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Study: Networks Conspire to Keep Christians Ignorant

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments

(2002-12-15) — A new study demonstrates that the major television networks have conspired for years to keep conservative Christians ignorant about politics and the key issues of the day.

The research, funded by the Center for the Study of the Awesome Relevance and Impact of TV News (CSARITVN), said the networks intentionally schedule in-depth interview programs-like This Week, Meet the Press, and Face the Nation-on Sunday mornings when most conservative Christians are worshipping together with their churches.
“We all know that conservative Christians are ignorant,” said one of the authors of the study. “Now, instead of ridiculing them, perhaps we can get them some help.”
A CSARITVN spokesman said the organization will soon fund a program to provide TiVo to conservative Christian families which will enable them to record Sunday news shows.
“These are America’s intellectual needy,” said the spokesman. “They’re missing out on the crucial spin, the cloaked subjectivism, the trial-balloon flotation and the subtle self-promotion that Sunday interview shows provide. While these poor folks waste their time learning more about God, who doesn’t even exist, they could be getting piercing insight on whether Trent Lott should resign, and why Henry Kissinger and Bernard Law did. It’s sad. But thanks to technology, we can do something about it.”

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