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Obama to Pick from IRS List of ‘Paid Up’ Democrats

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 28 Comments

(2009-02-03) — Just minutes after two of President Barack Obama’s nominees withdrew today over failure to pay their tax obligations, the president reportedly requested and received from the IRS the official list of wealthy Democrats who have filed accurate tax returns, and whose accounts are paid up.

Former Sen. Tom Daschle pulled out of consideration as Secretary of Health and Human Services today after revelations that he didn’t fully declare his income, and failed to pay Medicare taxes for his limo driver. The president’s pick to be “chief performance officer”, Nancy Killefer, has also withdrawn over issues related to failure to properly file and pay taxes. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, however, garnered Senate approval to oversee the IRS as a form of “community service” — punishment for his failure to pay $43,000 in self-employment taxes.

From now on, the White House said, the nomination process will start with a “white list” from the Internal Revenue Service.

“The president is all about change,” said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, “So, instead of finding potential nominees and then vetting them, he’s going to start with the short list of wealthy Democrats who have handled their taxes legally, and then choose his appointees from there. It’s like being pre-approved for a mortgage before you go house shopping.”

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Tags: Law · U.S. News

28 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Newsman // Feb 3, 2009 at 1:32 pm

    I think Mr Ott should accept a nomination for Court Jester !

  • 2 The $64,000 (before taxes) question | Likelihood of Success // Feb 3, 2009 at 2:32 pm

    [...] UPDATE: Scott Ott reports that they’ve got it figured out now: Just minutes after two of President Barack Obama’s nominees withdrew today over failure to [...]

  • 3 Obama Administration To Involve IRS In Vetting Process « Justbkuz // Feb 3, 2009 at 2:49 pm

    [...] 3, 2009 in Justbkuz I Like It | Tags: Humor, Obama Obama to Pick from IRS List of ‘Paid Up’ Democrats [...]

  • 4 gafisher // Feb 3, 2009 at 3:09 pm

    If the increased scrutiny causes more rich Dems to get their taxes in order the IRS might wind up needing a second Post-It® Note.

  • 5 pauls // Feb 3, 2009 at 3:13 pm

    I must admit Obama is doing some wonderful work…look at all the tax-cheats he has already exposed and helped to “see the light”. I’m sure Biden would say they are even more patriotic that they were before!

    I saw a quote from Daschle earlier today somewhere that he made saying that those found to be cheating on taxes should be punished to the letter of the law…I dare say he might have rephrased that if he knew then what we know now.

  • 6 Left Coast-Right Mind // Feb 3, 2009 at 3:26 pm

    Apparently when Tom Daschle said that tax cheats should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, he meant that they should get a cabinet post. Never before have I seen so many rats be so eager to actually board a sinking ship.

    Looks like he’s removed himself from consideration for the H&HS Secretary. Act of contrition, or did Michelle find Hillary’s ‘testicle lockbox’?

  • 7 Scalped | Neptunus Lex // Feb 3, 2009 at 4:05 pm

    [...] Heh, as they [...]

  • 8 RedPepper // Feb 3, 2009 at 4:15 pm

    IMHO, President 0bama should reconsider this plan.

    If Comandante Zero insists on restricting himself to such a limited set of choices, he could still be without a full Cabinet in 2012 …

  • 9 Left Coast-Right Mind // Feb 3, 2009 at 4:20 pm

    Guantanamo Bay, Cuba- Just two weeks into his historic presidency, Barack Hussein Obama’s administration has been rocked with a stunning revelation that may bring an end to the fragile truce that has been forged between the United States and international terrorist organizations. Sources close to the President, have confirmed that senior officials at the Pentagon are scrambling to launch investigations into allegations that intelligence-gathering agents in the prison facility have employed a harsh interrogation technique without authorization from the fledgling President. Spokesmen from several alleged terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Hezbollah, have released a joint statement claiming, “the streets were going to run red with the blood of infidel Americans regardless of the truce, but Allah-willing the bloodshed shall now be doubled”. Protests have erupted across the continental United States from anti-war groups condemning this new torture practice, although since full details have not been released, they are not exactly sure how to mime it in the streets. Homemade posters bearing such slogans as, “ObaMu$$olini = Bu$Hitler” and “Stop this new torture (whatever it is) now!” inundate massive crowds numbering in the low to mid 30’s.

    According to their travel bureau’s brochure, Cuba is a lush island paradise about 90 miles from Key West, Florida, known for its free health care, 100% literacy rate, bountiful fields of rich, full-flavored tobacco, tourism and an abundance of classic American automobiles. However, that image had been tarnished by the Bush administration’s heinous acts of torture against alleged terrorism suspects at the Abu Ghraib prison facility, who were captured on the field of battle during the so-called “War on Terror”. For weeks, newspapers around the globe published pictures on their front pages showing the results of the brutality imposed upon the prisoners held there. Most famous of these photographs were of one detainee who was forced to wear a woman’s set of undergarments on his head, another hooded detainee stripped down to his undergarments and being led around on a leash and a group of men, of middle-eastern descent, hooded and stripped down to their undergarments and forced to create a human pyramid, reminiscent of a corporate team-building exercise (the exception being that those involved in the corporate exercise keep their clothes on).

    Hours after his inauguration, President Obama had signed an Executive Order to close the military complex (affectionately referred to as ‘Gitmo’) where the prison is located. However, these new charges may fasttrack the year-long timetable, that was established, down to 11 1/2 months.

    Details on this new torture method have been sketchy; however, a detainee who survived the ordeal, was ordered, by a judge from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, to be allowed access to the press in order to recount his experience. According to the detainee, who’s name has been withheld due to security reasons, he was left seated in an interrogation room, and the restraints on his hands and feet were removed. The room was well-lit and well-ventilated, the temperature was at a pleasant level, the chair was soft and comfortable and soft music was being piped in through an overhead speaker. On the table in front of him was a bound book and three chilled bottles of water. As minutes ticked on into hours, and no interrogator entered the room, curiosity nagged at the detainee, and he opened the book on the table and began reading. After passing the 237th page, he looked up in horror at what he was reading. Closing the book immediately, he saw an engraving in the cover, that he hadn’t noticed before, that simply read “H.R. 1″. Tearfully, the Guantanamo Bay prisoner admits that his spirit has been broken by minions of “the Great Satan” now that he knows that he will never be able to enter paradise and receive his promised 72 virgins after being exposed to such a massive amount of pork.

  • 10 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 3, 2009 at 4:53 pm

    How about a moderatly wealthy Republican like Tommy Thompson. Then he can reach across the aisle.

    Likely he has paid his taxes

    WV: frozen furniture-what Tommy sits on up der in Visconson for sure

  • 11 Just Ranting // Feb 3, 2009 at 5:08 pm

    LCRM re:9

    LOL!!! Most excellent, dude!

  • 12 everthink // Feb 3, 2009 at 5:52 pm

    I want to torture Rove until he comes clean on Bush and Cheney. But, you cant use woman’s because he likes that , besides he is likely wearing his own.


  • 13 everthink // Feb 3, 2009 at 5:58 pm


    Make that:

    I want to torture Rove until he comes clean on Bush and Cheney. But, you can’t use woman’s underwear because he likes that, besides he is likely wearing his own.


  • 14 onlineanalyst // Feb 3, 2009 at 6:31 pm

    Those Dems who make the cut for an Obama pick will be awarded a Tickle Me, Turbo® doll. (Quantities limited, due to lack of demand.)

  • 15 mindknumbed kid // Feb 3, 2009 at 6:44 pm

    I hope that all of the men of the same liberal persuasion as Mr. Daschle follow his example
    and likewise “pull out”. It’s better for America
    that they do not reproduce.

  • 16 mindknumbed kid // Feb 3, 2009 at 6:51 pm

    re#9 - Maybe we could forward the whole bill to the UN and get it ratified for every Muslim state on the planet, that could well end terrorism as
    we know it today.

  • 17 warchem // Feb 3, 2009 at 7:01 pm

    The Obamessiah has done it again! He has found a way to pay for his “stimulus” program. All he needs to do is nominate everyone for a cabinet post. The back taxes that are found will pay off the debt in no time.

  • 18 camojack // Feb 3, 2009 at 7:06 pm

    Obama to Pick from IRS List of ‘Paid Up’ Democrats

    Sounds like one way to narrow the field…

  • 19 mindknumbed kid // Feb 3, 2009 at 7:56 pm

    I’m looking to get a new mattress, anyone want to give their opinion as to what is the best? I’m trying to decide between Rush’s bed and Hannity’s bed. I can get a select comfort bed for less money than a temper pedic…

  • 20 mindknumbed kid // Feb 3, 2009 at 7:59 pm

    re#18- So many positions to fill, such a short list to choose from? Will some posts remain vacant, or will he resort to picking RINO’s?

  • 21 Harry Daschle // Feb 3, 2009 at 8:03 pm

    I know Dad wanted that job badly, but after some Black Panthers showed up last night, and took Dad in another room, I heard Dad screaming like a 6 year old girl, (or a lib troll here), he said he was going to remove his name from contention before they return and remove some vital parts from him.

    Now the real trick, to find a non-criminal Democrat.

    Good luck with that! :-)

  • 22 Harry Daschle // Feb 3, 2009 at 8:09 pm

    Ever-mistake is losing it folks. :lol:

    A non-existent mind, is a terrible thing.

  • 23 mindknumbed kid // Feb 3, 2009 at 8:16 pm

    This would have been more better (intentional grammatical atrocity) if it was posted a couple of threads back, but this is a piece that everyone ought to read.

  • 24 Newsman // Feb 3, 2009 at 8:34 pm

    Actually Left Coast-Right Mind, the virgins business is not correct.

    To paraphrase Rushdie:

    (paraphrase) The promise of “70 virgins” for Islamic suicide bomber martyrs is in fact a mistranslation of the original text. The correct translation was supposed to be “70 white raisins.” Imagine the disappointment on these people’s faces who upon dying, awake to find themselves to be surrounded on their bed not by virgins but raisins.

  • 25 Fred Sinclair // Feb 3, 2009 at 10:01 pm

    From PETA: “So it’s a bit of a mystery why Gore continues to eat animals and ignores the overwhelming evidence that eating meat is the number one cause of global warming.” and then from the Live Earth Concert crowd, who acknowledge that “not eating meat is “the single most effective thing” you can do to reduce your climate change impact.” I seldom pay attention to my level of intelligence (or lack thereof) but then I run across drivel like this and realize that I’m not one of the ‘Rubes’ that was suckered into algore’s flim-flam hoax; nor am I involved with PETA in any way other than insisting that PETA is an acronym for People Eating Tasty Animals. Though I must admit that a $100.00 serving of Wagyu Steak is far too tasty for my taste buds.

    Strangely enough, I used to believe that ScrappleFace trolls were dumber than a rock, (well, they still are) but they’re veritable Einsteins when compared to these kooks. According to Rush, Arctic ice is exactly where it was in 1975 -1979 when we were warned of the imminent peril of the coming ice age which would cover the planet with a glacier up to one mile thick…..not tomorrow but inevitably a major CRISIS looming on the distant horizon and it was imperative that we make major alterations to our lifestyles and personal habits. The extinction of all life would be the price we pay in failing to act on this warning.

    It’s certainly not that I’m all that smart - it’s just that these kooks are so brain dead that it looks that way.

  • 26 mindknumbed kid // Feb 4, 2009 at 11:06 am

    Scott - Just noticed you made a typo in this one.
    Shouldn’t it read: Obama to Pick from IRS List of ‘Paid Off’ Democrats? Gives him way more options!!

  • 27 Irs » Obama to Pick from IRS List of ‘Paid Up’ Democrats // Feb 17, 2009 at 4:14 pm

    [...] Scott Ott wrote an interesting post today on Obama to Pick from IRS List of ‘Paid Up’ DemocratsHere’s a quick excerpt(2009-02-03) — Just minutes after two of President Barack Obama’s nominees withdrew today over failure to pay their tax obligations, the president reportedly requested and received from the IRS the official list of wealthy Democrats who … [...]

  • 28 Friday’s follies | And Still I Persist // Mar 13, 2009 at 6:43 am

    [...] Someone needs to start a blog listing all the failed/withdrawn nominees of the Obama administration. It really is getting hard to keep track. Of course, this approach might solve some of the Administration’s problems. [...]

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