a government job and I have received a ten percent paycut over the summer. Seems even the gubmint caint keep up!

  • 114 RAM1 // Sep 7, 2009 at 7:50 pm

    I will agree with beerme here. While government jobs have seldom if ever had cutbacks and/or layoffs in the past, the "teat" is almost completely dry and a LOT of guv-mint workers, (USPS being one example, guv-mint subsidized AMTRAK being another), will soon find themselves in the "Obama bread lines" with the rest of us!

    People who are smart , (and especially Social Security recipients), will stock up on canned food and bottled water now!

    If Israel performs a preemptive strike against Iran, (which they almost have to), oil will become EXTREMELY expensive, driving the cost of EVERYTHING up!

  • 115 Upnorthlurkin // Sep 7, 2009 at 7:54 pm

    Uh oh… just read the text of Obey-me's (teleprompter's) speech to the children and it actually closes with "God bless you and God bless America.! I lost a bet with myself!
    Heh! I see where TOTUS"referenced himself more than school, education, responsibility, country/nation, parents, and teachers combined. And to think that people accused Obama of self-promotion!" (Hat tip Hot Air)

  • 116 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 7, 2009 at 8:02 pm

    Now that Van Jones is gone, Soros-lackey Mark Lloyd should resign immediately.

  • 117 onlineanalyst // Sep 7, 2009 at 8:48 pm

    UNL: Did you read "Daggett's" parody of the speech in the comment section? Pure gold!

  • 118 onlineanalyst // Sep 7, 2009 at 9:20 pm

    It's worth reading this Van Jones postscript:

  • 119 Upnorthlurkin // Sep 7, 2009 at 10:11 pm

    …and I've talked, and I've talked, and I've talked. Okay. Move it up. Okay…..
    Yes, I read it! I love laughing at TOTUS!! Have to do it while I can….I'm pretty sure it'll get me jailed in the near future.

  • 120 Upnorthlurkin // Sep 7, 2009 at 11:42 pm

    Just for grins, this is pretty creative (over at the irreverent IMAO).

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