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Pelosi: Cutting Poor Babies Accelerates Economic Growth

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 98 Comments

(2009-01-25) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told ABC News’ George Stephanapolous Sunday that the Democrat’s economic stimulus bill, containing hundreds of millions of dollars for “family planning” services for the poor, will make real cuts in the number of low-income people, thereby saving taxpayer dollars, and increasing average income for everyone.

“Poor people are a luxury we just can’t afford,’ said Rep. Pelosi, “They cost us a lot of money to maintain; what with food stamps, housing and health care. So if we can rapidly reduce the number of poor people through contraception and abortion, that’s a net gain for federal and state budgets, and a fast track to economic recovery. Every poor baby prevented is like money in the bank.”

A spokesman for Planned Parenthood, the world’s leading abortion sales chain, confirmed Mrs. Pelosi’s
assertion, noting that “even if the stimulus bill helps harvest only the low-hanging fruit by reducing live births among blacks and hispanics, that would be a major boost, since minorities comprise nearly 50 percent of those on Medicaid.”

Planned Parenthood continues to lobby Congressional Democrats and the Obama administration to include even more funding in the stimulus bill for better marketing efforts to attract minority women who have not yet considered abortion as “a viable lifestyle choice.”

“Despite our best efforts to date,” the source said, “only 1-in-5 pregnancies ends in abortion. We need the marketing money to spur growth in what we call our frequent-flier segment. Blacks make up only about 13 percent of the population, yet they have 40 percent of the abortions. We still think there’s real upside potential there.”

The spokesman added that, “Planned Parenthood, since its inception, has been the Sam’s Club of abortions for minority communities. We keep the product cheap so our customers can buy in large quantities. What we lose in profit per procedure we more than make up for in volume. Of course, our work also helps reduce racial tensions by adhering to time-tested Darwinian principles.”

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Tags: Culture · Medicine · U.S. News

98 responses so far ↓

  • 1 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 26, 2009 at 10:11 am

    Thank you, Scott.

  • 2 camojack // Jan 26, 2009 at 10:12 am

    Yes, “family planning”…a lovely euphemism.

    NOT!!! :mad:

  • 3 gafisher // Jan 26, 2009 at 10:33 am

    Increasing the abortion rate will also provide plenty of raw materials for the newly-revitalized embryonic stem cell (AKA “Baby-in-a-Blender”) industry which, within weeks, should begin returning millions of capable workers to the labor force who until now have been reduced to collecting disability payments.

    “… people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk, get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.”

    “Stand up, Chuck!”

  • 4 Kibi // Jan 26, 2009 at 10:46 am

    Meanwhile, the Japanese are encouraging births…

  • 5 Kibi // Jan 26, 2009 at 10:48 am

    Meanwhile the Japanese are encouraging population growth

  • 6 Kibi // Jan 26, 2009 at 10:49 am


  • 7 upnorthlurkin // Jan 26, 2009 at 11:06 am

    Kibi, just hold your breath, those hiccups will disappear. if blacks are having nearly 40% of all abortions, couldn’t we say Affirmative Action has more than succeeded in the abortion industry?! Those numbers make me sick!

  • 8 upnorthlurkin // Jan 26, 2009 at 11:10 am

    I had just posted this on the previous thread when Scott posted this. A bit off topic…
    Oops! I found <a href=””this today as I was looking at the internets…and I quote, “a veritable who’s who of Obama staffers. I can’t imagine why, since this happened on Saturday morning, the drive-by media hasn’t jumped on this?! :shock:

  • 9 RedPepper // Jan 26, 2009 at 11:18 am

    Shouldn’t we be “stimulating” economic sectors that have been shrinking?

    This is one activity that just keeps on going, without regard for market cycles, boom or bust.

    Why is Nancy Lugosi dissatisfied?

  • 10 upnorthlurkin // Jan 26, 2009 at 11:24 am

    …now how did that happen?!

  • 11 upnorthlurkin // Jan 26, 2009 at 11:30 am

    This is the correct link. ;-)

  • 12 Shelly // Jan 26, 2009 at 11:54 am

    Talk about biting satire! Isn’t it amazing that this has never been considered a civil rights issue?

  • 13 Darthmeister // Jan 26, 2009 at 11:57 am

    You’re on the cutting edge, Scott.

    From the Drudge headlines:

    Pelosi: Abortion Helps Economy

    If Ms. Pelosi’s, Barney Fwank’s, Harry Reid’s, and Maxine Water’s mothers had aborted them, I guess we wouldn’t be in this economic mess we’re in now, right? So I guess there is some truth to what she says.

    Biden sees Afghanistan ‘uptick’; Warns of more casualties, ratchets up troop levels…

    I thought “surges” didn’t work. But don’t expect the anti-war left to villify and demonize Obama/Biden for more American soldier deaths in an evil, imperialistic war. After all, any war this country is engaged in during the Obamessiah administration will be considered an “humanitarian effort”, even it it results in another Waco here at home.

  • 14 tsadok40 // Jan 26, 2009 at 12:14 pm


    Another excellent post! But we must be careful to use the stats accurately, or our arguments lose credibility. The abortion stats you link to in the article show abortions classifed as “White” and “Black/Other”, i.e. non-white. The non-white does indeed make up 40%, but you can’t legitimately compare that to the stat of 13% blacks in the general population.

    [Editor's Note: Although ScrappleFace is a satirical news source, we're more committed to getting the facts straight than the average mainstream media source. We'll grant that the way the CDC presents its data can lead to misunderstanding. In addition, it has become increasingly difficult to name a single race for many who have had abortions.

    A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report ("Legal Induced Abortion") had this to say on the subject of race:

    Almost two thirds of women obtaining abortions are white; however, the abortion ratio
    for blacks is about two times higher than that for white women, and the ratio for women of
    other races (Asian-Pacific Islander, Native American, Alaska Native, or race listed as other) is 1.3 times higher than that for white women.

    CDC data for the year 2005, from a report released in November 2008, similarly indicates a much higher ratio of black abortions compared with whites.

    In the 38 reporting areas for which race was provided, classified according to the same categories used in previous years, approximately 53% of women who obtained legal induced abortions were known to be white; 35%, black; and 8% other; for 4%, race was not known (Table 9). The abortion ratio for black women (467 per 1,000 live births) was 2.9 times the ratio for white women (158 per 1,000), and the ratio for women of the heterogeneous "other" race category (319 per 1,000) was 2.0 times the ratio for white women. The abortion rate for black women (28 per 1,000 women) was 3.1 times the rate for white women (nine per 1,000), whereas the abortion rate for women of other races (18 per 1,000 women) was 2.0 times the rate for white women.

    Given the fact that virtually all abortion doctors (if not actually all) are white, perhaps only a cynic would draw attention to the racial makeup of their patients.

    Color us cynical.]

  • 15 RepublicanAttackMachine // Jan 26, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    The founder and “Mother” of Planned Parenthood, (sorry can’t think of her “filthy” name right now, Sanger perhaps?), actually said something along the lines of what P.P was meant for was, to keep blacks from overpopulating America!

    The amazing thing is, this is STILL one of it’s goals, yet black’s in America, (being the MAJORITY users of P.P., and killers of aborted fetus’s), simply ignore that this is how Dems feel about them!

    “Piglousy” has 5 or 6 children and as many grandkids. Guess her kids are BETTER than our’s!

    And black people think Obama loves them. Don’t EVER forget, Obama is only “half-black”, (said in the voice of the AFLAC duck!) :lol:

    wv: good Nevada-with Reid as Senator, NOT likely! ;-)

  • 16 RepublicanAttackMachine // Jan 26, 2009 at 12:23 pm

    Welcome back Camojack. Hope you trip was blessed.

    Anyone see Hawkeye?

  • 17 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 26, 2009 at 12:49 pm

    Somehow, for some reason I am beginning to feel like an endangered species.

    Last time I looked I was doing nothing to add to the coffers of the Democratic party. They are forced to give me medicine and equipment in order to sustain an inkling of life

    Buddy can you loan me a dime. If I don’t make it to middle class I will be targeted for elimination.

    Thanks Nancy for making me (not) feel like your kind of Amerikan.

    Maybe it is time to buy a ticket on the Stellar Airlines and move to a new brighter place where socialism is only an earthly problem.

    “Nuff said

  • 18 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 26, 2009 at 12:51 pm

    Lost my post. Hmm, let me open this computer. It must be here somewhere.

  • 19 RepublicanAttackMachine // Jan 26, 2009 at 12:59 pm

    As Laura Ingraham said today, (I’m paraphrasing), What’s next, “eliminating” sick and old people who are ’sapping’ much needed guv’mint programs and resources?

    Since I am disabled with Pulmonary Fibrosis using oxygen, railroad retirement, use the V.A. hospital, and (most important), am a Conservative, I am SURE I would be one of the first on Pigloser’s chopping block!

    Before the “doubters” say, I’m reaching, just remember, they ALREADY did it to Terry Schialvo!

    If you libs want to eliminate some people who are a drain on the guv’mint, how about Gitmo terrorists, or speed up some of those already on death row?

    Now excuse me while I duck the “bleeding heart” lib responces! :lol:

  • 20 NathanBenefield // Jan 26, 2009 at 1:26 pm

    My Snapple bottle-cap says “Human brain waves can power an electric train”.

    I point this out because it is now clear that Pelosi is wrong. She could save taxpayers more, and prevent global warming, by taking unwanted babies and putting them in a Matrix-style harvester/incubator and using their electrical impulses as a new source of alternative/renewable energy.

  • 21 ep29030 // Jan 26, 2009 at 2:22 pm

    Rather ironic that predominently white, middle class feminists would be the primary advocates of a medical procedure ending the life of a larger percentage of minority people. In any other realm, there would be riots in the street with those numbers. If our logic doesn’t work with these people,maybe we need to turn it upside down, and encourage feminists to have abortions-THEN they will stop it, to avoid doing anything recommended by a conservative. Doing the right thing has become such hard work……..

  • 22 LeatherPenguin » Taking “Stimulus” a Wee Too Seriously [Updated] // Jan 26, 2009 at 3:51 pm

    [...] Pelosi: Cutting Poor Babies Accelerates Economic Growth [...]

  • 23 baragirl // Jan 26, 2009 at 4:53 pm

    I fail to understand how exporting Abortion to the world is going to help the American economy.
    Even Stalin and Hitler didn’t send money and abortionists throughout the world.Our Tax Dollars,/i>.
    This should really up our popularity in all the foreign Countries.
    Does some of this money go to Iran?

  • 24 RepublicanAttackMachine // Jan 26, 2009 at 5:09 pm

    And silly George Bush thought he was helping Africans by sending them food! He should have had the common sense of Obama and just killed them before they could eat food! :shock:

  • 25 Left Coast-Right Mind // Jan 26, 2009 at 5:28 pm


    Re: #11

    When does the countdown start to watch Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod get frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs?

    On Topic:

    I guess the Dems are going to have to scrap their “It’s all about the children!” claptrap. Now that President Barack H-word Obama and Squeaker of the House Nancy Pelosi have made it clear that children are persona non grata (for everyone else except themselves), I wonder how long it will be before a license will need to be obtained in order to procreate. And only those deemed ‘worthy’ by the government will be granted such permission.

    wv: space OLIVER - now there’s a Twist.

  • 26 Jericho // Jan 26, 2009 at 6:30 pm

    Nancy Pelosi is evil. What are you going to do about it? Let it thrive?

    Hey Nancy from the Bay,
    How many babies you kill today?

  • 27 Jericho // Jan 26, 2009 at 6:33 pm

    President Obama - If your daughter makes a mistake will you punish the grandchild?

  • 28 Jericho // Jan 26, 2009 at 6:34 pm

    Speaker Pelosi - Quo Vadis

  • 29 Jericho // Jan 26, 2009 at 6:35 pm

    Hey Obama called Hussein,
    how many babies you slaughter in pain?

  • 30 Jericho // Jan 26, 2009 at 6:38 pm

    A new Declaration of Independence was promised by President Obama on his train trip into the Capital. Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness will be redacted in favor of Death, Slavery, Misery.

  • 31 Jericho // Jan 26, 2009 at 6:40 pm

    Barack H. Obama officially executing children since January 20th 2009.

  • 32 Jericho // Jan 26, 2009 at 6:43 pm

    Hey Obama from your White House nest,
    how many women will your death policy give cancer of the breast?

  • 33 camojack // Jan 26, 2009 at 7:07 pm

    RepublicanAttackMachine // Jan 26, 2009 at 12:23 pm
    Welcome back Camojack.

    It was a great trip, thanks…just too short, it always seems.

  • 34 MajorDomo // Jan 26, 2009 at 7:44 pm

    RAM 19 You are SO right. Geriocide (my word) is already rearing its head. Fred< you and I have to be extra careful not to use “too much” medical care!

  • 35 everthink // Jan 26, 2009 at 7:57 pm

    Rove To Frogwalk

    House Judiciary Committee subpoenas Karl Rove to testify in connection with U. S. Attorney firings.

    This is the second attempt to compel Rove’s testimony. Previously, Rove claimed “Executive Privilege”, and declined to even appear. The Bush Justice Department refused to arrest Rove for Contempt of Congress.

    It is expected similar behavior this time will win him a time-out in a concrete closet.


  • 36 Pelosi: Contraception Will Stimulate Economy | THE WEEKLY POINT // Jan 26, 2009 at 8:01 pm

    [...] Pelosi: Cutting Poor Babies Accelerates Economic Growth at by Scott Ott. [...]

  • 37 mindknumbed kid // Jan 26, 2009 at 8:27 pm

    Desperate people resort to desperate actions. Baby haters, Bush haters, and America haters all appear to be members of one band of desperate people who feed on Satan Snax and live to destroy every semblance of innocence and good.

  • 38 mindknumbed kid // Jan 26, 2009 at 8:36 pm

    I wonder when Mattel™ will begin to market their new Aborted Barbie doll collection (you get everything except the doll)? Maybe the Botched Abortion Barbie that screams and writhes in pain for hours after your daughter opens the package? It is time to bring our young girls to an enlightened look at the reality of being born a woman in the “modern” (un)civilized world.

  • 39 mindknumbed kid // Jan 26, 2009 at 8:51 pm

    Not only will we be spared all of those unwanted/unneeded substandard childer, but there will be substantial growth and new opportunities in the kill-a-kid field of anti-medicine all around the nation.
    Pelosi’s thinking is representative of why it is dangerous to elect anyone who is not a Christian. Supreme Court Justice John Jay understood this, but “Christian America” seems to believe we can prosper without walking in the ways of righteousness. Without God’s wisdom, understanding and guidance sinful man will soon begin walking perversely. The end result is certain destruction, whether by Christ’s triumphant return or by the hands of another nation, our judgment is nigh.

  • 40 mindknumbed kid // Jan 26, 2009 at 8:53 pm


  • 41 mindknumbed kid // Jan 26, 2009 at 8:56 pm

    In spite of the fact that America is on the fast track to destruction, the “in” crowd is still partying like it’s 1999. Ignorance is bliss!

  • 42 egospeak // Jan 26, 2009 at 8:57 pm

    Hey ET,
    Why not speak to the subject at hand and defend your messiah. You’re one of his chief kool-aid drinkers. Kindly explain to me how this is consistant with Obama’s supposed “Christian” beliefs. Or better yet, enlighten us how this example of “Christianity in action” is consistant with scripture. Oh wait, I forgot… it’s all Bush’s fault.


  • 43 MajorDomo // Jan 26, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    But since I’m on Tri-Care, and Obummer is reputed to be planning to eradicate it, I probably won’t be using ANY medical care. But in a world ruled by Obummer, Pelosi and Reed; with sin being celebrated as “good”, I’d probably be better off with my Savior.

  • 44 mindknumbed kid // Jan 26, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    egospeak - don’t you remember how et taught us that we cannot judge other people, of their actions. The Christian thing to do is to embrace these new ideas. Once we remove the shame from the ones marching through the abortion mills we will truly be seen as loving examples for the faith. Isn’t it all about everybody feeling good about themselves and not being afraid of God? They are doing the lord’s work helping everybody come to him, don’t ya know?

  • 45 MajorDomo // Jan 26, 2009 at 9:25 pm

    “Judge not, lest ye be judged” is not a command; it is a warning. ET, et al, do not understand this. If one knows right from wrong and believes in moral absolutes, judging comes easier. ET, on the other hand perhaps cannot judge except from his own mind which he knows is fallible. For maybe Joe knows more; or Sam who has a Master’s degree might know better; or Mary who has already “been there” may have an opinion that sounds better. They are in a constant state of confusion with no compass to guide them. Better to not judge at all, so they take the easy way out.

  • 46 MajorDomo // Jan 26, 2009 at 9:29 pm

    ET, I think Rove has a good defense: “Jail me right after you throw Sleazebag in for firing ALL the US attorneys.”

  • 47 Left Coast-Right Mind // Jan 26, 2009 at 9:37 pm

    In other news:

    President Barack H-word Obama addresses his grassroots supporters.

  • 48 everthink // Jan 26, 2009 at 9:43 pm


    President Obama needs no defense, he is president of the United States by the Grace of God, and the will of 53.5% of the electorate in the recent election.


  • 49 Darthmeister // Jan 26, 2009 at 9:47 pm

    Remarkable headline news!

    Home Sales Unexpectedly Rebound on Record Decline in Prices…


    McDonald’s Posted 80% Profit Increase in 2008


    It looks like Obamessiah is already working his magic … and retroactively at that! May we always genuflect in his general direction.

    Pakistani Fundamentalists Protest Sign: “Bombing of Tribes Is Obama’s First Gift to Pakistan”

    Go figure. I guess Obama wasn’t the change the Muslim world could believe in. I’m confused, wasn’t the Muslim world supposed to love Obamessiah?

    Dang that Karl Rove and his evil jedi mind tricks, getting devout Muslims to hate Americans regardless of race, gender, religion (or lack thereof), or economic status.

  • 50 mindknumbed kid // Jan 26, 2009 at 10:00 pm

    I believe it to be BHO is President according to the permissive will of God. Not too much dirrefent than Belshazzar being King of an ancient kingdom. Party on, dudes.

  • 51 mindknumbed kid // Jan 26, 2009 at 10:05 pm

    Sorry about my spelling tonight, I must be worried about how dad is doing, I was promised a call but it hasn’t come yet. No emails either. Looks like I’ll have to call just in time for them to say “the doctor just came in”, call you back in a little while - happens every time…
    You know what they say, no news is good news.

  • 52 mindknumbed kid // Jan 26, 2009 at 10:36 pm

    A not so funny thing happened at work this morning when I was loading my truck ( that had to be coerced to start,more on that later). There was a bit of light snow falling and blowing in onto the floor of the dock, I was being careful to watch my footing as I pulled the cases of milk into the truck - until I was about 3/4 finished loading. I snatched onto 5 cases of half pints, which are much lighter than most other products, (I blame that fact for becoming careless for a moment - that and the fact that my footing had not been a factor up to this point) and in a heartbeat my foot had slid off of the dock as I was pulling the milk toward the truck. The gap between the truck and the dock was just wide enough for my foot to slip between them, which it did, and with my body being in full motion the result was neither pretty, nor graceful. I quickly discovered that narrow gap was wide enough for my entire leg, all of the way up to my hip! With the other leg still firmly planted on the dock, I was in a bad situation. The five cases of half pints quickly joined me on the floor, my head struck the back of my truck, and the keys/keychain in my right front pocket I swear are imprinted into the bone just below my hip. I crawled up out of the crack and hobbled to the office ( where there is heat, -4 degrees here this AM), dropping into a chair in the corner, my head resting against the wall served to remind me that it had taken a good blow, so I managed to muster up the will to pick it up off the wall and see if the was was sporting any of my blood - negative. What really has me puzzled is the pain in my neck, at he base, but on the left side. Odd I think, seeing as I fell on my right side. I seriously considered going home at that point, it was 4AM, I was cold and no longer wished to play milkman.
    Probably should have called the boss and reported the mishap, but I figured I was OK. My knee doesn’t hurt although there is a chunk of flesh missing from the side of it. Tomorrow (if I am able to move) will most likely be a little better :)

  • 53 mindknumbed kid // Jan 26, 2009 at 10:58 pm

    Today’s headline:
    Green car rules give auto industry a new challenge (AP)
    And the heavy truck industry also. My truck almost shut down as I was trying to make my way up the street, only two deliveries left to make, and even though my fuel was supposed to be good for -30 degrees it acted as though it was gelling up. I was close to the Flying J truck plaza so I crossed my fingers and grumbled at the traffic ahead of me. I was hoping they had Power Service Diesel 911 in stock, they did and I dumped a bottle in the tank and waited. Sure enough in a couple of minutes it seemed to be reviving. Walgreen’s, my next stop was just across the street so I took off after about 30 more seconds, give of take, and she commenced to trying to die out again. When I made it to Walgreen’s the exhaust temp warning light came on ( when the light is on you are supposed to park and press the regenerate button which initiates a program that is supposed to heat the exhaust filters up and clean them out. Still inoperative on this truck, I tried it a few more times, but It just doesn’t do what it is supposed to do, it doesn’t do squat! But the light went out after a bit.
    So I figured I had better call our company fleet manager and fill him in on the latest, during the conversation he said, “this system works great on the over the road trucks, but if you are doing in town deliveries it just doesn’t work.” For now the solution is to drive it on the interstate for a half an hour once a week, and see if it helps. 20% more miles per week, 20% more fuel usage. I wonder how much “greener” this truck runs than last year’s model? 20% or more? I doubt it.

  • 54 baragirl // Jan 26, 2009 at 11:39 pm

    I hope and pray tomorrow will be better for you ,and I hope your Dad is OK.
    As they used to say on Hee-Haw ,”If it weren’t for bad luck ,you’d have no luck at all”

  • 55 Pages tagged "babies" // Jan 27, 2009 at 12:00 am

    [...] bookmarks tagged babiesFree Website Content Pelosi: Cutting Poor Babies Accelerates Economic G… saved by 5 others     Lordyamuza bookmarked on 01/26/09 | [...]

  • 56 Left Coast-Right Mind // Jan 27, 2009 at 12:03 am

    The Tarnished Golden State (my home state) is considering legalizing marijuana and prostitution in order to generate revenue that will bridge the budget shortfall we’re currently experiencing. Now if we could only get Bono to put on a charity concert for the world’s 8th largest economy, we’d have the liberal utopia triumvirate.

  • 57 mindknumbed kid // Jan 27, 2009 at 12:19 am

    The Lord’s mercies are new every day, I’m sure tomorrow will be just fine!
    They’re not sure how dad is going to recover, wait and see is about all we can do.

  • 58 everthink // Jan 27, 2009 at 12:52 am


    When you say:

    “Judge not, lest ye be judged” is not a command; it is a warning. ET, et al, do not understand this.”

    Is this not a judgment of me?

    I know, I know, you’re just a “Fruit inspector”, right? Have you here have been granted a special dispensation to judge the “unrighteous”?

    If that seems to be your principle “calling”, how do you differ from the Pharisees?


  • 59 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 27, 2009 at 7:04 am

    53.5% of the electorate is a bogus statistic found in #48.

    An excellent example of ignorance Scripture and of the meaning of the word “judge” can be found in #58.

  • 60 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 27, 2009 at 7:05 am


  • 61 RepublicanAttackMachine // Jan 27, 2009 at 8:32 am

    MKK: I also am praying for your father and you! It is ALWAYS best to report ANY accident involving an injury. In “days gone by”, you could count on most people to do the right thing if you were injured, today is a MUCH different story!

    On one of my first jobs driving a forklift truck, on the first day of unloading a truck at the dock, I went into the truck very fast, swooped under the load, and was backing out when my boss started yelling, “stop, stop!!!”

    There was snow on the ground, and when I went under my load, and bumped the back of the trailer, it had slid away from the dock and if my boss had not stopped me, I would have dropped, (with the lift truck), between the trailer and dock!

    Although it would have delighted ET, I am glad it did not happen! :-)

    As for “supposed Christians” who are pro-abortion”, IF they believe that GOD controls ALL things, (as Christians SHOULD), they they are in direct rebellion, (and over ruling GOD), by stopping a life, that HE has started!

    How hard is that to understand everstink?

  • 62 RepublicanAttackMachine // Jan 27, 2009 at 8:35 am

    PS: Someone also needs to tell that great “Christian” Obama that!

  • 63 RepublicanAttackMachine // Jan 27, 2009 at 8:45 am

    I am sure everstink thinks that in the verse, “- it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, -”, GOD is actually talking about a sewing needle too!

    That is what you get when a “so called Christian” tries to interpret Scripture, just as people like him try to interpret the U.S. Constitution!

    Romans 1:22 “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools-!”

    See that everstink? You are in the BIBLE-GOD wrote about you!

  • 64 egospeak // Jan 27, 2009 at 8:47 am

    ET, re:48
    I so remember you using that defense of President Bush the last 3 years. You are the definition of hypocrisy. BTW, how is that in any way a Biblical defense of Obama’s actions? Yes I am judging you. At least I’m using an eternal standard.


  • 65 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 27, 2009 at 8:48 am

    ignorance OF Scripture…..sorry

  • 66 RepublicanAttackMachine // Jan 27, 2009 at 10:49 am

    In O-blah-blah’s latest “Fireside Chat”, he said, “The days of Washington dragging it’s heels is over!”

    This is the person who was described as, “Clean, articulate, and intelligent”?

    The CORRECT phrase moron is, “dragging it’s FEET“!

    Had this been Bush, he would have already been ridiculed hundreds of times, but with the MSM “leg tinglers” it ‘ain’t gonna happen’, so it is up to us bloggers to point out these moronic comments and then run with them! Don’t worry, I am confident there will be about one, (or more), a day. There would be even more if they had not told Biden to, “put a sock in it”!

    I bet the Obomba moron will simply read whatever is on his teleprompter. Wouldn’t it be fun to hack into it and write him a good Conservative speech? :-)

  • 67 Darthmeister // Jan 27, 2009 at 12:25 pm

    Taking a page out of the liberal’s own political handbook: Given that Mr. Obama hasn’t yet begun the removal of American troops from Iraq to redeploy them in some place safe like … Okinawa … and in light of the fact liberals long believed American soldiers were dying for oil in Iraq and therefore under Mr. Obama said soldiers continue to die in a war for oil, and faced with the growing reality Obama/Biden plan to “ramp up” the war in Afghanistan for a secret natural gas pipeline that Dick Cheney wanted to build, wouldn’t it be fair to say that by the liberals’ own definition Mr. Obama is now a chickenhawk? After all, having no military service himself and now being the one who has direct responsibility for keeping American soldiers in harm’s way and in some cases sending them to their deaths in two wars which the anti-war left has long said were unwinnable and immoral, wouldn’t Mr. Obama be the quintessential poster boy for the term “chickenhawk”?

    Despite his original campaign promises, it doesn’t look like Mr. Obama is going to bring American soldiers home anytime soon so now this chickenhawk bears the full burden of any American soldier in the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters dying on his watch.

    So I guess those on the other side of the aisle are reduced to either blaming Bush or Karl Rove (with his dastardly jedi mind tricks mind you) for Obama’s new found unwillingness to cut-and-run or making false differentiations like the real difference is that Mr. Obama is THEIR chickenhawk whereas George Bush was OUR chickenhawk.

    Just asking.

    BTW, I won’t lie like liberals and claim Thomas Jefferson said, “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism” when he really didn’t, but I believe we should all avail ourselves of this “progressive” principle and become more patriotic by dissenting with the Obama/Pelosi/Reid government every chance we get. The more we dissent, the more patriotic we are! Likewise, the less liberals and Obamatons dissent, the less patriotic they are. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right? It’s only fair.

  • 68 MajorDomo // Jan 27, 2009 at 12:40 pm

    ET, you ask, “Is this not a judgment of me?”

    It is, indeed.

  • 69 MajorDomo // Jan 27, 2009 at 12:54 pm

    The abortion debate is not going to be resolved until we acknowledge human biology. When we do that, we will admit that LIFE was created only ONCE and we can only reproduce it. That occurs when the egg is fertilized (i.e., conception). God planned it that way. Abortionists can only terminate that individual. That makes it murder. Which is why there is so much vehement argument in suport of abortion. Not only that, but such admission would cut off the money spigot, and a lot of people would be sitting on death row.
    Support of abortion is nothing less than denial of natural, obvious fact! Unfortunately for those practicioners and supporters, their final judgment will not be of men, but of God. I’d be quaking in my boots

  • 70 everthink // Jan 27, 2009 at 12:59 pm


    What has president Obama done since the election that I should defend? If he attacks the wrong country, or starts saying moronic things while trying to hang over the podium, please point that out, will you?

    Meanwhile, Dumbyah is back in Texas at Rancho Incompetento, where he hope he is enjoying his retirement at least half as much as most Americans.

    Re: 59



    Obama 66,882,230, or 53%
    McCain 58,343,671 or 46%


    “I am sure everstink thinks that in the verse, “– it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, –”, GOD is actually talking about a sewing needle too!”

    Careful now RAM, most of the folks here take that literally. Do you take up snakes at your church services?


  • 71 everthink // Jan 27, 2009 at 1:10 pm

    Dang! Change that to “he hope”, to “I hope”, will yuh, huh?


  • 72 everthink // Jan 27, 2009 at 1:40 pm


    “Although it would have delighted ET, I am glad it did not happen!”

    That’s not at all true! I have high hopes for you.
    I think it’s just your associations.

    I believe the motto here should be: “None of us is as dumb as all if us”.


  • 73 Newsman // Jan 27, 2009 at 1:53 pm

    Limbaugh says he hopes Obama fails.

    Pretty smart for one of your own to hope that you lose your job, go broke and lose your home too !

  • 74 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 27, 2009 at 1:54 pm

    It appears that the next 24 hours or so are going to be a white-knuckle Capitol Hill-ride for the Pelosi-Reid-BHO triumvirate.

    This triumvirate of evil has seen its slimy mask slip, revealing the repugnant face of licentiousness which it so vainly attempted to disguise and it was a mighty ugly mask in the first place. They are not even the least bit ashamed. It’s horrible.

    God Bless America

  • 75 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 27, 2009 at 2:01 pm

    RE: #70~~
    Thank you for mortifying yourself and validating my comment #59 with one of your own left-wing sources.

  • 76 everthink // Jan 27, 2009 at 2:09 pm

    Re: 75

    You’re welcome!

  • 77 upnorthlurkin // Jan 27, 2009 at 2:10 pm

    Sorry little man (et) but your messiah only received 32.6% of the electorate. Inconvenient I know, but the electorate happens to be made up of roughly 213million people eligible to vote. By my math, that means about 82 million eligible voters did not vote. About 26% of the electorate did not vote.

    Notnews get your facts straight before making a fool of yourself….any patriotic American wants barkey’s commie policies to fail!!

  • 78 everthink // Jan 27, 2009 at 2:16 pm

    “This triumvirate of evil has seen its slimy mask slip, revealing the repugnant face of licentiousness … ”

    That’s just beautiful!


  • 79 everthink // Jan 27, 2009 at 2:29 pm


    You have a valid point there! But, since everybody knows Republicans vote at a much higher rate than the lazy Democrats, it seems likely that most of the non-voting electorate would have voted for Obama!


  • 80 upnorthlurkin // Jan 27, 2009 at 2:44 pm

    Au contraire, I would bet a large percentage of that 82 million, weren’t inspired enough by either candidate to bother. (Not that I disagree with your assertion Democrats are lazy….they’re greedy too.)

  • 81 gafisher // Jan 27, 2009 at 3:15 pm

    Newsman Re#73: I apologize for doubting your credentials in the past. Not only are you several days late with this comment, but you’re quoting incorrectly and out of context. If that ain’t today’s type of “News” it’s close enough, in a fake but accurate way.

    By the way, I’ve heard Obama hopes Limbaugh fails. Pretty audacious, eh?

  • 82 gafisher // Jan 27, 2009 at 3:24 pm

    Well, finally — an Obama cover we can believe in!

  • 83 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 27, 2009 at 6:01 pm


    Where can I get one of those commemorative Mad issues. I love commemorative junk as one can well see, er, read.

  • 84 RepublicanAttackMachine // Jan 27, 2009 at 7:30 pm

    “I believe the motto here should be: “None of us is as dumb as all if us”.


    ET, I have a MUCH easier time understanding what the Bible says, than I do what you say. Were you calling we Scrapplers “dumb” and then make YET ANOTHER “dumb” error while doing it?

    Tell us the truth, -you are Joe Biden, aren’t you? :lol:

  • 85 RepublicanAttackMachine // Jan 27, 2009 at 7:41 pm

    ET, Republicans may have voted at a higher rate in past elections, but with the help of A.C.O.R.N., and Obama’s minions, they had a MUCH higher turnout among the “brain washed” libs this year.

    They rounded up all the indoctrinated college age kids, ALL black voters, all of Hollyweird, and millions of additional dead voters this year.

    Not to mention the Republicans chased away by Obama’s “baton wielding” thugs at MANY voting places.

  • 86 Newsman // Jan 27, 2009 at 8:12 pm

    “Notnews get your facts straight before making a fool of yourself….any patriotic American wants barkey’s commie policies to fail!!”

    Dumb dumb dumber - you want to lose your job and your house just to satisfy your political viewpoint !

  • 87 MajorDomo // Jan 27, 2009 at 8:21 pm

    Newsman must really be a newsman. He can’t get the quote right.

    Meanwhile, the Obama Ecollapse continues unabated, as consumer confidence now is at an ALL-TIME LOW at Ecollapse plus 7. In the past, consumer confidence has tracked the public opinion of the Administration.

  • 88 onlineanalyst // Jan 27, 2009 at 10:08 pm

    Dear Newsman: Neither your job nor your house will be protected with this “stimulus” bill. It injects no capital into the private sector where jobs and businesses are created.

    It rewards those who pay no taxes with welfare check “rebates”. (Seriously, no meaningful growth in the economy comes from the bottom up.). It punishes taxpayers, savers, and investors. It is riddled with pay-for-play pork to those who supported the Democrats in this last election.

    Lowering individual and small business tax rates, lowering corporate tax rates, eliminating taxes on saving account interest, and lessening capital gains taxes would inject a free-flow of capital into the system. Working people would have more cash in their pockets to spend, to pay down their individual debt, and meet their mortgage obligations. New hires and suspension of layoffs would be but a recent bad memory.

    (You obviouwly don’t have the business beat on your newspaper.)

  • 89 onlineanalyst // Jan 27, 2009 at 10:17 pm

    To support my point, the Carnival of Pork has proportionately little impact on our current economic situation. Read more detail here:

    At the link, there is another where Michelle Bachman (R- MN) provides a tracker site to show where this money is going. It’s all about providing for Dem cronies and expanding the welfare state filled with dependent voter-serfs.

  • 90 onlineanalyst // Jan 28, 2009 at 2:03 am

    This article ties in to your piece quite well, Scott.

  • 91 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 28, 2009 at 7:06 am

    Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.~~1John 3:13

  • 92 Left Coast-Right Mind // Jan 28, 2009 at 12:09 pm

    This is an outrage. Congress is voting to delay my Constitutional right to conversion to digital TV?! Have these people no shame? I can’t wait to see what they take away next.

    Guess that gives people more time to run out and get those cute little converter boxes to hook to their TV sets. Just remember that Winston Smith had a camera in his.

  • 93 upnorthlurkin // Jan 28, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    LCRM, I suppose they’ll keep delaying the conversion until Everyman is ready….? I think there’s money in the Trillion dollar (graft) payback bill for more converter coupons. So while my husband and I have paid for our solution now we get to pay for our neighbors’ too! It’s all good now ain’t it trolls?! Someone else taking responsibility for you….free (to you.)

  • 94 onlineanalyst // Jan 28, 2009 at 12:48 pm

    The Dems have introduced a “Good Morning, Suckers” bill guaranteed to bleed the taxpayers through debt and wealth transference, to bloat federal government through more bureaucracies, to reward fiscal irresponsibility in state and local governments, to expand welfare programs, and to pay off Democrat special interest groups.

    It’s mighty difficult to find any economic stimulus in this plan, which takes from the productive and encourages dependence. It offers no recovery nor growth.

    Here are some further details re this debacle of piggydom:

    Get on the telephones and call your representative’s and senators’ offices to express your outrage. The fools supporting this nonsense will enslave future generations to the type of misery rampant in the former Soviet=bloc nations, North Korea, China, Venezuela, and Cuba.

    Our currency will be Zimbabwe-ized to valuelessness.

  • 95 BlackLion31U // Jan 28, 2009 at 12:50 pm

    Significant credential in determining the new RNC chair is apparently who hates Bush the worst. What a legacy he has left. :)

  • 96 Newsman // Jan 28, 2009 at 1:40 pm

    “Dear Newsman: Neither your job nor your house will be protected with this “stimulus” bill. It injects no capital into the private sector where jobs and businesses are created.’

    Never fear onlineanalyst, I don’t need to worry about my income or my house being lost !

    When times were good I did not live above my means via upgrading my house to one of those ugly McMansions which seem to be everywhere you look. Neither did I go into hock up to my eyeballs on my credit card ! And neither did I engage in buying a new car for myself.
    I live modestly and comfortably on a decent pension and some extra income from google adsense on a couple of educational websites I developed myself over the years.

  • 97 upnorthlurkin // Jan 28, 2009 at 1:44 pm

    50,000,000 liberated Muslims would tend to disagree with our assertions…

  • 98 gafisher // Jan 28, 2009 at 3:22 pm

    LCRM Re#92, just for the record, Congress is NOT delaying your right to receive digital TV, which is already being broadcast nationwide. What they’re working to delay is the decommissioning of non-digital transmitters, a decision which won’t affect your TV viewing whatsoever if you’re already set up for DTV.

    In fact, what’s really funny about the whole DTV debacle is that it’s actually a huge money-grab by Congress and certainly no “service to the American people.” As a former Broadcast Engineer I’d be happy to discuss that in more detail if anyone’s interested.

    wv - musician Picken - until his fingers bleed.

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