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Steele says GOP re-branding won’t involve hot iron

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 36 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

From Scott Ott’s column in The Washington Examiner

News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher.

In an effort to calm the fears of moderates who feel their party has been taken over by dogmatic conservatives, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele today said the recently-announced re-branding of the party “will not involve hot iron.”


Tags: DC Examiner

36 responses so far ↓

  • 1 JamesonLewis3rd // May 1, 2009 at 7:19 am

    The whole “branding” phenomenon is not new, of course, but it has always been “propoganda,” in my view, which gives it a taint of dishonesty. Therefore, Conservatives should be conservative; they should not play by the Madison Avenue playbook.

  • 2 regcheck // May 1, 2009 at 7:23 am

    Deeply disappointing news.

  • 3 boberinyetagain // May 1, 2009 at 9:10 am

    I’m with you Reg…I’d pay a dollar to see that sort of thing

  • 4 JamesonLewis3rd // May 1, 2009 at 3:27 pm

    Meanwhile, Here’s the kind of “branding” that instills joy in the hearts of starving orphans throughout the world.

  • 5 Darthmeister // May 1, 2009 at 4:02 pm

    I guess the RINO brand isn’t working.

    From milbogger TigerHawk: “In light of the demonization of the OLC lawyers and the interrogation consultants to the CIA who somebody in the federal government outed yesterday, people are learning that it is very dangerous to help the United States fight a war. Barack Obama, and the rest of us Americans, had better hope that he never needs help from rough men who stand ready in the night.”

    Of course the Obamatons and the Obama Administration are taking a page right of the Banana Republic playbook. When there is political disagreement, the political cabal in power will cleverly politicize laws, redefine terms and engage in tactics of ex post facto inorder to harass and/or imprison the opposition under the guise of some subjective “moral” mandate of their own making. And its just like these neo-com Donks to engage in such inexcusable tactics with respect to those who in good faith attempted to enhance the security of this nation. Isn’t it amazing how these libs are so unwilling to extend the same courtesy to those who, in their imperfect way, were actually able to keep another 9/11 from happening on American soil or the soil of other free nations, so willing extend the benefit of the doubt to Muslim fundamentalists who continue to embrace the concept of Islamic jihad against western civilization? Sheer insanity, and politically-based insanity which left unchecked will plunge this nation into fratricide - and the liberal neo-coms only have themselves to blame.

  • 6 JamesonLewis3rd // May 1, 2009 at 4:48 pm

    Yes, be on the lookout for Doublespeak (an Orwellian term, no doubt, but, nevertheless, not coined by Eric Blair) one of “branding’s” many personae.
    I think I’ll watch Metropolis (1927) as a tutorial on “hope” and “change.”

  • 7 Laughing@You // May 1, 2009 at 5:18 pm

    “I guess the RINO brand isn’t working.”

    On the contrary, that is the only segment of the Republican Party that is not held in complete contempt by 65-70% of the American public.

    Or, you can continue to court the Neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klanners, Aryan Nations Supremacists, and the Christian snake handlers, if you like. Maybe, it could even be like Michael Steele’s, “The way you wear your hat”. (wasn’t that just precious)

    Or, you can quit trying to live in the past like the Ammish. Give up your addiction to the mindless purveyors of hate, like Rush, and all of Fox News.

    Then, maybe you could enter reasonable discourse, with others as your equals. You must stop your hatred of the rest of the world, and give up trying to browbeat you fellow citizens.

    Perhaps, you might want to hang out a sign, “RINOs Wanted”

    It’s that, or watch the onslaught continue at the polls.


  • 8 onlineanalyst // May 1, 2009 at 6:00 pm

    The real kicker is that L@Y wouldn’t post his utter stupidity and hyperbolic smear about conservatives at the Washington Examiner because he knows that his remarks are false, hardly reasonable, and hateful in themselves.

  • 9 JamesonLewis3rd // May 1, 2009 at 6:22 pm

    The gaffe-meister is scheduled to waste immense quantities of jet fuel as he travels to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Kosovo beginning on May 18 for a TOTUS-mandated Time Out.
    I googled “biden gaffe” and got 173 billion hits. The consensus is that he is just adorable, isn’t he? I hope no one sneezes in his direction with their mouths open and their thumbs in their ears during the entire luxurious, round-trip flight.

    So there.

  • 10 Laughing@You // May 1, 2009 at 6:34 pm


    Why wouldn’t I post there, if I wanted to? You think maybe somebody there might say something harsh to me, or what?

    Besides, I’m getting close to a deal with The Penny Shopper!


  • 11 Laughing@You // May 1, 2009 at 6:39 pm


    “I googled “biden gaffe” and got 173 billion hits.”

    Wow! Could this be the whole in the dike you’ve all been hoping for?

    Nice work!


  • 12 Darthmeister // May 1, 2009 at 8:33 pm

    From Powerlineblog:

    There’s the libtard definition for “torture” and then there’s TORTURE. The current debate over “torture”-the waterboarding of three high-level al Qaeda leaders in order to obtain information about threatened attacks-is an example of public discourse at its worst. From Barack Obama on down, most of what has been said by critics of harsh interrogation has been dumb, disingenuous or both. Waterboarding is, a humane alternative to actual torture. It frightens (even when, as in the case of the three al Qaeda terrorists, they are told beforehand that it may feel like they’re drowning, but they won’t) but does no physical harm. None.

    A videotape has surfaced showing a member of the United Arab Emirates Royal Family torturing a man. The 45-minute tape shows a man that the Government of Abu Dhabi has acknowledged is Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan — one of 22 royal brothers of the UAE President and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince — mercilessly and repeatedly beating a man with a cattle prod and a nailed board, burning his genitals and driving his Mercedes over him several times. He is assisted by a uniformed policeman.

    The Sheikh tortured the victim because he thought the man had cheated him in a grain deal!

    Unbelievably these are the kind of people who dimbulbs like Barack Obama think will be most impressed by the Amerikan left’s repudiation of one of the most effective terrorism-fighting tactics used by the Bush administration. The mainstream Muslim world, and most certainly the Islamic jihadists intent on spreading sharia law around the globe, view people like Obama as prissy, hankystomping fools more intent at gazing at their navels in quiet contemplation of their homes made safe by the American military and civilian police than seeing the real world for what it really is.

  • 13 mindknumbed kid // May 1, 2009 at 9:48 pm

    I asked incapable of thought if he thought it better to not have waterboarded and received info that kept us safe, or have the loss of innocent fellow citizens. He used the question to attank Cheney.
    Obviously they think waterboarding should not be done under any circumstances, and if as a result of not extracting information Chicago is nuked then, it is OK with them.
    Of course they will deny it, saying that they didn’t say that. But it is the only logical conclusion you can reach when you consider their remarks concerning it.
    People who have been tortured, such as John McCain, would doubtlessly rather have been waterboarded. Nick Berg would doubtlessly have preferred to have been waterboarded instead of decapitated.
    This enemy does not play by any rules. Therefore, they cannot be treated like soldiers who wear their country’s uniform, who have agreed in principle to the Geneva Convention. (Was John McCain treated according to it?)
    All this is, is finding excuses to point their fingers at the Bush administration. They do not have any concern as to the protection of America and/or it’s citizens.

  • 14 Laughing@You // May 2, 2009 at 12:56 am

    If you are besmirching me, I would like to have the following statement on the record.

    “I have never, to the best of my recollection, attank, that man, Mr. Cheney.”


  • 15 Laughing@You // May 2, 2009 at 1:03 am


    Oh, I see, I said, “whole”, when I should have said, “hole”. Well, there goes my record! Thank you anyway.


  • 16 JamesonLewis3rd // May 2, 2009 at 4:29 am

    Everything is not a “crisis” :

    Deep calls to deep at the noise of your waterfalls.
    All your waves and your billows have swept over me.
    Yahweh will command his loving kindness in the daytime.
    In the night his song shall be with me:
    A prayer to the God of my life.
    ~~ Psalm 42:7-8

    As an American, I find this Psalm rejuvenating.

  • 17 Darthmeister // May 2, 2009 at 9:29 am

    WIRE: Obama revelling in power unseen in decades…

    A tyrant is born with the aid of fawning libtards and their lap dogs in the lamestream media.

    Also, I’m not hearing any of the Bush-hating Amerikans whining about the unilateral and monopolistic power that activist/extremist liberals in Washington D.C. are seeking to subject free men and women to with their promises of a new era in American politics.

    Yeah, there’s a velvet gulag coming and lemmings like neverthink can hardly wait for Obamarx’s new world order.

  • 18 mindknumbed kid // May 2, 2009 at 9:30 am

    That’s a pretty good Cintonism!

  • 19 mindknumbed kid // May 2, 2009 at 9:31 am

    er, Clintonism…

  • 20 Darthmeister // May 2, 2009 at 9:37 am

    MNK, I wonder if the liberals populating our newest banana republic are going to go after the protestors who waterboarded one another in front of the Capital Building a few years ago, dried off and then hopped on the bus with their iPods, forever scarred and a broken people? Such “torture” tactics in the streets of America should be thoroughly punished, should it not? After all, the evil Bu$Hitler forced these protestors to “torture” one another in protest.

    But I doubt the protestors would be punished (they aren’t punished when they trash their protests sites and destroy public property) since the libtards would argue that that form of sidewalk waterboarding wasn’t “torture” since it was voluntary.

    I also wonder when the Democrat Congress will outlaw the use of waterboarding in the training regimen of the American special forces community?

  • 21 Laughing@You // May 2, 2009 at 2:00 pm

    Hey LCRM, and all you other sensitive hypocrites. Do you see what Dumbmeister just said? He said “libtards”! This after calling me a “lemming” in the proceeding post!

    Actually, I don’t mind it so much because one lunatic post from him is equal to ten of my sane and reasoned posts in its effect on most readers, aside from the relatively small number posting here.

    His unknowing effect makes us allies, in my ongoing war against Wingnuts.


  • 22 Left Coast-Right Mind // May 2, 2009 at 2:31 pm


    Re: #21

    I’d like to help you, I really would, but shucky-dagnab darnnit me and my hillbilly-Puritan friends are late for our witch-burnin’.

  • 23 onlineanalyst // May 2, 2009 at 6:15 pm

    It looks as if the (failed) Obama administration is doing another walkback. Those Friday newsbombs are a hallmark of this cres that can’t shoot straight… or at least can’t consider the unintended consequences of their statements or actions until they are forced to do so by reality.

  • 24 onlineanalyst // May 2, 2009 at 8:35 pm

    Is the Obama administration using the WH press corps as a threat against Chrysler bond holders and investors? The information coming to lights so far suggests that Obama is attacking contract law for political purposes. Like Peron in Argentina, Obama is intruding in a bankruptcy issue by awarding his union supporters and shafting the secured bondholders. The latter represent the people whose retirement funds are inextricably tied to these bonds.

    Obama is attempting to smear certain funds that legally have the contractual right to their share of an agreement. Obama continues to play his class-envy game by using a complicit (or dumbed-down) press to the destruction of American free enterprise.

    We are watching the nation crumble to an audacity of tyranny. The president and his Treasury guru are running a RICO-worthy scam with Chicago-style thuggery.

  • 25 onlineanalyst // May 3, 2009 at 8:49 am

    And how exactly are the Obama methods of seizure of private enterprise any different than those employed by Chavez, Mugabe, Peron, Castro, Mussolini, et al? Not very.

    We have a president and a cast of thugs in his administration flying in the face of rights guaranteed in the Constitution. Tell me again why tea parties are not a fit demonstration against confiscatory taxes being used to remake our successful system of representative republic governance allied with capitalism.

  • 26 mindknumbed kid // May 3, 2009 at 11:37 am

    re#14 - Neither i, nor any other conservative here can possibly discolor you, your color shows through bright and clear.
    I also admit that I’ve missed the doubtless numerous times you have exhorted Cheney, as I don’t read much of what you write. But I am amaxed to hear of your support for him.

    wv: applaud nascolepsy - A lot of that going on these days!

  • 27 Laughing@You // May 3, 2009 at 3:42 pm


    Re: 26

    It looks to me like some of that “leaven” musta got in your Mountain Dew, boy!


  • 28 onlineanalyst // May 3, 2009 at 3:59 pm

    We have a harridan in a pantsuit “gifting” reset buttons to Russia and laughing about piracy off the coast of Somalia who could never replace the giftedness of Condoleeza Rice. Watch her schooling of some Stanford “progressives” in the embedded clip:

    I wish that the adults were still in charge.

  • 29 Laughing@You // May 3, 2009 at 5:37 pm


    I believe that’s the same interview in which some say she incriminated her “adult” self in war crimes.

    “I wish that the adults were still in charge.” That is so baffling, that any retort, would add undeserved credence to that nonsensical statement.

    Apparently, you take pride in being among the last to understand.


  • 30 mindknumbed kid // May 3, 2009 at 7:38 pm

    re# 29 -

  • 31 JamesonLewis3rd // May 3, 2009 at 7:44 pm

    Arlen switches parties, then goes berserk at the suggestion that he is loyal in any way whatsoever to The Party. He insists that there is not one single iota of loyalty in his body; never has been, never will be.

  • 32 mindknumbed kid // May 3, 2009 at 10:51 pm

    re#31 - The comments section is priceless. Seems as though Arlen may not hold on to his seat even after pulling his switcheroo! Maybe the voters will impose their own term limits on him and many more of his fellow political opportunists. Maybe if it gets good and polarized the ones that stick their fingers in the air will feel the wind blowing both directions in ‘10. Opportunities abound for true conservatives, CINO’s need not throw their hat into the ring, and middle of the road folks need to watch for traffic!

  • 33 Laughing@You // May 3, 2009 at 11:20 pm

    “The comments section is priceless.”

    Truly garbage! So much for your estimate of anything.

    It reads like the a wall at the Cobra Kai Teen Club.

    I didn’t see even any Scripture Quotes!

    Whatsup wit dat, dawg?


  • 34 gafisher // May 4, 2009 at 8:28 am

    No hot iron, and apparently no “Steele” in the spine either.

    [Jeb Bush], often mentioned as a potential candidate in 2012, said President Obama’s message of hope and change during the 2008 campaign clearly resonated with Americans.

    The Conservative message, including but even before Ronald Reagan, is real hope and specific change. Why would anyone vote for a faux Democrat when they can bill the real ones to their kids?

  • 35 Laughing@You // May 5, 2009 at 1:39 pm

    Why would anyone vote for a faux “Democrat when they can bill the real ones to their kids?”

    Sorry dude, but that makes no sense at all.

    “The Conservative message, including but even before Ronald Reagan, is real hope and specific change.”

    May I suggest that you have found THE message! And there’s the slogan; “Real Hope and Specific Change”.

    Please Mister Fox, don’t though me in THAT “Briar Patch”!

    Wait! That sounds familiar. Change from what, to what? Voters like Obama overwhelmingly, and do you really want to run on Bush’s record?

    I see where y’all have rummaged in your box of toys nobody wants, and found JEB!

    Please Mister Fox, don’t though me in THAT “Briar Patch”!

    Y’all are in a mellofahess! But then you are so lovable in your pointy hats and arm bands, and smaaart, … wee dawggies!


  • 36 Laughing@You // May 5, 2009 at 1:50 pm

    Change though, to throw in both instances. One was plain ignorance, the other was “cut and paste” ignorance, don’t you know?


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