ScrappleFace: News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher

Dems to Probe Secret CIA Plan to Spy on Enemies

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 98 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2009-07-15) — With Democrats in Congress already alarmed at revelations that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had a covert scheme to kill terrorist leaders like Usama Bin Laden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is reportedly set to announce a probe into allegations that the CIA may have also “conspired to conduct espionage operations against America’s enemies.”

Although the “vague” plans to dispatch small CIA teams to hit senior al Qaeda leaders never materialized due to legal, logistical and diplomatic obstacles, current CIA Director Leon E. Panetta cancelled the program in June, and sold several planning documents to the producers of Fox Network’s ‘24′.

According to a Pelosi staffer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the top-secret nature of the information he revealed, the CIA has “surreptitiously conducted what amounts to international spy operations without proper notification of its espionage targets, or of the United Nations.”

The source, who is not authorized to release any information about the probe, said Rep. Pelosi will conduct hearings in August aimed at unmasking what she “has come to believe is a vast global network of covert operatives who make observations, then report findings back to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.”

The Speaker, who has previously accused the CIA of lying to Congress, is said to be “distraught at the notion that her country has violated the trust of governments that might someday be friendly toward the U.S.,” according the source who has regular access to confidential documents and notes from private briefings.

If the Congressional inquiry reveals evidence that the CIA discriminated against foreign nationals, eavesdropping on them simply because they hate America or plan to attack U.S. targets, the anonymous source said, “Heads will roll, I’m not at liberty to disclose who…you know, until I get the actual secret list.”

Tags: U.S. News

98 responses so far ↓

  • 1 gafisher // Jul 15, 2009 at 8:08 am

    “… eavesdropping on them simply because they hate America or plan to attack U.S. targets …”

    This is the heart of the issue. It’s only a small step from tracking foreign opponents to doing the same with domestic adversaries. If that were to happen, slightly over half of Congress would live in mortal fear.

    [Let's be honest -- this is just another effort by Speaker Pelosi &co. to take attention off her own repeated lies in the waterboarding issue.]

  • 2 onlineanalyst // Jul 15, 2009 at 8:17 am

    Let’s face it: Congressional members entrusted with security information do not have the best record of confidentiality. Leahy, Jay Rockefeller, and Diane Feinstein come immediately to mind. Pelosi and Obama do not know what they know or say from day to day on any issue, much less one on national security.

    Time and money would be better spent on which Dems and Dem supporters/PACs/lobbyists will profit from nationalized health care and cap-and -trade legislation and “stimulus” funds.

  • 3 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 15, 2009 at 8:37 am

    Rather than inform Congress, Leon should just sell the info to the Enquirer and give the money to…..

    Watching BHO disrespect our allies and embrace our enemies is heartbreaking; I wish I knew what to do about it. I know, I could use my vote but it’ll be too late by then.

    Will your preacher do time for Hate Crimes? Will you? Will I?

  • 4 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 15, 2009 at 8:43 am

    All Right, Scott!

    RedState is pulling for you!


  • 5 R.A.M. // Jul 15, 2009 at 10:16 am

    My question is when is Congress going to start investigations into the Obama administration, (and Congress’), NOT so secret plan to kill AMERICA?

  • 6 Darthmeister // Jul 15, 2009 at 10:18 am

    Now that’s a “conspiracy”, trying to kill America’s and the free world’s enemies. How dare Bu$Hitler!

    BTW, if secret programs of the CIA somehow threatens the lives and freedom of Americans then I remind liberals it was under the Clintonista Administration that other government agencies like the FBI and BATF literally caused the deaths of Americans in classic cowboy style. I’m thinking of the Waco Branch Davidian debacle.

    Now if that sad episode of liberal Democrat history didn’t unilaterally threaten and strip Americans of their most basic civil rights then no faux “scandal” liberals come up with to try and politically embarass Bush/Cheney has.

  • 7 Darthmeister // Jul 15, 2009 at 10:23 am

    Isn’t it interesting that America is essentially on economic life support and Mr. Obama and his sycophants crow about how their “stimulus package” is working? Yeah, it’s working alright … to destroy America’s free market system so it can be replaced with their socialist velvet gulag. Maybe this is Obama’s secret CIA plot!

    So technically Mr. Obama is being honest when he says his plan is working, well, honest in a twisted sort of way.

  • 8 Darthmeister // Jul 15, 2009 at 10:25 am

    … push.

  • 9 JQ // Jul 15, 2009 at 10:35 am

    JL3 says:

    “Will your preacher do time for Hate Crimes? Will you? Will I?”

    My preacher mentioned the same bill in church a couple of weeks ago, and he was very shaken up, concerned that this was the beginning of the end of free speech in the pulpit. However, after reading the text of the bill, I don’t see where it puts any new limits on free speech. Sure, speech that incites people to violence isn’t protected, but that’s not new.

    I guess the fear is that a preacher/church could be held partially accountable for an act of violence perpetrated by a congregant who missed the point of the message (that being “Hate the sin, not the sinner, for we’re sinners ourselves”). Again, though, I don’t think that’s anything new to our hate crimes legislation.

    I saw a comment on that “OpenCongress” site which mentioned a sign that an elderly woman held in protest to a gay pride rally. I don’t think I’d ever heard the slogan before, but it’s very profound:

    “Truth is hate to those who hate the Truth.”

  • 10 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 15, 2009 at 11:35 am


    I have a problem with any and all degenerate, perverse sexual activities being legitimized as “normal” and deviants given “special” status.

  • 11 JQ // Jul 15, 2009 at 11:43 am

    JL3, re #10:

    No argument here; I just don’t see the current bill as being anything ground-breaking. Don’t we already have legislation to punish “hate crimes” more harshly than your run-of-the-mill “fuzzy hug crimes”?

  • 12 Hawkeye // Jul 15, 2009 at 12:08 pm

    Great post, Scott. And what makes it even funnier is the fact that it’s not satire. :lol:

  • 13 Laughing@You // Jul 15, 2009 at 12:39 pm

    Ah, yes … it’s the old “velvet gulag” trick again.


  • 14 Darthmeister // Jul 15, 2009 at 12:45 pm

    Hey Hawkeye, given Scott’s funny bone track record here it looks more and more like the lamestream media are the ones dealing with satire and spin and Scott is dealing out a dose of reality.

    Why Europeans Are Turning Against Obamarx

    Wait, I thought putting a liberal socialist into the White House would make Europeans love America again. Dittos for Islamofascists and “moderate” Islamic states.

  • 15 Libby Gone // Jul 15, 2009 at 2:13 pm

    Siberian Gulag (see Korolov in history of space).
    You would be there and probably in bad shape if you were living your dream of Stalins Steel Soyuz of Socialist Republics. You crack me up with your baby pablum gurgle-burps.
    North Korea will soon need a new dicta(or), sign up….

  • 16 Libby Gone // Jul 15, 2009 at 2:16 pm

    But lucky u,
    The Feds don’t seek idgits living in Mom’s black mold infested basements.
    So, no gulag for you. Please keep expressing yourself, however.

  • 17 onlineanalyst // Jul 15, 2009 at 2:31 pm

    We interrupt this thread for important news:

    Spotted on a bumper in Michigan.

    No wonder President Obamao, Mr. Charisma Himself, changed his scheduled town hall (albeit filled with pre-selected plants) to another (!!!) speech. (TOTUS was unavailable for comment due to deep mourning for his brother’s crash to oblivion the other day. Breaking up is hard to do.)

  • 18 onlineanalyst // Jul 15, 2009 at 2:51 pm

    Another OT: Dear Leader Obamao even fails at the all-American pastime. In his gentle-to-the-Flounder-in-Chief’’s performance in St. Louis, McCarthy does concede that the Prez “plays ball” as well as he bowls.

  • 19 Laughing@You // Jul 15, 2009 at 2:55 pm


    LOL Obama! Now, that’s something to see!

    It starts with just a drip (you), then there’s another drip (Libby Gone), then before you realize what’s happening, … some Democrat shakes the handle.


  • 20 Beerme // Jul 15, 2009 at 3:22 pm

    Of course the Prez is so used to everyone lobbing the easy stuff at him, I guess he thought he’d return the favor. He also had little challenge what with Pujols squatting over top of home plate and the ball still never reaching his glove in the air.

    Maybe a softball first pitch is in order, that’s a much shorter throw. We could qualify it as a baseball first pitch anyway…just an Affirmative Action approach. I’m sure Sotomayor would approve!

  • 21 Laughing@You // Jul 15, 2009 at 3:24 pm


    What so often starts out as pointed bible quoting soon turns to shouting, then to spitting, and finally to backbiting before some old “patriot” goes to the pickup and gets his AR-15.

    Y’all seen to take everything so personally. The notion of gay sex is repulsive to most of us to begin with.

    I can’t see any reason to read the scriptures aloud over it, unless you’re on the fence.


  • 22 Laughing@You // Jul 15, 2009 at 3:30 pm

    “Of course the Prez is so used to everyone lobbing the easy stuff at him …”.

    Right, the guy just has it too easy, after all Bush certainly left him with a clean desk, didn’t he?


  • 23 JQ // Jul 15, 2009 at 3:54 pm

    L@Y says:

    “Y’all seen to take everything so personally. The notion of gay sex is repulsive to most of us to begin with.

    I can’t see any reason to read the scriptures aloud over it, unless you’re on the fence.”

    The reason we continue to read aloud what’s been written in the Scriptures about it is to keep people off the fence. It’s to remind people that what God has to say about it isn’t vague, and it has never changed throughout the length of the Bible.

    I imagine that you’re repulsed by gay sex the way some are repulsed by sushi or the Jonas Brothers; it’s not for you, but you don’t see any reason why someone else couldn’t enjoy it. It’s a matter of taste to you, nothing more, nothing less.

    It’s important to Christians that we keep ourselves (at the very least) reminded that it’s not just a matter of taste. Just as we preach against adultery, greed, hatred, and selfishness in general, we will continue to preach against sexual immorality. Feel free to make your case for why we can’t preach in public, but the government has no right whatsoever to tell us what we can or can’t preach from our pulpits.

  • 24 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 15, 2009 at 3:57 pm

    RE: #19~~

    Pure fiction with no basis in fact.

  • 25 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 15, 2009 at 4:30 pm

    The allegations of an illegal, so-called “secret” counterterrorism plan are a joke.

    Imagine how those Leftist traitors would have wailed had there been no plan. Or would they…..

    Hm…..Maybe that’s what their problem really is—UbL and his murderous gang of psychopaths are their heroes.

    All kidding aside, it’s just a smokescreen meant to camouflage Pelosi’s lies and an opportunity to flaunt their schizophrenic hatred of President George W. Bush.

  • 26 Darthmeister // Jul 15, 2009 at 4:33 pm

    Obama and his Obamabots: “The recession is over!”

    Yes, there’s nothing like a jobless recovery, eh?

    Oh, and earlier this week Mr. Obama admitted the the jobless rate would continue going UP into the foreseeable future! Talk about playing on both sides of the fence! So I guess when the economy continues to tank because of Obama’s naive economic prescription he can always remind those standing soup lines and unemployment lines how he warned how terrible the “Bush economy” made things. After all, Mr. Obama did warn us unemployment would grow worse, right?

    And to remind us how the Donk stimulus package is “working”, the govenment is now spending millions of dollars on roadside signs to let us know how the “stimulus dollars” are being used to patch potholes and cracks in the roadway!

    It’s kind of symbolic how the Donks are rebuilding America using duct tape and economic bandaids.

    JL3rd, regarding laughing gasbag’s comment # 19. If we’re the “drips” and the Donks are shaking the handle, then that must make gasbag the big flapper in the bottom of the tank. Ouch!

  • 27 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 15, 2009 at 4:52 pm


    My apologies:

    I meant #21 [which makes me look like an idiot].

    Disgusting, putrid filth like #19 isn’t worth reading, let alone commentary.

    I could have sworn I double-checked…..rats.

  • 28 Laughing@You // Jul 15, 2009 at 4:57 pm

    “I imagine that you’re repulsed by gay sex the way some are repulsed by sushi or the Jonas Brothers; it’s not for you, but you don’t see any reason why someone else couldn’t enjoy it. It’s a matter of taste to you, nothing more, nothing less.”

    Well, isn’t that special!

    Is that really what “repulsive” means to you?

    One entry found.
    Main Entry: adjective
    Date: 1594

    1 : serving or able to repulse (repulsive force).
    2 : tending to repel or reject : cold, forbidding.
    3 : arousing aversion or disgust (repulsive crimes).


    I had given you more credit than that! You just lost most of the points I had marked down in my book for you!

    Now go over there and tell Darthmeister to give you his pointy hat.


  • 29 Laughing@You // Jul 15, 2009 at 5:00 pm

    “Disgusting, putrid filth like #19 isn’t worth reading, let alone commentary.”

    Well, excuuse me Sally!


  • 30 Laughing@You // Jul 15, 2009 at 5:30 pm

    “I could have sworn I double-checked…..rats.”

    “But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne:” - Jesus Christ, Matthew 5:34 (KJV)


  • 31 upnorthlurkin // Jul 15, 2009 at 5:37 pm

    Don’t worry, JL3, there’s only one here who looks like an idiot….and it ain’t you!! The comments occasionally renumber themselves due to being “in moderation“.

  • 32 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 15, 2009 at 5:42 pm


    Thank you.

  • 33 JQ // Jul 15, 2009 at 6:01 pm

    L@Y says:

    “Is that really what “repulsive” means to you?

    I had given you more credit than that! You just lost most of the points I had marked down in my book for you!”

    Rest assured, I’ll be crying into my pillow tonight over that demotion, L@Y.

    Regardless, I’m not quite sure what the point of that supposedly demeaning post was. I used “repulsive” according to your nifty little dictionary definition; I acknowledge that you are repulsed (that is, “disgusted”) by the concept of gay sex. However, you seem to take the position that it’s not for you to say whether it’s wrong for others to engage in it. Perhaps I was wrong on that assumption, but that has nothing to do with my comprehension of the word “repulsive.”

    Geez, I try to have a civil, mature conversation, and you insist on playing word games for the sole purpose of getting a rise. I suppose it’s appropriate that you’re speaking of dunce hats, ’cause this is starting to feel like an elementary-age playground.

  • 34 Darthmeister // Jul 15, 2009 at 7:11 pm

    JL3rd, whether you realize it or not your mistake makes a distinction without a difference with regard to comments #19 and #21. Given that our favorite crapper flapper gasbag wrote them both they are each deserving of our utter disdain.

    Oh, and don’t forget, gasbag, you started it with your reference to “drips” and “shaking the handle” in #19. So, no hanky stomping from you about your new “handle”, okay?

    And as to the unmitigated gall of the CIA and Dick “Darth Vader” Cheney to actually SPY and plan to Eiger sanction a few of America’s Islamofascist enemies, doesn’t Cheney and the CIA understand that in the Obamabot’s brave new world Islamofascists have constitutional rights, too?

    Sheesh, it’s becoming increasingly clear now that Muslim terrorists just can’t get no respect from “neo-cons”! Shades of Rodney Dangerfield When will this insanity end? [raving lunatic moonbat mode/off]

    Hey, has anyone else noticed that whenever that clown al Franken goes public and opens his ignorant piehole laughing gasbag shows up here? Must be the mutual pheromones. Just noticing.

  • 35 Darthmeister // Jul 15, 2009 at 7:20 pm

    JQ, one day you will learn, like the rest of us, whenever Laughing@You/Neverthink is involved in any “discussion”, the concept of a “civil, mature conversation” goes right out the window along with the baby’s bath water. This very moment he’s probably in his mother’s basement making necklaces with his diaper pins.

  • 36 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 15, 2009 at 7:43 pm

    Sotomayor said that barring criminals from voting “denies or abridges the right to vote on the basis of race.”


  • 37 camojack // Jul 15, 2009 at 7:47 pm

    CIA…secrecy, spying?! Say it ain’t so!!! :shock:

  • 38 onlineanalyst // Jul 15, 2009 at 8:54 pm

    I left several further thoughts for L@Y at the tail end of the (appropriately enough) Sesame Street thread. He obviously has not a clue about economics.

  • 39 Wednessday Night Links : Stop The ACLU // Jul 15, 2009 at 10:14 pm

    [...] World! Obama’s TelePrompTer™ Comes to an Untimely End. A Nation Mourns. Scrappleface: Dems to Probe Secret CIA Plan to Spy on Enemies Maggie’s Farm: Puerto Rican Stew Vs Sotomayor Hash Castle Arrgggh!: Angel In Iraq Kirly: [...]

  • 40 Darthmeister // Jul 15, 2009 at 10:58 pm

    Hey, whatever happened to the libs tireless mantra to “speak truth to power” and to “question authority”? Oh, I forgot, that’s only when Republicans are in power. Hey, nothing like having a double-standard one can proudly embrace!

    Words of wisdom to live by:

    A society of sheep invariably produces a government of wolves.

    The reason animal rights activists are more passionate about fur than leather is because it’s safer to harass rich women than bikers.

    Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.

    Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly and for the same reason.

    If you can’t have friends in high places, have friends who own a gun store.

    “Americans used to roar like lions for liberty; now we bleat like sheep for security.”
    — Norman Vincent Peale

    “What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that the people preserve the spirit of resistance?”
    Thomas Jefferson, 1787

  • 41 Possumtrot // Jul 16, 2009 at 1:38 am

    Well, the ad homs started early. Is there a single old-school liberal out there who can formulate a rational argument without resorting to smear tactics and name calling?

    (Unless I’m completely marginalized, I expect some sort of attack from the herpes-like troll who lurks here. That will prove my point; ’nuff said.)

    Great Scott just gets better with time. The lead story is a masterpiece. I woke the Significant Other up with repeated giggling.

    Mr. Ott, if I was George Soros, I’d buy you that election you’re involved in. We need people in public office at any level with a sense of humor and an affinity for truth. Unfortunately, most of your [primarily] conservative readership is financially strapped paying the freight for the social engineering programs being foisted upon us at a breathtaking pace by The Manchurian Candidate. Otherwise, that thermometer at the top of the blog would’ve blown its mercury out the top by now.

    Here’s an idea: If any others in this vast readership are on Social Security or SSI, and you haven’t already squirreled away that scandalous one-time $250 “stimuli” payment, send it to the Scott Ott Election Fund.

    I’d send mine, but I had to spend most of it repairing HAL-9000 after someone trashed me with a re-run of a killer virus for speaking my mind at United Possums International. (I had to get a plug in here somewhere.)

    Okay, I’m a cheap weasel, but I still toss a few recycled tax/welfare dollars into the tip jar here, and do without jelly on my peanut butter sandwiches for a month. The “change that matters” is the difference between feeding my dogs store-bought food or turning them loose on the neighborhood children.

    I’m still laughing so hard at the initial story that the old lady is reading this as I write it, and scowling ferociously because I’m keeping her awake.


    Black and blue on Scorpion Hill…

  • 42 Laughing@You // Jul 16, 2009 at 1:49 am

    “Hey, whatever happened to the libs tireless mantra to “speak truth to power” and to “question authority”? Oh, I forgot, that’s only when Republicans are in power. Hey, nothing like having a double-standard one can proudly embrace!”

    Well Darth, I find no need to speak “truth to power” at this time, and I have no questions for those presently in authority.

    Of course, I do have some questions about the conduct of the Dumbyah Administration, but since I believe in a representative democracy, I’ll wait for those I voted to place in authority to ask them for me. I do, however, have a good expectation that those questions will be answered fairly soon.

    But please, it isn’t good for you not to voice your concerns. So don’t hold it in, tell the administration what’s on your mind!

    Don’t worry about sounding stupid, or anything like that, just sing out like you do here, President Obama will understand, or find you someone who can, no matter how long it takes!

    Darthmeister, that is your right! No Democrat will ever try to impede your free speech.


  • 43 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 16, 2009 at 7:00 am

    Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
    John 3:5-8

  • 44 egospeak // Jul 16, 2009 at 7:09 am

    re: 42 L@Y said,
    Darthmeister, that is your right! No Democrat will ever try to impede your free speech.” Well, if that is true it must be a new policy cause it sure wasn’t true under the democratic Clinton administration. Talk to the guy who asked Clinton, at a Town Hall meeting, “Can you name one country that ever taxed themselves into prosperity? And what about the woman who yelled , “You suck!” at Clinyon at another public appearance? Both received audit notices from the democrat run IRS the next day. Coincidence? Only in liberal double standard fantasy land. Oh and don’t forget the conservative think tanks that were also audited by the same IRS during that period of democrat control.

    Get your head out of the sand, find some new independent news sources and stop being so mindlessly partisan. You’ll be a happier and better person for it.


  • 45 egospeak // Jul 16, 2009 at 7:13 am

    re: 44

    Clinyon should be Clinton. That’s what I get for typing in the dark.


  • 46 gafisher // Jul 16, 2009 at 7:13 am

    Darth Re#40: “Hey, whatever happened to the libs tireless mantra to “speak truth to power” …?

    Words, just words. Libs can’t even speak truth to pets.

  • 47 Darthmeister // Jul 16, 2009 at 9:51 am

    I guess liberal IQs have dropped this millenium. Obamarx and his socialist Democratic pals in Congress are destroying this nation’s economy with their ideological incompetence and laughing gasbag sees no need to speak truth to power! Buwahahahahaha. So what are you going to believe, your lying eyes or Democrat spin aided and abetted by the sycophantic national media lap dogs? What a tool!

    BTW, how’s those diaper pin necklaces coming along?

  • 48 Darthmeister // Jul 16, 2009 at 9:56 am

    BTW, I’d rather be found a practical atheist than to serve as a doormat to the likes of the disgusting, lying trolls who post here. I’ve only handed out what they’ve dished out themselves.

    I’ll make no apologies to those who have a hand in destroying this country’s economy and security.

  • 49 Darthmeister // Jul 16, 2009 at 10:13 am

    egospeak, you’re absolutely right about how Democrats will use the weight of government to intimidate traditional/conservative Americans who won’t bend the knee to their fascist policies. There were also any number of churches during that period that were “audited”. Lawyers at Judicial Watch (the IRS even went so far as to ask for their political affiliation!) were audited along with Clinton paramour Jennifer Flowers, Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and White House Travel Director Billy Dale who publicly complained (i.e. whistleblower) when unceremoniously fired by sHrillary Clinton.

    Also audited were organizations hostile to the Clintonista Administration like the National Rifle Association, The Heritage Foundation, The National Review, The American Spectator, Freedom Alliance, National Center for Public Policy Research, American Policy Center, American Cause, Citizens Against Government Waste, Citizens for Honest Government, Fortress America, Progress and Freedom Foundation, Concerned Women for America and the San Diego Chapter of Christian Coalition. Bill O’Reilly is also on record for having been audited multiple times by the Clinton IRS. Coincidence? Only in a world of braindead Obamabots. And these examples are just the high profile tip of the iceberg.

    As criticisms against the incompetence of the Obamarx Administration ramps up in the years to come, we can only expect more of the same from this closet fascist regime.

  • 50 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 16, 2009 at 10:45 am

    LOL…..I just have to share this from RedState:

    The new Senate health bill is named, “Quality, Affordable Health Coverage for All Americans.”

  • 51 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 16, 2009 at 10:48 am


    Not RedState—NewsBusters.

    I apologize.

  • 52 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 16, 2009 at 1:44 pm

    The health care bill is here [.pdf]. Related stuff here.

  • 53 Laughing@You // Jul 16, 2009 at 1:47 pm

    “Darthmeister, that is your right! No Democrat will ever try to impede your free speech.”

    Oh, you people! Must you whine so? None of your antidotes invalidate my statement.

    No one has prevented your free speech!

    You can’t violate the law, and seek refuge behind your politics.

    As it has been observed recently “elections have consequences”. The people of our nation have gone to considerable effort to say the Republican Party should not share control of the Executive, or Legislative Branches of United States Government!

    Still, you have a voice, and you are free to use it; but, you can not expect Democrats to guarantee you an audience.

    In increasing numbers American eyes and ears are closing to your pettiness and bigotry, and your numbers are still declining.

    You issue railing accusations, and puff up demanding to be heard even when you have nothing new to say, and your previous messages have been rejected.

    Most of you are decent folks, don’t let the evil one control you with stories of conspiracy and fear.

    Democrats must implement the things they promised our people, no matter how much you complain.

    Yes, yes, we know you don’t like it, and we are sorry you feel that way; but no, you can’t be in charge.


    “BTW, I’d rather be found a practical atheist than to serve as a doormat to the likes of the disgusting, lying trolls who post here.”

    Please Darthmeister, reconsider! Come home, and join your (Democrat) family.

  • 54 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 16, 2009 at 2:22 pm

    Even the sock puppets think they are dictators; emulating their lord and master, BHO, I guess. Sad.

  • 55 Darthmeister // Jul 16, 2009 at 3:56 pm

    “Senator” Boxer Plays the Race Card against … a Black American!

    Once again we’re witness to the patronizing closet racism of liberal Donks. A must see video is included at link! Sweet!

  • 56 Darthmeister // Jul 16, 2009 at 4:07 pm

    RASMUSSEN: 62% of Americans Believe Democrats Are Taking America Down the Wrong Path

    Hmmmmm, 62% is a majority of Americans, right? So that means a majority of Americans don’t like what a radical minority is trying to cram down our collective throats.

    Rasmussen also reports “voters now trust the GOP more to handle eight out of 10 key issues, including the economy.”

    The biggest shift against Obama and the Democrats is among independent voters. I bet that number goes higher in the coming months, particularly as failure dogs Obama and he tries to deliver on his promises to make America into more of a socialist state. The neo-coms can’t be very happy with this turn of events.

  • 57 Darthmeister // Jul 16, 2009 at 4:08 pm

    … Madam Boxer ate my post.

  • 58 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 16, 2009 at 5:03 pm


    I was just about to post a link to that video.
    Unbelievable! The blatant racism of the Democrat party is becoming more and more evident every time they open their mouths. Good grief!

  • 59 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 16, 2009 at 5:11 pm

    More Democrat racism (from Durbin).

    And these vile people are actually worshiped by Democrats……

  • 60 onlineanalyst // Jul 16, 2009 at 5:22 pm

    Yuval Levin reports:

    “For months now, President Obama and congressional Democrats have been claiming with a straight face that spending a trillion dollars or more on a new entitlement program will actually save us money on health care. At some point someone with a calculator was bound to come along and point out the problem with that logic. The Congressional Budget Office is the natural candidate, but has found itself in a tough political spot, as the intense and plainly declared wishes of the Democratic leadership are in conflict with plain facts. CBO has offered some clear but quiet objections this spring and summer, often hidden in complicated tables of figures. But today, the agency has stepped up and cleared its throat. The Washington Post reports:

    ‘Instead of saving the federal government from fiscal catastrophe, the health reform measures being drafted by congressional Democrats would increase rather than reduce public spending on health care, potentially worsening an already bleak budget outlook, the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said this morning.’

    “The statement came in a Senate Budget Committee hearing, when the Chairman, Kent Conrad, asked CBO director Douglas Elmendorf to comment on the claims that the proposed reforms will “bend the cost-curve” on health care. Conrad said: “I’m going to really put you on the spot. From what you have seen from the products of the committees that have reported, do you see a successful effort being mounted to bend the long-term cost curve?”

    Elmendorf, clearly uncomfortable, gave a short answer: “No, Mr. Chairman.” And in the exchange that followed he laid out the ways that the Democrats’ plans will increase health-care spending.

    “Not a great day for Obamacare, but a good one for CBO, and for honesty in Washington.”

    Investors Business Daily has been closely examining this bill, and it is loaded with landmines, giving lie to some of the claims that Obamao has made for it.

  • 61 gafisher // Jul 16, 2009 at 5:25 pm

    Joe Biden: ‘We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt’

    Yeah, and all I need is three more credit cards to get out of debt.

  • 62 Laughing@You // Jul 16, 2009 at 5:41 pm

    “Once again we’re witness to the patronizing closet racism of liberal Donks. A must see video is included at link! Sweet!”

    Darthmeister, who are you kidding? You couldn’t tell “patronizing closet racism” from a secret NASCAR owner’s meeting!


  • 63 gafisher // Jul 16, 2009 at 5:51 pm

    OLA RE: ”“Not a great day for Obamacare, but a good one for CBO, and for honesty in Washington.”

    Like a lamb to the slaughter … The CBO will pay for this, and honesty is already in the smokehouse.

  • 64 onlineanalyst // Jul 16, 2009 at 6:23 pm

    More bizarre Obamanomics” Says Biden, “We have to spend more to keep from going bankrupt.”

    In what world do these people live?

  • 65 onlineanalyst // Jul 16, 2009 at 7:06 pm

    Need a cheap gag? How about those Barack O’Mama jeans?

  • 66 Darthmeister // Jul 16, 2009 at 10:48 pm

    Democrats muzzle Republicans on sensitive issues that would reveal Democrat leadership for the extremists that they are.

    Another fine example of Democratic fascism and their hypocrisy with respect to being transparent and democratic.

  • 67 Darthmeister // Jul 16, 2009 at 10:56 pm

    In what world do these people live?

    Bizarro world.

    Can’t you see the Obamatons hearing Biden spew his idiocies and then nodding sagely to themselves, “Yep, that’s how I would get out of debt!”

    And a day may come when we hear Biden pontificate, “We can tax our way to prosperity.”

  • 68 Laughing@You // Jul 17, 2009 at 1:37 am

    AP-WASHINGTON – The Obama administration is firing back at Sen. Jon Kyl for calling for an end to economic stimulus spending, and it’s aiming where it hurts the most — at home in Arizona.

    The White House on Tuesday released letters from four cabinet secretaries to Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican, citing Kyl’s comments and outlining transportation, housing, Indian education and other projects in his home state they said would be eliminated if the senator has his way.

    Kyl, the No. 2 Senate GOP leader, has said the stimulus spending hasn’t succeeded in boosting the economy and that it’s adding to the deficit. He’s suggested on his Senate Web site and in interviews that spending not already allocated be halted.

    Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, one of two Republicans in Obama’s cabinet, made no attempt to conceal his needling.

    Kyl “publicly questioned whether the stimulus is working and stated that he wants to cancel projects that aren’t presently under way,” LaHood wrote Brewer. “If you prefer to forfeit the money we are making available to your state, as Senator Kyl suggests, please let me know.”

    Anyone want to bet how that one’s gonna go?

    Gosh Langhorn, I guess Obama didn’t know you was just preening for the rest of the brain-dead!


  • 69 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 17, 2009 at 7:03 am

    I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. ~~Psalm 139:14

  • 70 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 17, 2009 at 7:26 am

    Rather than accept the AP’s characterization of what Kyl wrote, I went to actually read it here.

  • 71 onlineanalyst // Jul 17, 2009 at 7:33 am

    Re L@Y #66: To which Kyl and McCain respond. “Whose money is it anyway?”

    Obamao has put new meaning in the phrase “bully pulpit” with an emphasis on bully. Chicago thug-style threats are inappropriate in a representative republic.

    Obamao gave the Dem-controlled its head in pushing through a “stimulus bill,” back in February, a bill that was an expensive nothing but political -patronage payoff. Now the Obamao administration is walking back and spinning that the bill was not meant to stimulate. Even though the word “stimulate” is used repeatedly in all of his oily rhetoric, Obamao and his ineffectual honchos Biden and Gibbs are now saying that the bankrupting package was meant to “stabilize” the economy.

    Heh, tell that to the increasing number of unemployed whose ranks will only rise with the irresponsible economic philosophy of President Government. The funds are being increasingly used to fund extended unemployment benefits and to assist cities and states equally out of control in their spending and woefully deficient in their coffers.

    What’s the hurry to rush through another bankrupting plan or two like Government He** Care or Cap and Tax, President Obamao? Or are you trying to out-Mussolini or out-Mugabe into seizing whole sectors of the economy for the government overlords and devalue our currency to utter worthlessness?

    Obamao’s approval numbers have plummeted by 9% in this month alone, with “strongly disapprove” rising notably, especially among Independents.

    Any legislation of such consequence that it affects the pocketbook and well-being of a nation deserves to be read and deliberated over, not to be fast-tracked and imposed on America’s citizens by a fool who couldn’t pass Econ 101.

  • 72 onlineanalyst // Jul 17, 2009 at 8:06 am

    Another point that demands a shout-out and repetition across the nation is that Obamao’s budget plans reduce national-security spending to pre-911 levels. This is a most naive and irresponsible stance that an American president could possibly make in view of the escalating dangers posed in today’s world. No “reset” button changes reality. A president’s obligation as defined in the Constitution is to protect the American people from enemies, and these enemies have declared themselves as such loudly.

    Obamao has played his shell game of increasing government control over American lives by diverting money from national security into his pet social programs that will insure the serfdom of all through dependence and crippling taxation.

    Love him or hate him, Karl Rove identified the ever-changing goal posts of Obama and Obama’s reliance of straw man rhetoric and false choice. Rove describes the Obama-progressive method as Orwellian, a device where the speaker means whatever he thinks it means for political expediency.

    America is waking up and recognizing that it has a con artist in the White House. Whatever the object of the Obama game is is anyone’s guess. (I have my own theories, and every day Obama is proving them to be valid.)

  • 73 Fred Sinclair // Jul 17, 2009 at 8:38 am

    Interesting, to say the least.

    From Hotline
    To mangle Colin Powell’s “Pottery Barn” doctrine, Pres. Obama may not have broken the economy, but he owns it. Obama acknowledged this yesterday in MI w/his “give it to me”-line, and latest Diageo/Hotline poll shows voters saying the same thing. The problem for Obama: They don’t like what they see.

    - Since our 6/09 survey, Obama’s job approval has fallen 9 points to 56%, driven primarily by drops among men, indies and rural voters. Just 49% approve of his handling of the economy, down from 60%. Even more ominous for Obama is the fact that optimism about the direction of the country has turned pessimistic. Today 55% say the country’s on the wrong track - 12% higher than it was a month ago.

    - It’s clear that the drumbeat of criticism on the “failure” of the stimulus as well as the focus on the rising deficit has taken a toll. Just 38% are confident the stimulus will turn around the economy. Even more problematic for a WH trying to sell more gov’t spending on health care etc. to boost the economy,71% (including 64% of Dems) said would prefer a “slower economic recovery and a lower deficit” to a “quicker economic recovery w/a higher federal deficit.” And, just 36% support a second stimulus.

    - But don’t gloat too much, GOPers. Your approval dropped to 29%. Even so,’10 will be a referendum on the WH. And, at this point, voters are less confident than ever about the guy sitting in it.

  • 74 Newsman // Jul 17, 2009 at 9:15 am

    The stimulus money has been used more in favor of Republican Business interests in scummy operations such as is run by Goldman Sachs, et al.

    Not much seems to be filtering down to the ordinary man in the street be he Republican or Democrat !

    How many people are still being thrown out into the street daily by the foreclosure group ?

    Doesn’t ‘feel like an Obama socialist plot’ to me, as many of you assert !

  • 75 ScrappleFace: Dems to Probe Secret CIA Plan to Spy on Enemies | Daily Danet // Jul 17, 2009 at 9:47 am

    [...] of the Moment: "Never laugh at live dragons" - J.R.R. Tolkien Click Here for More Broken News ScrappleFace: Dems to Probe Secret CIA Plan to Spy on Enemies. Law of Unintended Consequences: Credit card companies raising costs in light of new rules. It [...]

  • 76 Darthmeister // Jul 17, 2009 at 10:07 am

    Socialized Medicine Through The Eyes of a Recipient

    Apparently socialized/nationalized medicine works great … if you are healthy!

    I believe in private universal healthcare but not the socialized/nationalized monstrosity that is being foisted upon the American people. I seriously doubt any of the Congresscritters or Obamarx and the people in his administration are going to put their health and lives on the line by submitting themselves to their own healthcare abomination … unless they were complete morons.

    By contrast, the average American is going to be forced onto the socialized medicine plantation by a national “healthcare” program. As the bill presently stands, a person can maintain a pre-existing private policy with a private insurer but he/she won’t be able to change coverage or get a new policy with another insurer once the national “healthcare” bill becomes law! Pretty slick, eh? That’s how the liar Obama can blithely claim that under his vision of Amerikan socialized medicine one can continue with their private insurance plan. What is left unsaid by this snake is at the same time those with private plans will still have to pay their share of taxes for the national “healthcare” program … thus adding injury to insult!

  • 77 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 17, 2009 at 10:42 am

    In a Senate Budget Committee hearing yesterday, chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) asked CBO director Douglas Elmendorf point blank: “I’m going to really put you on the spot. From what you have seen from the products of the committees that have reported, do you see a successful effort being mounted to bend the long-term cost curve?”

    Elmendorf responded: “No, Mr. Chairman. On the contrary, the legislation significantly expands the federal responsibility for health care costs.”

  • 78 Fred Sinclair // Jul 17, 2009 at 10:53 am

    With a link to order a compass that always points toward Jerusalem gafisher went one better (which I love!) with…….

    Here’s a perfect companion piece, Fred: instead of pointing toward the poles or toward Zion, it always points toward heaven!

    (It’s a magnetically-suspended plumb bob which projects a laser directly up. :-)

    Available at, about $75.)

  • 79 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jul 17, 2009 at 10:57 am

    Good morning one and all. I have not fallen off the end of the earth, as we have once knew it, just running behind. Scott your posts are both informative and humorous as always.

    I am tightly tethered to ScrappleFace so as I stay busy with the new blog I can always pull my way back if only to say good morning.

  • 80 Fred Sinclair // Jul 17, 2009 at 11:13 am

    I just noticed; it’s convertible, so you can always be reminded of where you’re headed without Jesus the Christ.

    Although why anyone would want to be reminded constantly that, if the Bible is, in fact, true that their portion is an eternity in Hell. Perhaps only a true athiest can answer that since he or she is betting their one and only soul that the Bible is nothing more than a religiously themed type of Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

    If the Bible is true - I gain everything; if not, then I’ve lost nothing.

    Las Vegas certainly won’t give me a deal like that!

    “Creates an accurate, highly visible plumb reference…instantly! The Laser Plumb Bob combines conventional plumbing with accurate laser capabilities. The magnetically dampened stand allows the plumb bob to settle and be used within seconds-faster than a conventional plumb bob with string or a gravity-only compensated laser plumb bob. The laser can also be shot downward using the included downward plumbing tip and cord for more conventional usage.”

  • 81 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jul 17, 2009 at 11:18 am

    And, by the way, the fledgling blog posted its second page last week in case you haven’t made it there yet. I have downloaded about 300 of my own personal pictures to thumb drives to make room for all the black and whites sitting on my desk. Trying not to overwork my vintage computer but still do the job it was intended to do.

    There is so much info about black and white history that finding a place to start is overwhelming. I have been contemplating buying an old bellow type Kodak or Agfa camera on e-bay to re-try what our fellow(ette) had to go through to get a good snapshot.

    I will eventually do that but I can’t touch my savings yet. 120 film is still available but finding someone with a darkroom may be trickier.

    Stop by if you haven’t and if you want to be on the e-mailing list be sure to let me know. Everyone has been changing e-mails and I lose readers by mistake. The blog has a few issues and if I can’t resolve them I may try a different blog. Yet, I have enough to do to learn all I can in the photo restoration bizz.

  • 82 onlineanalyst // Jul 17, 2009 at 2:17 pm

    Newsman, contrary to your assertions in #73 and contrary to received wisdom, the Dems were/are the biggest recipients of Goldman Sachs political contributions.

  • 83 upnorthlurkin // Jul 17, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    Last time I checked, Goldman Sachs was run by big time dhimmis….and they are in line to profit greatly if the Cap ‘N Taxem (to death) fiasco passes.

  • 84 Friday night funny: high school, lawyers, CIA, Obama, knighthood « Wintery Knight Blog // Jul 17, 2009 at 4:02 pm

    [...] Scott Ott writes about the new Democrat probe of the CIA’s covert operations. [...]

  • 85 Darthmeister // Jul 17, 2009 at 6:01 pm

    BTW, has anyone else seen the video of Sotomayor embarassing herself by not being able to come to any sort of personal opinion that there is indeed a right to personal self-defense in America? Gee, I though the right to life included that component not to mention the SCOTUS Washington D.C. ruling last year (which makes it settled law, right?) that the Second Amendment guarantees a personal right to keep and bear arms. And the reading of the majority opinion makes it clear the justices weren’t merely opining in a vacuum but were extending it instances of personal protection.

    Sotomayor probably thought the American founders were concerned more with the gun rights of duck hunters and not the right to bear arms against criminals and domestic tyranny. Anyone conversant with founding history on this topic understand the Constitutional architects were about the business of putting together a country of free people and not simply creating a country club of duck and deer hunters. Sheesh!

    Sotomayor’s hemming and hawwing around this simple question was pretty pathetic to watch. And this “wise latina” is ready for the Supreme Court? I shudder for my country, and my unalienable rights, when some liteweight leftist like this can manage to duck and dodge her way onto the highest court in the land!

  • 86 Darthmeister // Jul 17, 2009 at 6:28 pm

    How many people are still being thrown out into the street daily by the foreclosure group ?

    You can thank Democrats like Barney Fwank, Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters, et al who continued to ignore the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac financial trainwreck despite it happening right before their eyes. You can also thank Democrats from Jimmy Carter to Bill Clinton to Democrat Congresscritters who, through financially irresponsible legislation, loosened lending practices which eventually ensnared high risk borrowers to overextend themselves in purchasing homes they really couldn’t afford. And it’s no secret that Democrats played the race card by claiming any attempt to tighten qualifications for home mortgages is racist because it impacts poor minorities more than the white middle class.

    So, Newsman, if you’re going to whine about foreclosures, go whine to your precious Democrat Party who aided and abetted this financial insanity to the point that we are all now paying for such liberal financial insanity. Yeah, yeah, there were some Republicans who bought into this notion of easy credit and easy home mortgages, but by and large the present financial disaster is the handiwork of Democrats starting with Jimmy Carter.

    Now having been confronted with the video evidence of Democrat own corruption and complicity in the home mortgage meltdown, what are you going to believe, your lying eyes and ears or Democrat propaganda that it’s all Bush’s and Republicans’ fault.

  • 87 Newsman // Jul 17, 2009 at 8:51 pm

    Darth ! Are you really the secret co-author of “How To Make Friends And Influence People”.

    And BTW, are you going to give another class on English this coming fall ?

    Seems to me the Republicans and their penchant for deregulatioon had a lot to do with our current sorry economic state of affairs.

    Gee Darth, Bush spent eight years in the Whitehouse, why did he ignore correcting all these problems that you say were all created by the democrats ?

    I just don’t know why you are not sought out by the folks running this country for your astute advice !

  • 88 Newsman // Jul 17, 2009 at 9:00 pm

    Hey Darth - looks like Bashir is your kind of guy. maybe he could help solve your political disgruntlement.

    “Foreign connections were largely handled by JI’s core leadership. Before their arrests in 2003 and 2007 respectively, Isamuddin and Dujana were instrumental in transferring tactical know-how while JI’s ideological leader, Abu Bakar Bashir, used his contacts across the Muslim world (including members of al Qaeda) gained during years of exile to collaborate with ideologically similar groups. Bashir was imprisoned for a brief period following the 2002 Bali bombings but was released in 2006 and has recently increased his rhetoric. On June 14, he called for Indonesians to support attacks in Thailand and called for the beheading of U.S. President Barack Obama (who had recently addressed the Muslim world in a Cairo speech) and former U.S. President George Bush.”

  • 89 Darthmeister // Jul 17, 2009 at 11:51 pm

    Newsman, I’m not going to dignify your disgusting filth in your #88 comment.

    Oh, and please quit engaging in revisionism, okay? We Scrapolers have already documented here time and time again - with links - the inescapable fact that from late 2001 to 2007 President Bush and his administration warned Congress no less than 18 times that something needed to be done about Congressional oversight of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and other financial institutions who were engaged in reckless lending practices which were inexorably creating a housing bubble. And in 2008 alone the Bush Administrations warned the Democrat-controlled Congress no less than another 17 times that they needed to either reform the regulations governing FM/FM or at least exercise their oversight in a responsible manner. The Democrats saw fit to do neither.

    POTUS does not have oversight over these crucial Government Sponsored Enterprises (do you know what a GSE is, Newsman, they sure aren’t “free market” financial institutions) CONGRESS HAS OVERSIGHT and Congress failed. Yes, Republicans ran Congress for six of the eight years under the Bush Administration but it is also demonstrably true Democrats succeeded in bottling up any attempt to address the coming economic tsunami.

    So would you quit lying out of both sides of your mouth … it’s so unbecoming of someone who considers themselves so “progressive” and informed.

    BTW, did you even bother looking at the C-Span footage (in their own words, sir!) I linked to. Yeah, there was some commentary to provide context, but I’ve done far more to throw light on this topic using actual video-tape than the lamestream media did by ignoring Democrats’ culpability in the financial mess America finds itself in today.

    And would you please do us and yourself a favor by clicking on the links I’ve taken the trouble to post so that you can educate yourself about the real history of the Congressional Democrats’ overwhelming complicity and incompetence in having the economy meltdown on their watch.

    Even the left-leaning New York Times reported on September 11, 2003:

    The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

    Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

    The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.

    The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt — is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.


    ”These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis,” said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ‘‘The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.”

    Representative Melvin L. Watt, Democrat of North Carolina, agreed.

    ”I don’t see much other than a shell game going on here, moving something from one agency to another and in the process weakening the bargaining power of poorer families and their ability to get affordable housing,” Mr. Watt said.

    So please stop your ignorant obfuscation and get a clue before you come back here to embarass yourself. This is really the kindest think I can say to a troll who refuses to follow the links to actual C-Span video and blows off the FACTS that virtually every Scrappler has shared with you to enlighten as to what your precious mainstream media has managed to ignore as they carry the liberal Democrats’ water on this and other important issues which face this nation.

    Oh, and as to your snarky comment about deregulation and the Bush Administration, if you bother to do your own independent investigation instead of believing the crap being spoonfed to you by the lamestream media and leftist blogs (I mean, where else could you possibly be getting your “information”, right? Certainly not out of thin air) you would find that a significant amount of deregulation that you complain about was started by no less than the Clinton Administration.


  • 90 Darthmeister // Jul 17, 2009 at 11:55 pm

    Sheesh, one of many but “Scrapolers” should be “Scrapplers”.

  • 91 Laughing@You // Jul 18, 2009 at 1:54 am

    “Disgusting filth”?

    Are you related to that other little squirt here who likes to throw that expression around?

    I can see where you might find it insulting, but filthy?

    If you insist it is “filth, what makes the hateful and dishonest trash you so often post less filthy than the hyperbole posted by Newsman?


  • 92 Fred Sinclair // Jul 18, 2009 at 11:37 am

    The fictional role of Baltar was played by John Colicos in the series “Battlestar Galactia”

    The real life role of Baltar (POTUS) is currently being played by B. Hussein Obama, here today on planet earth.

  • 93 Darthmeister // Jul 18, 2009 at 3:00 pm

    Laughing gasbag, quit projecting, dude. The “hateful and dishonest trash” that has been posted here mainly comes from trolls like you. When we post counter-arguments and other sources of facts which contradict your ignorant Obamabot mantra you immediately resort to name calling and then condemn us for holding a mirror to your faces by answering in kind!

    It’s interesting how you Obamabots are unwilling to deal with facts that the liberal media ignores (if I understand you correctly, the “mainstream medai” is your steady source of biased kool-aid) and when any other fact-based information is posted here that contradicts your warped, leftist worldview you call it “trash”, often without even bothering to try and read the links and honestly comprehend how that information seriously contradict your Bush-hating, liberal humanist view of the world!

    You see, invariably when you trolls post information which is either erroneous, based merely on liberal “journalistic” opinion, or conveniently lacking certain details of a news story that would often turn the lamestream media’s original story on its head, you trolls resort to calling it “hateful and dishonest trash” without posting a single, irrefutable source which contradicts our subsequent criticisms of your “news” sources.

    I and many other Scrapplers on this site have been consistent all along by exposing your lies and disinformation with links to other news sources which often, as the saying goes, tells the rest of the story.

    Given how doped up you are on your leftist kool-aid I can understand how you would believe anything which contradicts your warped worldview is “hateful and dishonest” when in fact the shoe is actually on the other foot … yours. Your sad attempts at pre-emptive fingerpointing won’t work here because there are too many other honest folk who post here that have access to all kinds of information which never shows up in your precious “mainstream media”.

    Despite your own lies about how progressive and open-minded kneejerk Bush-haters like you are, you invariable prove to be little more than uninformed tools parroting the ideological detris of the very political kooks who are presently destroying this nation’s economy and social structure, kooks who are present crowing about how their political remedies are working! Clearly a case where the emperor has no clothes and trolls like you condemn us for daring to tell the truth.

  • 94 Newsman // Jul 18, 2009 at 4:22 pm

    Tis a pity Darth. You are a classic example of how someone can slowly but steadily go right off the deep end.

    You have a growing deep seated road rage against life.

  • 95 Laughing@You // Jul 19, 2009 at 2:11 am


    You were mainly strawberries and ball bearings to begin with, but now it appears your “vital bodily fluids” are also corrupted.

    Even so, you still insist on devouring those half baked wing-nut cookies over at those fast trash joints you frequent.

    There was nothing “filthy” in post 88,
    but everything you address becomes vile and twisted before you are finished with it!


    PS Democrats have the goods on Cheney, you’ll soon see. I expect him to offer up Dumbyah to avoid a Madoff-like sentence.

    Whatcha gonna say then scooper?

  • 96 Fred Sinclair // Jul 20, 2009 at 1:04 pm

    From “The Patriot Post”

    “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.” -George Washington

  • 97 Fred Sinclair // Jul 20, 2009 at 4:42 pm

    Today’s Quote:

    “Too many Americans grew tired of being thought to be dumb by the rest of the world, so they went to the polls and removed all doubt.”

  • 98 Laughing@You // Jul 20, 2009 at 5:40 pm


    Say old fella, would you mind saving those Daily Quotes so I can have mine all at one time?

    Also, if you wouldn’t mind, put them in a paper bag (preferably recycled paper) and have them ready on Tuesday evenings, since my trash collector comes on Wednesday mornings.


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