ScrappleFace: News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher

Obama in Russia Cuts Global Warming Nuke Treaty

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 63 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

President Barack Obama returns from Russia this week with a verbal commitment in hand from President Dmitry Medvedev to slash stockpiles of nuclear weapons as a preemptive strike against one of the top five potential causes of man-made global warming — unrestrained atomic fission.
READ THE REST AT The Washington Examiner

Tags: DC Examiner

63 responses so far ↓

  • 1 boberinyetagain // Jul 7, 2009 at 9:39 am

    Commented over at the Examiner site but suffice it to say…amusing as always.

    But I don’t want to make this all about me…
    RAM, see 53 on the relavent thread for more hugs

  • 2 onlineanalyst // Jul 7, 2009 at 10:03 am

    Allow me to reprise two late posts from the end of a prior thread.

    onlineanalyst // Jul 7, 2009 at 9:00 am

    There are lots of observations/facts (with plentiful links) to mull over here about ObaMao’s (or should I say, ObaMarx’s?) grievances about the US, a country that he intends to remake in his own image. Our current Dear Leader of a command economy with its own Five-Year Plans has plenty of goals for America—none of them good.

    Goodness, the man has more czars than Russia ever did.
    onlineanalyst // Jul 7, 2009 at 9:46 am

    As two commenters observed in “The Anchoress’s” blog post above about Obama’s radical past, the problem with the idiocy of brokering an agreement with Russia is that 1) The problem is not that Russia has numerous nuclear warheads. It is that Russia has sold and shared its nuclear hardware and expertise with its client states. and 2) Russia can meet the conditions of the agreement to diminish its numbers of warheads by distributing them to those client states.

    We can be sure that the KGB had Obama’s number as a “useful idiot” from the time the tool-in-chief was a pie-eyed student.

    As another commenter elsewhere observed, the Russian bear has met the Chicago cub.

  • 3 boberinyetagain // Jul 7, 2009 at 10:09 am

    Obama could announce that he had discovered a no cost treatment that is 100% effective in curing aids/cancer and there’d be something dreadfully wrong with that, would be the “end” of life as we know it.

  • 4 boberinyetagain // Jul 7, 2009 at 10:14 am

    Them Russkies want nothing more than to invade/dominate us in every way. Don’t EVER trust anyone, ever, about anything, ever, for any reason. You can be CERTAIN that the feeling that everyone is out to get us is 100% accurate, in literally every situation. If we act, we’re screwed. Sadly, inaction leads to the same end so…We’re screwed, might as well go out with a bang…detonate all nukes now. Why wait for the rush…we can maintain our leadership position but only if we act quickly and decisively, they aren’t expecting it…we’ve got em. A preemptive strike against the entire planet.
    This plan had merit…think about it

  • 5 onlineanalyst // Jul 7, 2009 at 10:15 am

    boberin: Your remark about Cuban cigars in the Examiner piece demonstrates a certain naivete. The money generated from the cigars and Cuban tourism supports the repressive regime of the Castro boys. There are two Cubas (Pardon me for stealing that coined phrase, Mr. Edwards,): the tourist paradise and the hovels of the natives/jail cells of Cuba’s political prisoners. (The Gitmo detainees are living large in contrast to Cuba’s underclass.)

  • 6 JQ // Jul 7, 2009 at 12:16 pm

    OLA says:

    “boberin: Your remark about Cuban cigars in the Examiner piece demonstrates a certain naivete. The money generated from the cigars and Cuban tourism supports the repressive regime of the Castro boys.”

    Are you serious? The dude was joking

  • 7 boberinyetagain // Jul 7, 2009 at 12:26 pm

    JQ, I’m pretty sure she knew that…pretty sure

  • 8 boberinyetagain // Jul 7, 2009 at 12:39 pm


  • 9 boberinyetagain // Jul 7, 2009 at 12:45 pm

    “the hovels of the natives/jail cells of Cuba’s political prisoners”

    we have those, we call them “drug offenders” and we have way more than Cuba can ever dream of (jail cells and hovels, and occupants of both)
    I just wish a more enlightened country would come here and “teach” us how we ought to treat these folks.
    I beleive that would give us a whole new perspective on our “assistance” and our reaction to that help could be used as an example to other countrys how best to react to our kind efforts

  • 10 Laughing@You // Jul 7, 2009 at 1:39 pm

    “boberin: Your remark about Cuban cigars in the Examiner piece demonstrates a certain naivete. The money generated from the cigars and Cuban tourism supports the repressive regime of the Castro boys.”

    “Are you serious? The dude was joking…”

    JQ, there are times I think you will never fit in here!

    You seem to want to embrace insanity without really being insane.

    Are you writing a thesis or something?

    Perhaps, you would be happier in the land of the living, and “Let the dead bury their dead”.


  • 11 Laughing@You // Jul 7, 2009 at 1:52 pm

    Say boberin,

    Did you see Michael Moore’s “Sicko”? I watched it a second time on Showtime last week. Those Cubans treated our 911 Rescue Workers with genuine care and affection.

    In it you can also see Britain’s NHS, as well as the Canadian and French versions of National Health Care.

    Did you know England has had free public health care since 1948?

    That’s a long time! I guess once you go therem the gremlins (Republicans) can never bind you again.

    By the way, if we are trolls, let them be gremlins.


  • 12 Laughing@You // Jul 7, 2009 at 2:22 pm


    In Sicko you can also see where Michael Moore paid $12,000.00 for the cancer care of the wife of a guy who runs an Anti-Michael Moore smear (web) site!

    When I saw this, I asked what’s Moore trying to do, act like a Christian or something?

    Then I remembered Christians don’t do that anymore.

    They’re whole purpose seems to be just to curse the enemies of their god, and blindly support the Republican Party. They support war, and tell the starving why they are hungry, the naked why they have no clothes, and they turn their face away from the sick.

    It seems it is their mission to hate all who disagree with a very narrow gospel which seems more in line with the views of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, Pat Robertson, and the late Jerry Falwell, than Jesus Christ, …



  • 13 boberinyetagain // Jul 7, 2009 at 2:24 pm

    ET, not yet but it’s on the list…

    Hospitals and insurance companies are already on board so, the impossible task is nearly at hand. It does remain to be seen what long term effect it has on things but it seems worth a shot.

    Don’t worry folks, the “rich” that you so vociferously defend (why remains a complete mystery) will still have access to excellent care…and some poor folks might get the leftovers which is more than they have now

  • 14 Laughing@You // Jul 7, 2009 at 2:45 pm

    Oh’ boberin,

    When I first saw Sicko, a couple of years ago, the “Idiot” was still president, the Repugs still had a voice, albeit ignorant and bigoted. I thought we can never do this simple good thing.

    Now, the Idiot is gone, we have the grumbling Repugs caged, and the public will is not made timid by fear! We will do this, YES, WE CAN!

    I believe Franken’s election may prove to be key!

    Move Sicko to the top of your list, it is an eyeopener.


  • 15 R.A.M. // Jul 7, 2009 at 3:30 pm

    re #1: Yeah, I saw your ‘comment # 53′ “spin” and answered it in comment #59. Now why don’t YOU or ANY of the other Obama-bot trolls answer my challenge that I have asked, (and you ALL ignored), about Helen Thomas being concerned about Obama and his minions shutting out the press and stacking his “Townhall” with “ringers”?

    Here is comment #60 from that thread:

    “RAM said in # 51: “I KNEW you wouldn’t address a TRUE story about Helen Thomas and other Press getting sick of the dangerous secretive dictator!”

    I’m STILL waiting libs?

    Is there enough room for ALL you trolls under your desk? :lol:

  • 16 R.A.M. // Jul 7, 2009 at 3:38 pm

    blabber said in comment #1: “But I don’t want to make this all about me…”

    And yet, you STILL did!

    Anything to be first. Then 3o minutes later to make an “auctual” comment about Scott’s subject!

    GOD was/is right! They are BLIND and CANNOT see!

  • 17 boberinyetagain // Jul 7, 2009 at 3:46 pm

    Helen Tomas is not a person I answer to. I respect her but, again, with no speakers it seems pointless to watch her flap her gums.
    I’m guessing she says Obama does not come across with enough information. I can’t say with any intelligence if that’s true or not. Helen is better qualified for certain. You too cannot make an intelligent point in that regard but, let’s say she’s right just for fun.
    Then compell him to come clean, shout from the rooftops (not from you tube) that the pres isn’t telling you something you need to know. Then…I don’t know what. No president ever has “come clean” about anything. I’m guessing this one is similar despite promises.
    A politician that broke a promise…well…I never…!!!
    Oh wait, I lied…yes I did, I have heard of such things. I seem to vaguely recall that every one I’ve ever heard of did that too. The rest seem to have gotten by even though I thought at the time…”gee, I wish he/she was more forthcoming”. Even that impassioned thought, no matter how often it occurred, has changed that a whit. It would be swell if it were to change now but, if not I’m going to empoy my most powerful coping mechanisms and try (it will be tough) to muddle through, feeling “cheated” one more time.
    The next one I vote for though…well…they’ll likely d the same thing…not be fully forthcoming and, when that ship sails in…I’ll do my best to deal with that as well.

    Does that answer you question?
    Did I “win” or did you? I lost track…

  • 18 boberinyetagain // Jul 7, 2009 at 3:55 pm

    re 16
    I’ve tried really hard to be nice and ignore the nonsensical comments you make but I’ll admit it’s getting harder.
    Then again, I should trust that the rest here can read. If that is indeed the case they already know that todays “first” was a whimsical comment aimed at attemtpting to make you review your own accusation and note how ludicrous it is/was/will remain.

    If/when I’m first, I do not crow “hey, I’m first” as many, many others do. I usually pull a gem from Scotts own story and paste it in, congratulate him on entertaining me yet again. I then stay “on satire” until one (you fit this better than most) makes some completely inane, usually off topic comment that bears litte resemblance to reality as it’s known im my world. I then respond, much like this, pointing out the inanity of the comment and my reasons for thinking such things.

    Am I “winning” yet? Please do keep me posted. At last count it was RAM, 0, boberin -1, still too close to call but your results may vary

  • 19 R.A.M. // Jul 7, 2009 at 4:09 pm

    re # 17 and # 18:

    Sorry blabber, I don’t have any “audio” so I scrolled through your INANE “spin” comments.

    This comment by you makes little sense, (of course this is NOT a rare occurance), : “Helen Tomas(sic) is not a person I answer to. I respect her but, again, with no speakers it seems pointless to watch her flap her gums—”

    You RESPECT her but say she FLAPS her gums? Some respect! :lol:

    No sense in my watching you “flap your gums”. :-)

  • 20 boberinyetagain // Jul 7, 2009 at 4:18 pm

    Whoops, I forgot to “defend” the use of “ringers” at press conferences.
    I can’t. There…I’ve said it…I just can’t.

    But (think for a moment) is Obama the very first one to do this despicable thing? Be brutally honest, I/he can take it. Is he the first? I imagine that you have/did/will continue to ridicule ALL that have tried this downright lowdown dirty tactic.
    Lets look back and see, I’m certain there are examples of your railing against this completely unacceptable practice…that and teleprompters.

    You are on a roll. You’ve single handedly, in one afternoon pointed out/uncovered several key things
    A) sometimes politicians lie (or at least shade the truth)
    B) sometimes they stack the deck in their favor
    C) sometimes they use teleprompters (ok, to be fair I pointed that out today, not you but I know you have in the past so I’m giving you 100% credit for the discovery)

    Lets band together and find/drag into the street every politician that’s done such things and beat them mercilessly. Which one first?

    You are on a roll. Please don’t tell me that winning the lottery is just a pipe dream. I couldn’t stand that much truth in one afternoon

  • 21 boberinyetagain // Jul 7, 2009 at 4:21 pm

    RAM, o
    boberin -3

    You are kicking my butt today…uncle, uncle!

  • 22 boberinyetagain // Jul 7, 2009 at 4:25 pm

    um, watching a video w/o sound…is like reading this comment…

    Did you understand what I’m saying there?

  • 23 R.A.M. // Jul 7, 2009 at 4:25 pm

    Blabber -3.

    I don’t know maybe a minus 2, but not minus three.

    kicking your butt or ANY other troll here is EXTREMELY easy!!!

  • 24 Godfrey // Jul 7, 2009 at 4:26 pm

    It’s instructive to note that before certain letters stood for “Republican Attack Machine” they stood for “Random Access Memory”.

    This goes a long way toward explaining the incoherent nature of certain Scrappleface posts.

    Regarding Sicko, I must say that I found my own viewing of this film a pointless exercise from an educational standpoint. Like all Moore’s films, it is constructed in such a way that it serves only to bolster his own narrow perspective. There is no attempt to provide anything resembling circumspection or any real illumination; it is little more than entertaining (and intentionally misleading) polemic.

  • 25 R.A.M. // Jul 7, 2009 at 4:34 pm

    #22: Honestly blabber, it is hard to understand ANYTHING you or the other libs say.

    Maybe it is because first a person has to wade through all the “spin” and false info.

    You can also read the transcript of Helen Thomas’s comments since they were at a WHITE HOUSE PRESS CONFERENCE, but you ALREADY knew that, didn’t you?

    “ASK” engine search: “Helen Thomas takes Gibbs to task”. You CAN do that, can’t you?

    Just admit you are avoiding reponding to Helen’s charge of Obama, “Spinner”!

    Now good night. I have work to do. I wish I were like you paid “Obama-bots” and could post “spin” all day, but I have to work so Obama can seize my money and distribute it to slackers like you. :lol:

  • 26 R.A.M. // Jul 7, 2009 at 4:39 pm

    Godless re#24: “Like all Moore’s films, it is constructed in such a way that it serves only to bolster his own narrow perspective.”

    Sounds like you are describing your, (or one of the other trolls), posts as well as Moore’s films!

    “Takes one to KNOW one”, I guess. ;-)

    BTW, did they FINALLY “plant” the pervert “Jacko” yet?

  • 27 gafisher // Jul 7, 2009 at 4:40 pm

    “We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analyzing possible causes, by trying to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will. I cannot believe that such a program would be rejected by the people of this country, even if it does mean the establishment of personal contact with the dictators.”

    “I believe it is peace for our time . . . peace with honour.”

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neville Chaimberlain

  • 28 boberinyetagain // Jul 7, 2009 at 4:48 pm

    um..17 does address the Helen Tomas dissapointment to some degree.
    I’m shocked I tell you, shocked…

  • 29 gafisher // Jul 7, 2009 at 5:00 pm

    R.A.M. Re#26: We’re privileged to live in a unique time when three talented black men of a single generation were propelled, largely by the influence of their fathers, to the pinnacle of their respective fields which had previously been dominated by whites.

    One of those fathers, patient but always encouraging, gave us Tiger Woods. Another, abusive and self-centered, raised Michael Jackson. The third of the trio had two fathers, both shiftless, unreliable, and uncaring. Their handiwork now resides in the White House.

    As my grandparents used to say, “De appel valt niet ver van de boom.”

  • 30 camojack // Jul 7, 2009 at 5:32 pm

    Not a lot of staying on topic in this thread, huh? I think it wasn’t until gafisher posted a relevant quote in comment # 27.

    Anyway, I daresay that nuclear weapons have to potential to generate a LOT of Global Warming™, unlike, say…CO2?

  • 31 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jul 7, 2009 at 7:17 pm

    Okay, I have a lot of catching up to do but I think I have an excuse. The candles have been burning 24 hours a day here in the bunker getting the new blog up and running. I am having a few problems with the comment section but this is the beta? version of Shadows of America.

    Note, I do not have anybody’s links on this site because it is not a political page, but rather a nostalgic black and white photo page. Not much there but an introduction but let me know what you think about the layout. I’m not crazy about it, so changes are planned

    Thank you

  • 32 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 7, 2009 at 10:42 pm

    Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
    ~~ Colossians 3:16-17

  • 33 Darthmeister // Jul 7, 2009 at 11:19 pm

    Senator al Franken is now a clown among clowns. As we witness America’s slide into an economic if not historic oblivion, any American that isn’t a braindead Obamaton will soon realize that the Donks indeed OWN the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate, the White House and virtually every failing large metropolitan area in America.

    And to add injury to insult the Donks still seem more the willing to increase taxes on the rest of us for the privilege of living in their blighted velvet gulag.

    Yes, a day of reckoning will soon come as mainstream Americans become more impoverished by this growing Democratic incompetence. If real Americans do prove to be more than mere cattle, it would be in liberals’ and Obamabots best interest to pass legislation outlawing pitchforks.

  • 34 Darthmeister // Jul 7, 2009 at 11:25 pm

    camojack, I’ve always believed whether in love, war or weather we should just give nukes a chance. The nuclear family has always been the foundation of modern civil society!

    All we are saaaaaying … is give nukes a chance

  • 35 Darthmeister // Jul 7, 2009 at 11:27 pm

    btw, has anyone else heard the urban legend that if there was a global nuclear war only the cockroaches in the U.S. Congress and the Kremlin would survive?

  • 36 SGT USMC 1ea // Jul 7, 2009 at 11:27 pm

    Obama in Russia really scares me. This is something that could really cut into our missile defense funding. Both ObamaoMarx and MedeyivskileninMarx want to limit the evil shield which could protect Amerikka from potential rogue power nukes. Since I really like to get paid this is a personal (selfish) issue for me. May our P’resident get rebuuffed and sent home like a whipped puppy!

    Ms RW,
    Loved the new site. May God bless your endeavours.

    Deus est Semper Fidelis

  • 37 Laughing@You // Jul 7, 2009 at 11:46 pm


    “James Dale Guckert (born 1957) posed as a conservative columnist under the pseudonym Jeff Gannon and was given credentials as a White House reporter between 2003 and 2005, eventually being employed by the news organization Talon News during the latter part of this period. Gannon first gained national attention during a presidential press conference on January 26, 2005, when he asked United States President George W. Bush a question that some in the press corps considered “so friendly it might have been planted.” Gannon routinely obtained daily passes to White House briefings, attending four Bush press conferences and appearing regularly at White House press briefings. Although he did not qualify for a Congressional press pass, Gannon was given daily passes to White House press briefings “after supplying his real name, date of birth and Social Security number.” Gannon came under public scrutiny for his lack of a journalistic background prior to his work with Talon and his involvement with various homosexual escort service websites using the professional name “Bulldog”. Gannon resigned from Talon News on February 8, 2005. Continuing to use the name Gannon, he has since created his own official homepage and worked for a time as a columnist for the Washington Blade newspaper, where he confirmed he was gay after he was outed as a homosexual prostitute.”

    You are right about the Town Hall dodge, and I don’t like it either; but please don’t throw rocks from inside your glass house.


  • 38 camojack // Jul 8, 2009 at 12:13 am

    Darthmeister // Jul 7, 2009 at 11:25 pm
    camojack, I’ve always believed whether in love, war or weather we should just give nukes a chance. The nuclear family has always been the foundation of modern civil society!
    All we are saaaaaying … is give nukes a chance

    I’m all for giving nukes a chance…to generate pollution-free energy. Yet somehow, all the hysterical buffoons whining about Global Warming™ (due to the dubious claim that it’s caused by CO2) are opposed to it. Go figure…

  • 39 R.A.M. // Jul 8, 2009 at 3:34 am

    I sent a letter to Senator Evan Bayh telling him my feelings on “Cap and Trade” legislation, and that it was a tax on energy for ALL of us. I also asked that he NOT send me a “form letter” telling me where I went wrong with my thinking!!! This is the letter he responded with. I have put his “Kool Aid” drinking reasoning in bold type and italics:

    Thank you for contacting me regarding the impacts of global climate change. I appreciate your thoughts and concerns on this issue.

    I am deeply concerned about the threat posed by global climate change. The scientific consensus on this issue is unequivocal. Global warming is real and greenhouse gas emissions from human activity are causing it. Scientists and others warn that climate change threatens our nation’s security, and may imperil future generations’ opportunity for safe, healthy, and prosperous lives.

    However, any carbon-constraining mechanism must protect Hoosier ratepayers, workers and businesses from increased costs. Additionally, other nations of the world must be included in this effort, because if they are not, our action will be for naught.

    Please rest assured, should legislation regarding global climate change be introduced in the 111th Congress, I will keep your views in mind.

    Again, thank you for contacting me. I hope the information I have provided is helpful. My website,, can provide additional details about legislation and state projects, and you can also sign up to receive my monthly e-newsletter, The Bayh Bulletin, by clicking on the link at the top of my homepage. I value your input and hope you will continue to keep me informed of the issues important to you. Senator Evan Bayh

    Off topic: Even if you believe Obama was born in Hawaii, it NOW appears, (by Obama’s own White House stationery AND his prior claim that he was born at “Queen’s Medical Center”), that he was born at TWO DIFFERENT hospitals in Hawaii! What an amazing feat!

  • 40 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 8, 2009 at 10:51 am

    However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him”—
    ~~~1Corinthians 2:9

    Almighty God has a plan, despite the very real, apparent gloominess.
    Matthew 6:25-34

  • 41 Newsman // Jul 8, 2009 at 12:38 pm

    Republican Faq ( take note Darthy ):

    “On average you get 4 kg of dung from each elephant per day, and that’s enough to produce 48 poster-sized sheets of paper.”

    A challenge for you scrapplers ….
    How many Republicans are there in the U.S.A. ?

  • 42 Newsman // Jul 8, 2009 at 12:40 pm

    And how many poster-sized sheets of paper can all you Republicans produce each and every day ?

  • 43 Darthmeister // Jul 8, 2009 at 1:18 pm

    My advice to democracy lovers around the world, kill the strongman thug of your country lest Obama demands you return him to power.

    I don’t know the answer to that Newsman since I’m not a Republican. I just happen to believe Republicans at least have some semblance of civility and scruples as opposed to the snarling, lying jackals which populate your side of the aisle. Given how Democrats have built their political tent upon layer upon layer of lies and disinformation, endlessly engage in the politics of personal destruction (the destruction of Sarah Palin is exhibit one), and have immorally bought the fealty of their braindead welfare base through the corrupt practices of promising an ever larger welfare state, I simply find liberal Democrats far more despicable political opportunists than weak-kneed Republican cowards who refuse to pin the well-deserved tail of corruption on the Donkeys!

    BTW, I imagine the fecal output of your average Donk far exceeds anything a pussilanimous Elephant could produce.

  • 44 Darthmeister // Jul 8, 2009 at 1:35 pm

    BTW, Newsman, the fact you still don’t understand that most of the posters here are not card carrying Republicans but rather traditional conservatives who often have to hold their noses to vote for a Republican because the alternative of voting for a lying, scheming Democrat clown/buffoon/commie/murderer/gay prostitution ringleader is even a more odious prospect demonstrates you utter lack of understanding about the American conservative movement. I thought you were smarter than the rest of us because if you were you wouldn’t have mistaken our tacit support of the more principled Republicans who have the safety and security of our constitutional republic more in mind than the Democrat dogs who put their party before country even to the point of undermining a war against the radical Islamic enemies of this nation - to which we here are all witnesses.

    I’m sure I’ve voted for far more Libertarians and conservative Democrats than you’ve voted for liberal/moderate Republicans … so what does that say about our respective partisan bent?

  • 45 Laughing@You // Jul 8, 2009 at 2:20 pm


    Would you mend asking Darthmeister how frequently he has a “American conservative movement”?

    After saying: “… because the alternative of voting for a lying, scheming Democrat clown/buffoon/commie/murderer/gay prostitution ringleader …”

    Darthmeister then has the nerve to say: “I’m sure I’ve voted for far more Libertarians and conservative Democrats than you’ve voted for liberal/moderate Republicans”.


  • 46 upnorthlurkin // Jul 8, 2009 at 3:23 pm

    Gafisher - love the quote in your post #27!! Now it’s clear just what boberin’s been reading/memorizing…. I’m always curious about how these peaceniks refuse to recognize evil.

  • 47 Laughing@You // Jul 8, 2009 at 3:32 pm


    I know just what you mean! Likewise, I’m always curious about the Chickenhawks, and other women, who are so quick to recognize the evil they expect somebody else to confront!


  • 48 Laughing@You // Jul 8, 2009 at 4:44 pm

    I guess I meant to say mind in 45.

  • 49 upnorthlurkin // Jul 8, 2009 at 9:24 pm

    I wasn’t talking to you, Chuckles. And I guess I’m from the generation where our men were willing and able to be our protectors, not to mention they were and are gentlemen….something about which you obviously know very little. You, sir (and I use that term laughably) are a cad and a boor.

  • 50 gafisher // Jul 8, 2009 at 9:48 pm

    SGT USMC 1ea Re#36: “May our P’resident get rebuuffed and sent home like a whipped puppy!

    Unlikely. Putin and Medvedev are absolutely thrilled to have Obama treat them — and ‘negotiate‘ — as though little dying Russia were still the mighty pre-Reagan U.S.S.R.

  • 51 Laughing@You // Jul 8, 2009 at 10:56 pm

    “I wasn’t talking to you, Chuckles”. Well Lurch, it seems to me you have answered a couple, or three, of my comments to others, so I assumed you wouldn’t mind my input.

    “And I guess I’m from the generation where our men were willing and able to be our protectors, not to mention they were and are gentlemen….something about which you obviously know very little.”

    Well, kind heart, I was your protector for 6 years; while it may be true I am no gentleman, but I come from a long line of men who were, men who married ladies, you have heard of “ladies” haven’t you? If not, you have only to ask one of your Chickenhawks here.

    “… willing and able to be our protectors,”

    Are you saying they allowed YOU to decide who they should attack?

    “You, sir (and I use that term laughably) are a cad and a boor.”

    You could be right about that, but at least I’m not what you here call a conservative!

    As ever,


  • 52 upnorthlurkin // Jul 9, 2009 at 7:44 am

    You just proved my point.

  • 53 Newsman // Jul 9, 2009 at 9:21 am

    Hey Darthy:

    From insulting and belittling those who don’t agree with you to advocating assassination.

    You really are going off the deep end fast ! You are treading dangerous ground here albeit you may have said this on a satirical web site.

    Democracy lovers do not have assassination in their toolbox.

  • 54 gafisher // Jul 9, 2009 at 9:33 am

    Interestingly (and back on topic), the agreement which was to have been signed by the Presidents of the United States and Russia has apparently been identified by the White House as either forged or fraudulent! The official Press Release (inset [HERE]) indicates that the signature representing the U.S. is of some person other than Barack Obama.

    Ultimately, the validity of the document may depend on separate documentation.

  • 55 Darthmeister // Jul 9, 2009 at 11:54 am

    I’ve never advocated assassination, Newsditz. Hopefully when Americans wake up from their liberal-induced stupor they will use ballots and not bullets to throw your side of the aisle on the dungheap of history once and for all.

    “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. … (W)hen a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce the People under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Thomas Jefferson.

    I guess in your world, Newsman, this makes Thomas Jefferson an assassin, eh?

    Now who said this:

    Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into having abortions when they didn’t really want them. But when the court decided McRae, the case came out the other way. And then I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong.

    Answer: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in an interview to be published Sunday in the New York Times Magazine. One has to wonder what Ginsburg meant by “population growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of”! And what “populations” was Ginsburg talking about? Black Americans? Doesn’t sound too different than the racist Margaret Sanger who founded Planned Parenthood (aka … Planned Abortionhood). Like we’ve been saying, in unguarded moments liberals often prove to be little more than dishonest closet racists.

  • 56 Darthmeister // Jul 9, 2009 at 12:00 pm

    On second read, someone could cut her some slack and argue it could be that Ginsburg was merely being historically analytical and she personally did not subscribe to the idea that abortion is an effective means to reduce certain “undesirable populations.” But we know the outrage the left would have engaged in if it had been a conservative ruminating along this line of thinking.

  • 57 Darthmeister // Jul 9, 2009 at 12:14 pm

    Newsman, you are right about one thing, I believe every tyrant ought to be dispatched with as much haste as possible. In the words of our revolutionary forefathers that are still found on the seal of the state of Virginia, “Sic Semper Tyrannis.” But then you would probably obfuscate the issue by insisting no one is qualified to determine who is and who isn’t a tyrant/despot/tin-plated dictator.

    The fact remains Zelaya is a leftist thug who in the same mold as Hugo Chavez, he falsely presented himself to the Hondoran electorate as a “centrist”, and Obama favors returning him to power.

  • 58 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 9, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    At THIS rate, BHO will be the most-hated president since Nixon in no time.

  • 59 onlineanalyst // Jul 9, 2009 at 1:55 pm

    gafisher: Re your #50: Russia is not”little” nor “dying” these days. Its power is resurgent, according to sources familiar with Russia’s economic and political developments.

    Russia has brokered a number of deals with Africa for oil exploration in exchange for arms.. (Check The Heritage Foundation for several studies. I can give you the links later when I have time to research where I have filed them.) Russia, which itself is already plentiful in energy resources, is in competition with the ME to corner the market and ascend in world power to make other countries dependent on its “benevolence.”

    Russia has already blackmailed Europe’s cooperation by threatening to cut off natural gas supplies through Gazprom.

    Russia wants to regather those nations that were once part of the Soviet bloc, particularly Georgia and Ukraine, in order to have a deep water port. Its cooperation with Iran is an attempt to secure a warm water port, via the various Caucasus “-’stans’.”

    Russia, China, and the ME Muslim nations (for caliphate reasons) to extend their hegemony in order to control the world’s wealth and, thus, its power. They use client states like Venezuela or emerging African states or “Palestine” to do their dirty work and act as draining diversions while they pursue their goals of world dominance.

    This is one of the reasons why Obamao’s willingness to negotiate the missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic away to Russia’s demands is so dangerous. It is also why Russia will not cooperate in curbing Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Indeed, it is supporting Iran with materiel and expertise.

    I find it ironic that soft Lefties are so quick to blame America with greed, selfishness, imperialist ambitions, and hegemony when it is Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, and the ME that are trying to extend their sphere of influence. Believe me (and I know that you do), those nations are not acting out of altruism nor to extend liberties and prosperity to the world.

    Obamao and his administration enablers are fools to think that by dint of Barack’s personality he will bring about peace in the world. His philosophy belittles America’s exceptionality as a force for good in the world and will lead to our submission to ill-intentioned nations and philosophies.

  • 60 R.A.M. // Jul 9, 2009 at 2:18 pm

    gafisher re# 50: Obama signing a “treaty” with Russia to reduce our nukes is not ONLY illegal to do without the consent of Congress, but is as insane, (I repeat INSANE) as, having terrorists or drug dealers move in on every house on your block, (Iran and North Korea arming themselves with nukes), and then decide to sell all your weapons and start leaving your door unlocked WITH the fact you have done these things posted outside for them to see, (America reducing our nukes with Prez Moron shouting it to the WORLD)!

    Pre 9/11 Michell Philips, (The Mama’s and Papa’s), said on Bill Maher’s “Politically Incorrect” show, “Why is America wasteing all this money on the Defense Department, America doesn’t have any enemy’s anymore?!”

    As moronic as that sounded then AND now, apparently “Prez Wing-Nut” either believes the same thing or PURPOSELY WANTS America attacked and/or destroyed!

    America NEEDS GOD like never before!!!

  • 61 ref // Jul 9, 2009 at 2:25 pm

    “The Russian Bear has met the Chicago Cub.”

    That is hitting the nail on the head.

  • 62 R.A.M. // Jul 9, 2009 at 2:42 pm

    ref re# 61: BRILLIANT!!!

    May I add, Has anyone ever seen how rough a “Mama bear” can be with her “cub” when it needs chastising?

    EXPECT that soon from the Russian “bear”, (AND other tyrant Nations), to “cub” Barry!

  • 63 gafisher // Jul 9, 2009 at 4:50 pm

    OLA Re#59, Russia is far from harmless, of course, but with its population shrinking and aging, its industry and economy tottering, and its military now ranked somewhere between China and India with many systems outdated and spending typically running at a tenth or less of pre-Reagan levels, Russia is certainly no longer to be considered a “global superpower” in a class with the US. Certainly Russia is still dangerous — so is North Korea, so is Iran, and for many of the same reasons — but Obama’s decision to deal with our old rival as though the past 25 years hadn’t happened is foolish and merely adds to the impression Obama thinks he really is Jimmy Carter’s second term.

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