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Geithner to Catch Global Tax Cheats by Going Under Cover

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 45 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2009-03-03) — Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced today that he intends to crack down on U.S. companies that shelter foreign earnings from taxation in the U.S. by going personally under cover to infiltrate the havens of international tax dodgers.

Mr. Geithner, whose confirmation to the Obama cabinet was delayed by revelations that he had failed to pay U.S. taxes on income he earned while working for the International Monetary Fund (IMF), said his personal experience will help him to “slip in unnoticed to spy on evildoers.”

The Senate approved his nomination because he’s the only man who can rescue the nation from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

“Now that I’m Treasury Secretary,” Mr. Geithner said, “I’ve been shocked to learn how many people and companies think they can avoid their patriotic duty to pay taxes. Then they parade around as if they’re the paragons of American virtue. The brazen hypocrisy of it all just galls me.”

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45 responses so far ↓

  • 1 R.A.M. // Mar 3, 2009 at 5:31 pm

    Is it just me or do ALL Obama’s “tax cheat” Cabinet picks look like cartoons that have drawn by Gary Trudeau?

    I wish something would “gall” Geithner! ;-)

  • 2 onlineanalyst // Mar 3, 2009 at 5:42 pm

    Timmy is going to need Lassie’s olfactory acuteness to sniff out that stench of tax avoidance. Apparently the Democrat culture of corruption masks the odor by replicating it.

    In the meantime, while Timmy Turbo Tax goes undercover, perhaps he can check his mattress for the interest and penalties that he owed for his own malfeasance.

    In related news, isn’t it generous of Ackbar’s tax plan to determine how charities will be worthy of tax deduction and how his own “picks to click” will be part of our tax burden. Isn’t he special?

  • 3 mindknumbed kid // Mar 3, 2009 at 7:54 pm

    These guys keep looking less and less patriotic, eh Joe?

  • 4 Newsman // Mar 3, 2009 at 8:31 pm

    You guys are just jealous because you have never not paid your taxes so you don’t stand a chance in h-ll of becoming a member of the Cabinet !

  • 5 onlineanalyst // Mar 3, 2009 at 8:42 pm

    Present-dent Audacity of Audacity demonstrates once again his cluelessness. Does he understand (or care) how much damage that he is doing to middle-class earners and savers, to those who have/had saved and invested in order not to be a burden on others?

  • 6 RedPepper // Mar 3, 2009 at 8:43 pm

    The One has not yet begun to tax! Just wait until the carbon-cap-and-trade scheme is implemented. Not even Turbotax Tim will be able to evade that one! You drive? Pay the man. Heat your house? Pay the man. Turn on a light? Pay the man! It will work itself into every available crevice of the economy, like a “Value Added Tax”.

    You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

  • 7 mindknumbed kid // Mar 3, 2009 at 8:48 pm

    Here in the forefront we see liberals greedily refusing to pay their “fair share” while voting for huge increases in spending, and a plan to “fix” our current economic crisis that is so flawed that you really have to wonder if they have any brains or common sense within them.
    But behind the news of the day there are people who look for opportunities to advance a greater and more powerful government that controls all nations, and thus, all people of the world. What we see as crisis, to others are opportunities to implement a new world government. Using the power, clout, and influences of the most powerful nations of the world they will bring about this new power that will one day place our nation under the authority of a person that does not care about the well being of Americans, but the world as a whole.
    It will be like the U.N. on steroids. It will appear to be the answer to our problems, but in reality it will be our problem. And naturally it will be pro- anything except Christian. The Beast in all it’s glory.
    Some who pave the way are doing so in ignorance, but many others are strategically working to create and to seize opportunities to give the Beast life.

  • 8 Laughing@You // Mar 3, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    “The Beast in all it’s glory.”

    The Beast has glory? MNK, do you seek to glorify the Beast here?


  • 9 mig // Mar 3, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    Timmy Tax’em has the list of Congress, divided into columns by who voted for and against the stimulat-us. Those that dared to defy the greatness gets to go first to the Principle IRS Office to have the bookies glean the records. And we’re not talking platinum.

    Here’s a conundrum… Isn’t it ironic that Congress wants to push through card check but yet somehow carding an illegal alien worker to check legal status is a violation of rights.

  • 10 mindknumbed kid // Mar 3, 2009 at 9:18 pm

    Naw, I don’t glorify the Beast. That is the job of the Obamatons. They will gladly join the world in giving glory and praise to their “savior(s)”.

  • 11 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 3, 2009 at 9:24 pm

    Yes, a brazen hypocrisy of a magnitude once thought utterly impossible for a human being to perpetrate is now unmasked on Capitol Hill.

    Slimy. Repugnant. Grinning.

    Meanwhile, when a crowd of many thousands had gathered, so that they were trampling on one another, Jesus began to speak first to his disciples, saying: “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.” ~~ Luke 12:1-3

  • 12 mig // Mar 3, 2009 at 9:56 pm

    Red Pepper,

    Don’t forget that you won’t be able to deduct the interest on your home loan, you know the one we’re still paying.

  • 13 mindknumbed kid // Mar 3, 2009 at 10:43 pm

    Wisdom says to sift through the ruins of the Roman Empire and find the ingredients of it’s demise. One thing that we can learn from the past is that man never learns from the past.

  • 14 mindknumbed kid // Mar 3, 2009 at 10:54 pm

    When men who fear not God unite in common purpose, it is not long until they declare war on God. Therefore when the one world government is established it will only be a short time until they begin the end of this world. Things may just progress a lot faster than we can imagine.

  • 15 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 4, 2009 at 12:49 am

    Marana Tha!

  • 16 camojack // Mar 4, 2009 at 1:25 am

    “Now that I’m Treasury Secretary,” Mr. Geithner said, “I’ve been shocked to learn how many people and companies think they can avoid their patriotic duty to pay taxes. Then they parade around as if they’re the paragons of American virtue. The brazen hypocrisy of it all just galls me.”

    Ummm…yeah. Seriously… :mad:

  • 17 debass // Mar 4, 2009 at 1:37 am

    Obama inherited this crisis from himself and his coconspirators, the 9%ers, stretch Pelosi, dingy Harry and the banking queen. He was on the take from Fannie Mae. So now we have the people who caused this mess still in charge of the committees they oversaw when this mess was created. I know, I know; “shut up and reload!”

  • 18 mig // Mar 4, 2009 at 7:02 am

    Politicians only know how to finger point. Anything else might take actual thought and planning. Obama definitely was part of the Washington elite, present or not.

  • 19 boberinyetagain // Mar 4, 2009 at 8:15 am

    Good point Scott…funny too. They can’t seem to find a single person that’s paid all of their taxes for any position in gummint. Very odd indeed. Not that anyone here has ever paid “all” of their taxes either, myself included. But then we aren’t running for office of any sort are we? That allows us to mock those that are. Sweet!

  • 20 boberinyetagain // Mar 4, 2009 at 8:32 am

    Heaven forbid the thought that we tax folks like this a tad more heavily…how will the squeak by? How will they “create” more jobs for us little people? The horror!

    (Reuters) - Merrill Lynch & Co’s 10 highest-paid employees got a total of $209 million in cash and stock in 2008, up slightly from $201 million they received a year earlier, the Wall Street Journal said, citing reviewed figures.

    Andrea Orcel, the firm’s top investment banker, was paid $33.8 million in cash and stock in 2008, the paper said.

    Not a bad haul for wrecking the company and our retirement accounts. I say we demand that these people get more tax breaks…I’m certain they’d hire us then…gardening anyone? I’m told it’s quite relaxing.

  • 21 boberinyetagain // Mar 4, 2009 at 9:21 am

    A la Louis in Cassablanca…we’re “shocked, shocked I tell you” to “discover” that the righ y’all love to protect actually prefer to hide assets rather than pay taxes on them…who’d have ever guessed?

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The sanctity of the secret Swiss bank account — an icon of global finance — is under growing pressure in a tax investigation due to come into public view on Wednesday at a U.S. congressional hearing.

    Now, how did it become an “icon” if no one knew about it? Haven’t we been familiar with the concept for…like…ever? Even I’ve heard of such things and I lead a very sheltered life.
    So, how did the obvious evade everyone for the 53 years I’ve been kicking around? Why is this coming up now?

  • 22 gafisher // Mar 4, 2009 at 9:26 am

    And while Team Øbama’s continuing destruction of the economy leads the daily news, on the world stage the man who promised to repair our supposedly tarnished relations with the rest of the world has, in just two days, managed to wreck whatever goodwill we had (and frankly it was considerable) with Great Britain, Russia, Israel, Eastern Europe, and much of the Middle East. What’s this guy do for an encore?

  • 23 gafisher // Mar 4, 2009 at 9:43 am

    Bober Re#21, the concept of offshore tax shelters is older than both of us (and I’ve got a few years on you). “Numbered Swiss Bank Accounts” are such a cliche that an author would risk rejection merely by referring to them, but even such things as Charlie Rangel’s Dominican beach house have been used for *years* by those who dispute the fairness of the tax system.

    The problem in this country stems particularly from the 16th Amendment, which negated specific language the founders included in the Constitution to avoid such abuses. Many of us are convinced nothing short of an overhaul of the tax system can solve the problem, especially now that we’re dealing with a global economy.

  • 24 mig // Mar 4, 2009 at 9:54 am

    <a href=
    Milton Friedman series may help bring a better understanding of our economy and freedom. I hope it will help make the argument for private enterprise clearer.

  • 25 boberinyetagain // Mar 4, 2009 at 10:02 am


  • 26 RedPepper // Mar 4, 2009 at 10:17 am

    gafisher #23: One of the reasons why reform of the tax system is so important; the more that people are trying to hide their money from the taxman, the less they will be putting their effort into actual productive economic activity - which, FWIW, is where jobs come from …

  • 27 Fred Sinclair // Mar 4, 2009 at 10:45 am

    R.A.M. #1 Brilliant! I knew they looked familiar but didn’t get why - you put your finger right on the mark. Thanks

  • 28 gafisher // Mar 4, 2009 at 11:30 am

    RedPepper Re#26, one of the most damaging aspects of the current system is that it penalizes savings, which is of course why people choose to “save” elsewhere. Meanwhile, it rewards consumer debt, which is now at record levels and deeply involved in the current downturn.

    A more rational tax system would instead encourage savings, discourage debt, and reward productivity while actually increasing government revenues and reducing the short- and long-term burden on those struggling at the lower end of the economic scale. If that doesn’t say “American Dream” I can’t imagine what does, and it can be done!

  • 29 mig // Mar 4, 2009 at 11:55 am

    Milton Friedman

  • 30 RedPepper // Mar 4, 2009 at 12:40 pm

    gafisher #28: Ah, but why would we want to reward productivity and increase revenues? What’s important is to punish those fat cats … in the interest of “fairness”, you know! It is essential to have “enemies” so the people’s wrath can be properly focused; otherwise, they might get mad at their bureaucrat overlords, and we can’t have that !

  • 31 gafisher // Mar 4, 2009 at 12:50 pm

    Never give up, RedPepper. Your Representative will probably be up for reelection next year, and one of your Senators might be.

  • 32 RedPepper // Mar 4, 2009 at 1:14 pm

    gafisher: What can I tell ya, gaf - I’m a victim of geography. They’re not real big on voting out incumbents in theses parts. Frankly, the major force for “change” up here is the Grim Reaper. In fact, judging from their behavior, we have some office holders who actually died years ago, but nobody caught it and they are still sitting in their offices - or in a local gin mill …

  • 33 mig // Mar 4, 2009 at 1:29 pm

    There’s a blue dog democrat from Ashville area that has the wrath of Pelosi on him, he is in the house and I like him except he may run against Burr that also voted against the stimulus instead of knocking out Kay Hagan that is just a liberal minion. It would be great if conservatives, red and blue would start a new page like white. Maybe we just need to start being white instead of red or blue. I would like to see both Heath Shuler and Burr in the Senate.

  • 34 Fred Sinclair // Mar 4, 2009 at 2:14 pm

    A friend got an e-mail that was serious left Socialist in content. I was asked for help in responding to the liberal relative who sent it. So, I gave it my best shot.

    Fred, this was sent to me by a relative. blecccchhhhh! I could barely get through it
    without barfing. Anyway, I would like to give a withering reply but can’t get my
    thoughts together because there is so much that is wrong. Any ideas?

    “This is an excellent piece! I don’t know who is using the pen name Siv O’Neall, but I can surmise that it is a collective piece, written with at least three or possibly four contributors, I can see the influence of Karl Heinrich Marx, with heavy input from Friedrich Engels, and the touch of Vladimir Ilich Lenin, is definite. There’s a strong flavor of the early Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (aka Joseph Stalin).

    The composite name of Siv O’Neall for a pen name is brilliant. I applaud the deviousness involved since in Sweden Siv means collective and Sean O’Neall was the communist spy found guilty and executed in 1953. So Siv O’Neall could be mistaken for Sean’s possible daughter and would be a fitting memorial to his revered name. Utterly brilliant piece of writing, should be required study in every classroom. The proletariat needs to be properly indoctrinated (aka “educated”).

    (satire mode - off)”

  • 35 Laughing@You // Mar 4, 2009 at 2:33 pm

    “One thing that we can learn from the past is that man never learns from the past.”

    On the contrary, judging by the last two elections, the political education of our nation is progressing quite well.

    The lessons of the past have been very costly, but largely, Americans have learned Republicans can not be trusted.

    Rush is now teaching this fundamental fact at an advanced level.


    “Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning?”
    Dumbyah - Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000

  • 36 Laughing@You // Mar 4, 2009 at 2:39 pm

    “Never give up, RedPepper. Your Representative will probably be up for reelection next year, and one of your Senators might be.”

    Yes Red, remember that!


  • 37 Laughing@You // Mar 4, 2009 at 2:44 pm

    “… The proletariat needs to be properly indoctrinated (aka “educated”).

    (satire mode - off)”

    The satire mode may be off, but the stupid mode has no switch.


  • 38 R.A.M. // Mar 4, 2009 at 2:59 pm

    Timmy is not very graceful. I caught the last part of his “performance” before Congress this afternoon. He was “talking” so fast with his hands that he knocked his microphone over.

    I LOVE my DirecTV DVR, I have been rewinding it and playing it back again and again. The “tax crook” looks more ruffled by his awkwardness with the mike than he did when we found out he was a tax cheat! :lol:

    P.S.: It was on Fox Business News just before Stewart Varney came on. I think it was about 12:55 eastern.

    P.P.S.: I’m no lawyer but, if anyone gets caught on non-payment of taxes now, couldn’t they claim that Timmy has set a precedent, and we should be able to simply pay them with no penalty or jail time?

    Maybe I should send this info to Helio Castroneves, or Wesley Snipes attorneys?

  • 39 mig // Mar 4, 2009 at 3:15 pm

    #35 from gatsbyetal:
    When did Rush Limbaugh become the face of the Republican party? Well, duh-uh, when the West Wing field generals decreed it so and gave their suckophant foot soldiers in the media their “Operation Limbaugh” marching orders.

  • 40 Laughing@You // Mar 4, 2009 at 6:46 pm

    “#35 from gatsbyetal”

    You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me!

    Same subject, try this one.

    Democrats’ ‘apology’ Web site mocks Limbaugh


  • 41 R.A.M. // Mar 5, 2009 at 2:00 am

    The above link is to a pretty funny story about Keith Olbermann making fun of Rush Limbaugh because he (supposedly) made an error saying a quote was from the “Preamble to the Constitution” and then quoting words from the Declaration of Independence.

    Maybe we should remind Ms. “Overbite”, (along with ALL the left wing-nut party), that “Separation of Church and State” is in a letter from Thomas Jefferson, and NOT, NOR has it EVER been in the “Constitution”!

    libs,— PLEASE get that “beam” from your eye, so you can see our “mote”! :lol:

  • 42 R.A.M. // Mar 5, 2009 at 2:09 am

    Keep in mind libs, not every Conservative listens to Limbaugh, (I am one who does NOT), my favorites are Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, and Dennis Miller.

    I will say though, that the more you libs attack Limbaugh, the more I am likely to start listening to him, just to see what upsets you commies so much.

    Maybe I have judged Limbaugh unfairly and if he gets under your skin so much, maybe I should unite behind him?

    As Glenn Beck says, “I’m just sayin’”!


    Since Rahm Emanuel thinks it cute to mispronounce Limbaugh’s name, I will now call him Ron E-manuel transmission.

    That or Eva Braun.

    That’ll teach him! ;-)

  • 43 Fred Sinclair // Mar 5, 2009 at 6:20 am


    You may have noticed the increased amount of notices for you to notice. Some of our notices have not been noticed. This is very noticeable. It has been noticed that the responses to the notices have been noticeably unnoticed. This notice is to remind you to notice the notices and respond to the notices, because we do not want the notices to go unnoticed.

  • 44 onlineanalyst // Mar 5, 2009 at 7:05 am

    Rush has a way with words in his analyses:

    “But make no mistake about it. Emanuel is the leader of all of this. Carville and Begala are just trying to ride my fame into their fortune and become relevant again. Begala and Carville, don’t confuse them with the power brokers that are managing this. It all Emanuel. Begala and Carville are second-rate talking heads on CNN. CNN has no audience. Rahm Emanuel is the power behind the throne — and don’t let his effeminate nature and his ballerina past mislead you on this. He may look effeminate (he was a ballerina at one time) but he has the feral instincts of a female rat defending its young. Well, take a look. When Emanuel and Carville and Begala are together (and I’ve seen pictures) it looks like a reunion of the Village People. (singing) Y! M! C! A! They are really the official greeters in Roswell, New Mexico, in Area 51 where Carville was born. “

  • 45 Laughing@You // Mar 5, 2009 at 12:21 pm

    “I will say though, that the more you libs attack Limbaugh, the more I am likely to start listening to him, just to see what upsets you commies so much.”

    Ouch! Ouch! Oh’ no, don’t do that!

    Couldn’t you just hold your breath, or eat another worm?


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