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Sen. Frist Unveils GOP Racial Segregation Plan

by Scott Ott · No Comments

(2002-12-24) — Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-TN, said today that the Republican Party really believes in racial segregation, and has a plan to implement it.
“First we’re going to treat African Americans differently in college admissions,” said Sen. Frist. “Then we’re going to award government contracts to black-owned companies because of their race, not their abilities.”
The Senator said the new plan also calls for training children of poor African Americans to depend on the government for money, food and health care.
“The more we classify them as weaker, less intelligent and incapable of competing in a capitalist society, the more effective our segregation plan will be,” he said.
Sen. Frist said the GOP plan will encourage African American “pride” groups, and provide funds for teaching about “cultural” differences in the public schools. The government will help the Rev. Al Sharpton, Minister Louis Farakahn and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, to “get their racially-divisive message out.”
The new Senate Majority Leader acknowledged that these ideas might sound new, and untested, “but the lofty goal of racial segregation compels us to try something. If the GOP continues to pursue the present course, history will judge us as the party that allowed Blacks to think they should compete on an equal footing with everyone else…that the American dream is not about race, but about opportunity, personal character and freedom. Is that really the kind of future we want for our grandchildren?”

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0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 American RealPolitik // Dec 27, 2002 at 10:35 am

    Read it all

    Scrappleface handles the GOP/segregation… If the GOP continues to pursue the present course, history will judge us as the party that allowed Blacks to think they should compete on an

  • 2 Discriminations // Dec 27, 2002 at 11:37 pm

    New Republican Leader Unveils Segregation Agenda

    The Dem/Libs used the Lott mess mercilessly to lash the Republicans as the party of segregation. Now the Republicans’ plans

  • 3 damnum absque injuria // Jun 11, 2003 at 2:02 am

    Say What?

    Mark Kleiman accuses Bill Frist of “playing the race card,” noting a 1994 speech in which Frist accused his opponent of “transplanting Tennesseans’ wallets to Washington, home of Marion Barry. Kleiman replies: Perhaps someone can come up with an innoce…

  • 4 Just Some Poor Schmuck // Jan 15, 2004 at 9:33 pm


    Sen. Frist Unveils GOP Racial Segregation Plan Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-TN, said today that the Republican Party really believes in racial segregation, and has a plan to implement it. Just shows you what is really in the hearts…