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EPA Arrests CNBC’s Rick Santelli, Tea Party Canceled

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 32 Comments

ScrappleFace editor Scott Ott is also a columnist for The Washington DC Examiner. Below is a brief excerpt from his Tuesday, February 24, 2009 column, and a link to read more…

EPA Arrests CNBC’s Rick Santelli
CNBC reporter Rick Santelli, whose passionate rant about the Obama housing rescue plan, and call for a “Chicago Tea Party” became a viral internet video, was arrested today by armed officers from the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) covert special forces division.

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Tags: Business · U.S. News

32 responses so far ↓

  • 1 camojack // Feb 24, 2009 at 9:19 am

    Green tea, “yellow” journalism?

  • 2 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 24, 2009 at 9:45 am

    The rumors of my death have been greatly appreciated, er exaggerated.

    There is nothing worse than a derivative securities spill. Next thing you know all the green weenies will have to go to Lake Michigan and clean all the ink off the seagulls.

    As for Lake Erie-any spill will likely anger Kucinich-so dump baby dump.

    Now back to my regularly scheduled infusion.

  • 3 mig // Feb 24, 2009 at 10:55 am

    Has bail been set yet… ?

    Hello Ms. RW!

  • 4 Darthmeister // Feb 24, 2009 at 10:56 am

    What camojack says.

    TARGET profit falls 41%…

    MACY’S reports 59% drop…

    OFFICE DEPOT shows $1.5B loss…

    Home prices post record decline…

    Consumer Confidence Collapsed to Record Low in February…

    Forget that the Donks have been in control of Congress (and the nation’s pursestrings) the last two years and forget the markets and investors have reacted negatively to Obama’s support of the socialist economic “stimulus” package … it’s all Bush’s fault.

    Unfortunately it appears there’s more “change” to come since Mr. Obama apparently thinks he can talk America to prosperity.

  • 5 gafisher // Feb 24, 2009 at 12:15 pm

    Re#3: The judge ruled bail_out.

  • 6 RedPepper // Feb 24, 2009 at 1:20 pm

    Darthmeister #4: It will be interesting to see how the media react to Obama’s speech tonight.

    And to see how the markets react tomorrow.

  • 7 mindknumbed kid // Feb 24, 2009 at 7:13 pm

    When he speaks his voice is like music to his own ears. . .

  • 8 mindknumbed kid // Feb 24, 2009 at 8:17 pm


    This tax is your tax, this tax is my tax
    From Taxifornia, to New York taxed up to your eyes-land
    From the redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters
    This tax was taxed on me for you

    As I was following a ribbon of spending
    I saw above me the looming budget
    I saw below me a nation sinking
    This tax was taxed on me for you


    I’ve groaned and grumbled and I’ve followed my investments
    To the sparce ruins of once diamond deserts
    And all around me it was resounding
    This tax was taxed on me for you


    The sun was shining and I a-strolling
    The wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling
    The fog came settling this voice in my head ranting
    This tax was taxed on me for you


    As I was walkin’ - I saw a sign there
    And that sign said - foreclosin’
    But on the other side …. it didn’t say nothin!
    Now that side was a courtesy of Pelosi and Reid!


    In the squares of the city - In the shadow of the steeple
    Near the relief office - I see some people
    And some are jumpin’ and some are hollerin’
    Yes this farce was forced on you and me.

    Chorus (2x)

    (Was that another Callyfornia earthquake, or did Santini just roll over in his grave?)

  • 9 Left Coast-Right Mind // Feb 24, 2009 at 9:05 pm


    Re: 8

    Firstly, Bravo to your musical composition.


    (Was that another Callyfornia earthquake, or did Santini just roll over in his grave?)

    Being in Caw-lee-foh-nyah, I can vouch for no earth moving under my feet. Although Parkfield, the “earthquake capital of the world” has daily quakes (most too small to feel).

    Thirdly, I guess I’ll actually post something on-topic. Since December 16th is a long way off to make it on the official anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, how about April 15th? Participants can dress up like illegal aliens and go throw shoes at their state capital buildings.

    Just a thought.

  • 10 R.A.M. // Feb 25, 2009 at 12:27 am

    Have you seen this?×1218833346x1201329740

    Apparently, Washington D.C. is ALREADY a State, the libs there just haven’t told us yet. Maybe there really are 57 States? :-)

    P.S.: As noted in the comments section. Booker T. Washington was the first black man on a U.S. coin back in the 1950’s. (From Wilipedia-On April 7, 1940, Washington became the first African American to be depicted on a United States postage stamp. The first coin to feature an African American was the Booker T. Washington Memorial Half Dollar that was minted by the United States from 1946 to 1951. He was also depicted on a U.S. Half Dollar from 1951-1954.[24])

    Maybe he just wasn’t considered an “African-American” rather just an AMERICAN which is what we ALL should be considered in a “color blind” society?

  • 11 Libby Gone // Feb 25, 2009 at 3:50 am

    Sherman Potter said it best , and I already told Mr. Ott.
    BULL HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 12 Libby Gone // Feb 25, 2009 at 4:02 am

    When I was a union steward I worked my bottom off not only taking care of losers,and those who deserved help, but climbing electric poles while doing both. Now those who don’t work get my muscle rewards. YEA p’d off country boy is back. Scott SIR! thanks!!! Lets Rock like Uncle TED!! MITCH CHI GON needs it !!!!

  • 13 Fred Sinclair // Feb 25, 2009 at 5:15 am

    Good news department:

    Not being trumpeted by the MSM is an interesting fact.

    AMWAY’s gross sales are up (1/20/09 - 2/20/09) by 15% over the same period in ‘08. Looks like the DeVos and VanAndel families aren’t doing all that poorly.

    With over 7 billion in gross sales for ‘08 - I recall hearing some nay sayers who said that that little “fly-by-night” outfit up in Ada MI would never last.

    I also recall hearing Rich give a talk where he said, “how did it happen? Jay and I knew nothing, but we knew someone who did. So we took our Bibles and looked up everything it said about success and prosperity. We agreed that this is the base of our business.

    So from a little soap company in the basement they grew; “…because regardless of the economy, people are still going to want to wash their clothes.”

    With business in over 127 countries around the world, I doubt that Amway will be asking for a bailout. In fact, with the taxes they pay, they probably will have a hand in bailing out the government.

  • 14 Fred Sinclair // Feb 25, 2009 at 5:19 am

    More from the good news department:

    Senator echoes Tea Party rally cry - over
    a dozen cities have rallied to the call
    Date: 2/24/2009 11:55:36 PM Eastern Standard Time


    a wave of Americans have decided to take a page out of U.S. history’s account of the Boston Tea Party and take Sentelli up on his suggestion.

    An group called Top Conservatives on Twitter, for example, is planning protest “tea parties” for this Friday in Los Angeles, St. Louis, Trenton, N.J., and Lansing, Mich.

    According to WND columnist Andrea Shea King, TCOT is planning additional Friday rallies and demonstrations in Washington, D.C., Fayetteville, N.C., Pittsburgh, Penn., San Diego, Calif., Fort Worth, Texas, Tulsa, Okla., Oklahoma City, Orlando, Fla., Omaha, Neb., Atlanta, Ga., and elsewhere in Missouri, with more cities joining in every day.

    Floridians Unite is looking down the road and planning an Orlando Tea Party for March 21.

    At the Pennsylvania Tea Party on April 11, organizers are inviting people to help them reenact the Boston Tea Party of Dec. 16, 1773, by bringing one tea bag each to Point State Park in Pittsburgh with plans of actually tossing the tea into the Alleghany, Monongahela and Ohio rivers.
    Senator echoes Tea Party rally cry

    ‘People have to show that they’re not going
    to take it anymore’
    Posted: February 24, 2009
    By Drew Zahn

    Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., a staunch opponent of the federal government’s increase in size and spending legislated by President Obama’s stimulus package, has issued a call for Americans to stand up – literally – and take back their freedom.

    “I would think it’s time to start thinking about peaceful demonstrations,” DeMint said in an interview with Georgia’s Augusta Chronicle. “The power of the people is there. Freedom is in the people’s hands right now, and it’s about to slip through.”

  • 15 Fred Sinclair // Feb 25, 2009 at 5:55 am

    For all of the military and former military @ ScrappleFace. This is worth a couple or more smiles, at least.

    Military Wisdom for Patriots

    ‘If the enemy is in range, so are you.’ - Infantry Journal

    ‘It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed.’ - U.S. Air Force Manual

    ‘Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.’ - General MacArthur

    ‘You, you, and you … Panic. The rest of you, come with me.’ - U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt.

    ‘Tracers work both ways.’ - U.S. Army Ordnance

    ‘Five second fuses only last three seconds.’ - Infantry Journal

    ‘Any ship can be a minesweeper. Once.’

    ‘Never tell the Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do.’ - Unknown Marine Recruit

    ‘If you see a bomb technician running, try to keep up with him.’ - USAF Ammo Troop

    ‘Yea,Though I Fly Through the Valley of Death , I Shall Fear No Evil. For I am at 80,000 Feet and Climbing.’

    ‘You’ve never been lost until you’ve been lost at Mach 3.’ - Paul F. Crickmore (test pilot)

    ‘The only time you have too much fuel is when you’re on fire.’

    ‘Even with ammunition, the USAF is just another expensive flying club..’

    ‘What is the similarity between air traffic controllers and pilots?
    If a pilot screws up, the pilot dies; If ATC screws up … The pilot dies.’

    ‘Never trade luck for skill.’

    The three most common expressions (or famous last words), in aviation are:
    ‘Why is it doing that?’
    ‘Where are we?’
    ‘Oh S…!’

    ‘Airspeed, altitude and brains. Two are always needed to successfully complete the flight.’

    ‘Mankind has a perfect record in aviation; we’ve never left one up there!’

    ‘The Piper Cub is the safest airplane in the world; it can just barely kill you.’ - Max Stanley (Northrop test pilot)

    ‘There is no reason to fly through a thunderstorm in peacetime.’ Sign over squadron ops desk at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ, 1970

    As the test pilot climbs out of the experimental aircraft, having torn off the wings and tail in the crash landing, the crash truck arrives; the rescuer sees a bloodied pilot and asks,
    ‘What happened?’
    The pilot’s reply: ‘I don’t know, I just got here myself!’
    - Attributed to Ray Crandell (Lockheed test pilot)

  • 16 Fred Sinclair // Feb 25, 2009 at 7:15 am


    “He who passes judgment on fools is himself judged one.”
    — Midrash

  • 17 Fred Sinclair // Feb 25, 2009 at 7:37 am

    From JWR today.

    I watched the entire 15 minutes (but then I have a very strong stomach). It’s no wonder that Britain had to suspend free speech and bar Wilders from showing this film. They’ve allowed too many Muslims to infiltrate their country and cannot afford to risk the bloodshed and mayhem that would have followed the showing. America’s not far behind.

    —> war on jihad
    A Flying Dutchman in pursuit of speech
    By Wesley Pruden

    Geert Wilders comes to DC this week as Exhibit No. 1 of why the
    Europeans no longer matter. Even our British cousins, who not so long
    ago bristled at even being called Europeans, have abandoned their
    ancient traditions of free speech


  • 18 Hawkeye // Feb 25, 2009 at 8:07 am

    Good stuff as usual Scott.

    Held without bail at an undisclosed “brownfield site”…

    Must be here in NJ somewhere. I’ll look for him. :smile:

  • 19 Laughing@You // Feb 25, 2009 at 9:04 am

    After seeing the latest polls, I want to encourage Republicans, Conservatives and all the other folks here. Stand your ground!

    “No” is a political philosophy “worth fighting for”, “victory is in sight”, and “don’t give up the ship”. So hang in there sparkies, ignore the majority, those commie pinko bustarts!

    Say, I just want you to know, I can’t say enough about the Republican Response! After the flood, and all the Republican mismanagement them Louisiana folks gave you Repugs another chance in electing, or something, that Governor Bobby Jindal.

    That little fellow Bobby is something to watch ain’t he? I watched his whole talk which puts me in the 4%, right in there with the Republican Loyalists.

    He’s a cute little guy, and I sure liked his timid, even “mouse like” delivery! It was in such contrast to that, that Demoncrat Obama!

    Republicans is always helping the under achievers ain’t they?

    There was poor dumb George, and Dick with his social problems, them all them other misfits during the primaries, before settling on that poor old John McCain.

    Gotta go now, but I’ll always be a,


  • 20 onlineanalyst // Feb 25, 2009 at 10:27 am

    “If Barack Obama were a stock, would you be buying or selling?”

    I would immediately cash out, and run awaaaaay.

  • 21 everthink // Feb 25, 2009 at 10:46 am


    ““If Barack Obama were a stock, would you be buying or selling?”

    I would immediately cash out, and run awaaaaay.”

    Did you buy any Obama stock?

    One of the rules of investing is you must buy, or at least make a commitment to buy, before you can sell.

    Anyway, I suggest a “strong buy” is indicated at this time, then hold until you see at least some slight indication of a decline.

    Who’s your broker Bernie Madoff?


  • 22 onlineanalyst // Feb 25, 2009 at 10:55 am

    Peter Schiff.

  • 23 everthink // Feb 25, 2009 at 11:46 am

    “Schiff has said on numerous occasions that the current economic crisis is not the problem; it is the solution.”

    Don’t treat the influenza! Some will live, burn the rest. Just hope yours is among the “worthy life” group, and fire up the ovens; or, “love your neighbor as yourself”.


  • 24 Hawkeye // Feb 25, 2009 at 12:29 pm


    If Barack Obama were a stock, would you be buying or selling?…

    You’re not supposed to buy stock when it’s at its peak. You wait for it to fall and then buy. His stock has already fallen by 9 points in the first month… shouldn’t be long now. :wink:

  • 25 RedPepper // Feb 25, 2009 at 1:14 pm

    onlineanalyst #20: To paraphrase Joe Louis, you can run, but you can’t hide.

  • 26 everthink // Feb 25, 2009 at 1:39 pm

    Oh’ Poncho! Oh’ Cisco, you say the funnest things!

    Oh’ OLA, surely you jest! Oh’ Hawkeye, I can see you’re just pulling on OLA’s leg! Ha Ha Ha.


  • 27 Left Coast-Right Mind // Feb 25, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    Through the power of the internet, I was able to procure a diagram of President Obama’s solutions for the economy, health care, energy and every other “crisis” and “catastrophe” his administration will face.

  • 28 RedPepper // Feb 25, 2009 at 3:58 pm

    Hawkeye #24: ” … wait for it to fall … ”

    IIRC, Congress passed T.A.R.P. on October 3, 2008 ; on that day, the DJI closed at 10,483.96. After almost 5 months of throwing money at the problem, in amounts formerly undreamed of (even by D.C.’s “best & brightest”), I expect to see the Dow close at about three thousand points lower.

    To quote another boxer (to his “corner”, after being beaten bloody by his opponent), “Whaddaya mean, should they stop the fight?!? I got this guy right where I want him!”

  • 29 Darthmeister // Feb 25, 2009 at 5:34 pm

    Would you like your tea with one lump or two?

    Lawyer: Guantanamo Abuses Worse Since Obama

    And the Obamatons will continue genuflecting toward their smooth-talking messiah … and besides, it’s Bush’s fault.

    United In Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror

    Actually, it’s conservatives fault for forcing leftists to romanticize about tyrants and terrorists. The fact many American liberals, tyrants and Islamic terrorist all mock Judeo-Christian values and want to tear down the underpinnings of western civilization is mere coincidence.

    Obama’s New Definition of “Complete Withdrawal”: Leave 50,000 troops in Iraq.

  • 30 Darthmeister // Feb 25, 2009 at 5:41 pm

    I see laughing gasbag has resurrected from the primordial slime pool he/she/it evolved from and is now stinking up the place.

    I wonder if we should get the EPA involved with the latest gasbag toxic spill or will it prove to be biodegradable?

  • 31 Newsman // Feb 25, 2009 at 6:01 pm

    Hey DipMeister:

    “Unfortunately it appears there’s more “change” to come since Mr. Obama apparently thinks he can talk America to prosperity.”

    There has to be a degree of psychology brought into the restoration of our economic situation. Look at history and how Presidents who are effective operate ! It has nothing to do with party.

    In fact a ‘Master’ of the application of the use of psychology is your Republican hero Ronald Reagan. He was excellent at its use !

    If people don’t feel there is promise or hope, you can do all the financial manipulation you want and it will not work !

  • 32 everthink // Feb 25, 2009 at 6:50 pm


    When you say: “I wonder if we should get the EPA involved with the latest gasbag toxic spill or will it prove to be biodegradable?”

    Please see AGAIN, Thread: Dems Complain Obama Budget Biased Against Poor, Post: 50

    Where I say: “Well, I see you just had (to) let ‘er rip! That’s just fine! You found a good place, now it qualifies as EPA Super Fund Site.”

    Cease and desist! From stealing my intellectual property!

    If there were a way to even have you served in that Boobyhatch where you are confined, I would have your goofy self standing before the bar, instead of lying on the floor next to it!


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