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Scott Ott on PJTV Video (Oct. 9, 2008)

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 54 Comments

Scott Ott, editor in chief of, appeared on PJTV’s blogger WHIP segment on October 9, 2008 with’s Mary Katherine Ham, and Pajamas Media’s Andrew Ian Dodge. Even if you don’t subscribe to PJTV, you can view a flash video of the segment.

Topics of the episode include the global financial crisis, the 2nd amendment and negative political advertising. Allen Barton and Bill Whittle host.

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54 responses so far ↓

  • 1 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 10, 2008 at 6:16 pm

    God Bless America

  • 2 mindknumbed kid // Oct 10, 2008 at 6:43 pm

    By “negative political advertising”do you mean telling the not so flattering truth about your opponent?

  • 3 Godfrey // Oct 10, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    mindknumed: given the choice of candidates in this election (egalitarian socialist or authoritarian socialist), could there be such a thing as “positive” campaign advertising?

    This election reminds me of monkeys flinging feces at each other. I just wish we didn’t all have to stand beneath their respective trees….

  • 4 mindknumbed kid // Oct 10, 2008 at 8:11 pm

    Very good job, Scott! I’m wondering, is that a Marlin Model 336C 30-30 Carbine that you have at your disposal? And what is the vintage? My dad has one from the early 50’s, my cousin has one from the 80’s. Both fine specimens, but the old one is just a tad better handling. I prefer the Marlin 30-30 over the Winchester, I eneded up owning a Winchester though, until it was stolen. Thief got everything except the old model 60 Winchester 22 that belonged to my Grandpa Jameson.

  • 5 mindknumbed kid // Oct 10, 2008 at 8:45 pm

    This is the 5th thread since I asked a question of the Obama supporters/trolls and so far no one has touched it. It isn’t a trick question either, maybe it is too hard for them?

  • 6 BlackLion31U // Oct 10, 2008 at 8:46 pm

    Some many things so little time,

    1. Looks like socialist McCain now has to contradict his campaigns efforts to in site violence toward his opponent.

    2. News reports show Sarah Palin broke Alaskam state law in abusing her powers as Governor. The report says she “misled”.

    3. Scott, from someone obviously not as distinguished as yourself, maybe you might try to find yourself on something other than a comedy show.
    To summarize; The “Straight Talk Express” really isn’t, and the Alaska beauty queen is still trying to use the tactics of the pageant in politics.

    Hmm…Who do I vote for? This is a tough one, gotta think for a while.

    God Bless Our Troops

  • 7 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2008 at 7:42 am

    I feel like today should be a holiday: $2.99 per gallon at the local QuikTrip!!!!!

  • 8 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2008 at 9:25 am


    I’m going to pre-emptively apologize not for the statements I’ve made but in the spirit I made them.

    I’m going to take you at your word that you’re still undecided for whom you’ll be voting. I’m assuming you’re talking about the top of the ticket.

    But consider this scenario. Suppose you had a soldier in your command (I know, the UCMJ is different than civilian law on protocol) and you found out he illegally shot local fauna, visciously tasered a civilian child in your area of operation, verbally harassed and intimidated elderly civilians, and generally acting as a disgrace to the uniform of a soldier of the United States armed forces.

    You bring him up on court martial charges based on those behaviors while in uniform and on duty. Then one day a fellow officer asks you if it was true that this soldier under your command was also your brother-in-law in bad standing with your family back home because he treated your sister not only in a psychologically abusive manner but also beat her. Against your better judgment because of your emotional attachment to your sister, you acknowledged this was true … but that issue really didn’t enter into your decision to have your brother-in-law courtmartialed.

    The officer you spoke to mentions this fact to other officers who dislike you and brings the point up before the courtmartial board of inquiry that you had a personal dislike of this soldier and admitted in the presence of a fellow officer that the soldier in question had mistreated your sister, this MAY have been a contributing factor in your cashiering him. The rest, as the saying goes, is history.

    I bet dollars to donuts you wouldn’t have liked colleagues twisting your real motivation for courtmartialing the scumbag in the first place.

    As to the issue of “misled”, I think it pretty clear after Barry’s confession yesterday that he thought Bill Ayers had repented of being an American-hating radical lefist, Mr. Obama has misled the American people as to the extent of his knowledge of Bill Ayers (who he said he knew little about since he was simply another guy who lived in his neighborhood) misled people as to his real relationship to Mr. Ayers who not only threw him a kick-off party back in 1996 but also sat on the same board as him during both their involvement with the Chicago Annenberg Challenge debacle which squandered something like $110 to $160 million dollars and achieved absolutely no improvement in the academic standards of Chicago schools.

    Of course this doesn’t take in consideration Barry misleading the American and Israeli people by outright lying that he helped passed legislation because of his seat on the Senate Banking Committee and in fact made it sound like he actually ran the committee by referring to it has “my committee.”

    Clearly this speaks to the ease at which he’s willing to lie in hopes of embellishing his razor-thin resume. This man isn’t qualified to be a deputy sheriff in my county much less the Commander-in-Chief of the US.

  • 9 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2008 at 9:26 am

    … push

  • 10 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2008 at 11:08 am

    By the way, there are NO news reports showing that Sarah Palin broke ANY Alaskan laws and, if there are, they are hoaxes.

  • 11 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2008 at 11:36 am

    127 days until The Daytona 500.

  • 12 danimal // Oct 11, 2008 at 12:51 pm

    re:6 -
    “…Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
    May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

    —Samuel Adams

  • 13 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 1:00 pm


    By the way, here is the report, albeit I’m sure it isn’t from a source you would prefer, but I don’t believe that it has been modified based on the way it is posted.

    God Bless our Troops.

  • 14 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 1:08 pm


    “They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  • 15 mindknumbed kid // Oct 11, 2008 at 1:12 pm

    Race is the common thread that unites Bill Ayers’ Weather Underground and the teachings of Jeremiah Wright’s church the embraces Black Liberation Theology. Obama’s admission that he shares the “rage” that many in the Black Power movement demonstrated through rioting and other forms of civil disobedience and law breaking, but is operating in a covert manner to bring about the same results is revealing. It is revealed in his attitude toward the American flag, which indicates that he has no genuine affection for this nation because he views it as being racist and bigoted. His unwillingness to produce a legitimate birth certificate, or certificate of allegiance, along with his satement of being a “citizen of the world”, are issues that serve as red flags waving in the face of all Americans.
    Black Liberation Theology says that if God isn’t “down with them” for the struggle, then they don’t need him. Is that Christian Theology? Obama has said that Jeremiah Wright is his “mentor”, and Mr. Wright has given Louis Farrakan an award. Do Christians honor the teachings of the Nation of Islam? Yet,we supposed to believe that Obama, and his church are Christian.
    But now you say Bill Ayers is a “respectable university professor”, not a mad bomber. He’s a good guy teaching about education. Teaching what? I can’t say that I know. But I do know that there are teachers out there teaching young black kids to hate this country, telling them how unfair it is to them. Tell me now, doesn’t that sound like the Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground? Does it sound like the premise of Black Power and Black Liberation Theology?
    And now that you have read this, do I sound as though I am just a racist that doesn’t want to see a black man elected as our President? You decide.

  • 16 mindknumbed kid // Oct 11, 2008 at 1:34 pm

    All that I can say about the incident in Alaska, is that first of all it should never have reached her level, and that there probably isn’t anyone that could have handled the situation any more ethically than she did. Here in Wyoming we have a adult man hospitalized in critical condition after being tasered. As an Alaska state trooper, tasing a 9 YO child is a major legal liability to the state. And then, it is family. That is a tough situation. What would you have done?

  • 17 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 1:38 pm

    Hey MNK,

    Joe Vogler, Founder, Alaskan Independence Party

    “The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government, and I won’t be buried under their damn flag.”

    “I’ll be buried in Dawson, and when Alaska is an independent nation, they can bring my bones home, back to my country.”

    If you want to argue guilt by association, then this cannot be dismissed.

    I’m not even going to go to the top of the ticket, heck in McCain’s lifetime we know he’s come across, and many would say “associated” with many shady people.

    God Bless our Troops

  • 18 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 1:41 pm


    I truly appreciate the spirit with which you answered. I can’t say I agree with your analogy, however, I can respect your right to your opinion.

    God Bless our Troops

  • 19 mindknumbed kid // Oct 11, 2008 at 2:25 pm

    I am not arguing guilt by association. It is quite clear that there are things that Mr. Obama stands for and is working toward that do not reflect the views of most Americans. Unfortunately, no one in the MSM has bothered to look at him honestly, neither have they cared what he stands for, as long as he isn’t a republican he’s fine by them.
    I have concluded that he believes in those things, and if it is true, what would his agenda be and what kind of people would he bring with him?
    If America becomes a totally Socialist/Communist country, will we still feel the same way about our flag?
    What I can’t figure out is as we have seen our freedoms being eroded bit by bit, there are some who denounce it while at the same time support Obama and other like minded folks that would do more, faster. Nobody here is in love with John McCain, but we have found reasons to support him over the other guy.

  • 20 mindknumbed kid // Oct 11, 2008 at 2:30 pm

    If you look close, I think his associations indicate the sort of change Obama has in mind for America. So maybe you should continue to keep your eyes closed…

  • 21 mindknumbed kid // Oct 11, 2008 at 2:32 pm

    Pushin’ two cartloads.

  • 22 mindknumbed kid // Oct 11, 2008 at 2:52 pm

    Here is something interesting…

  • 23 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 2:57 pm


    WTH are you talking about? Really, consider just reading and not posting.

    From the movie “Billy Madison” -

    Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

    God Bless Our Troops

  • 24 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2008 at 5:32 pm

    “Ho ho, very funny; Ha ha, it is to laugh.”~~Daffy Duck

  • 25 mindknumbed kid // Oct 11, 2008 at 5:39 pm

    There is a commercial on the radio these days in which some guy advocates his system that will “turn your debt into wealth”, I wonder why he doesn’t go to Washington and pitch his system to our Government? They really need it.

  • 26 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 5:58 pm


    You prefer Daffy Duck, I prefer Alfred E. Neuman.

    God Bless Our Troops.

  • 27 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2008 at 6:26 pm

    “Blood is thicker than water… but it makes lousy lemonade!” ~~Neuman

  • 28 gafisher // Oct 11, 2008 at 6:37 pm

    BL31U Re#17 — what possible relevance does the statement of some wacko who happens to live in Alaska have to the duly elected Governor of a different Party and an entirely different philosophy? That’s like deriding the Governor of New York because Timothy McVeigh grew up there, and a long way from noting that Obama’s close friends are dodgy even by Obama’s own admission.

  • 29 gafisher // Oct 11, 2008 at 6:40 pm

    mkk, there’s a way to make that work — pay off your debt, and it turns almost magically into (someone else’s) wealth. :lol:

  • 30 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    Scan the Entire Universe until your myopic eyeballs spot the Truth and explode.
    I stand by my previous comment because it is True.

    So, nyah.

  • 31 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2008 at 7:45 pm

    If I may interrupt:

    If you have about 11 minutes to see what will, no doubt, have the Foil Hats Glowing Bright Red from the Intense Friction of the Spinning Heads upon which they rest; tightly molded, yet stationary—and not a single one of them lightly-buttered, either.

    It’s a BO exposé [my word, not theirs] over at American Thinker. It won’t come as much of a surprise to the majority of those reading this comment, actually, but it is getting a few eyeballs to gloss over with the hatred of an Anarchist/Utopian Psychopath—which was a plus for me from the get-go—in an Anthropological [including all sub-sets] sense, of course—and, Thus, I quite enjoyed it; using my macabre, Neuman/EAP/Hitchcock-ian Discernment Logarithm.

    Thank you

  • 32 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 8:51 pm


    “what possible relevance does the statement of some wacko who happens to live in Alaska have to the duly elected Governor of a different Party and an entirely different philosophy?”

    More relevance than trying to tie a candidate’s beliefs to the 30 year old philosophies of a fellow board member. A board member among numerous republican members. Do we account for the ONE board member for influencing a particular candidate without including the possible influence of members of a political party different than that persons personal feelings? How can we measure the level of influence? Maybe, particular candidate was influenced more by the opposing party philosophies than any individual.

    Oh, by the way,
    It doesn’t appear to me that she (Palin) has a totally different philosophy. I may be wrong, but the first “dude” who has publicly had great relevance in her governorship, has also been a member of said organization until recently. The aforementioned Governor has also been recorded acknowledging that party and it’s positions.

    God Bless Our Troops

  • 33 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 8:58 pm

    I do have to chuckle at you’re reference to foil hats.

    Recently I thought of Fred and maybe even MKK thinking the end of times are near.
    Some of the posts I read reminded me of a comedy movie where people put aluminum foil hats on anticipating the end of the world. LOL, Thanks, man.

    God Bless Our Troops

  • 34 mindknumbed kid // Oct 11, 2008 at 9:04 pm

    Well, if BHO is elected it might just be closer than we realize…

  • 35 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 9:14 pm


    Put on you aluminum head gear (protective device), drink exactly 3 leters of orange gatorade, along with the big white pill you members have given you. When you awake, maybe it will be a glorious surprise.

    My God please bless our troops

  • 36 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 9:16 pm

    SGT 1ea,

    Sorry for the delayed response. Welcome back. I truly do hope you and you family are very well.

    My God please bless our troops

  • 37 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2008 at 9:31 pm


    Do you have any evidence that Sarah Palin was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party or supported its cause? debunked this lie a month ago.

    And did Todd Palin or any other member of AIP blow up any innocent people like Bill Ayers and the Weathermen Undergound terrorist group, if indeed Mr. Palin was a serious member of AIP? Guilt by association on the part of Sarah Palin? Once again you engage in false moral equivalences. By two or three degrees of separation anyone can be connected with some seditious dirtbag somewhere, but in Obama’s case he’s in direct contact with a whole host of American-hating dirtbags and crooks - far more than even the Clintons!

    From the libertarian professor at Instaundit:

    NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE? So we’ve had nearly 8 years of lefty assassination fantasies about George W. Bush, and Bill Ayers’ bombing campaign is explained away as a consequence of him having just felt so strongly about social justice, but a few people yell things at McCain rallies and suddenly it’s a sign that anger is out of control in American politics? … Please, can we also note the staggering level of hypocrisy here?

    Besides, whose to say those who were yelling those things weren’t Obama plants? It’s never been verified who shouted the alleged comments, and even if they were bona fide conservative and not fruitcake racists and anarchists poseurs, the anti-war left is guilty of faaaaar worse militant speech and hate.

    And let’s not forget Obama’s thuggish actions during his run for the presidency and the distinct possibility that those practices to date (e.g. Obama truth squads in Missouri trying the chill free speech, Obama supporters jamming phone lines to squelch conservative talk shows) are but a small sampling of what is to come once he’s coronated as America’s messiah. I suppose the existence of very real “Obama truth squads” who were colluding with Missouri law enforcement authorities don’t bother you on some level, Blacklion?

  • 38 gafisher // Oct 11, 2008 at 9:32 pm

    BL31U Re#32: “I may be wrong …


  • 39 mindknumbed kid // Oct 11, 2008 at 9:38 pm

    But at least Obama is consistent, he was in the socialist New Party in ‘96 and he’s still a socialist today…

  • 40 mindknumbed kid // Oct 11, 2008 at 9:40 pm

    We have no idea what will come out of an Obama administration, and may God never let us find out either.

  • 41 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2008 at 9:55 pm

    BTW, Blacklion, since we’ve long talked about the kool-aid drunk and tinfoil hats worn by those Bush-haters on the other side of the aisle, could you please be a little more original? Your attempts at an I’m-rubber-you’re-glue playground arguments haven’t been very persuasive.

    Did you miss my earlier reference to the movie, “The Matrix”? Metaphorically speaking, it’s about time people on the other side of the aisle quit taking their blue pill of fantasy and take the red pill of reality before their blind messianic fervor results in this empty suit stealth candidate turning this country into a velvet gulag.

    The only thing you think you know about Obama has been filtered through a sycophantic press (and left-wing blogs) which, by the admission of many of its members, to be quite literally smitten by what they perceive is The One. That dynamic should give any rational, freedom loving individual great pause. Can you imagine an enraptured liberal media shilling for this unaccomplished, powergrabbing Chicago politician for the next four or eight years? I think that’s pretty scary, particularly having personally witnessed the devastation such whoredom has brought to the People’s Republic of Illinois the last eight years. I don’t think America could survive such an Obamanation though I bet liberal socialists will convince themselves they are living in their utopia even if there is double-digit inflation, mortgage rates climbing over 8%, a deepening economic depression, the stock market flatlining, gasoline at $6/gal, and unemployment over 7%. Of course it will all Bush’s fault for the next four to eight years, right?

    I don’t expect you to remember this, but when the Democrats took control of both houses of Congress in 2006, we documented the following and said the economy would worsen under Democrat leadership … and we were right:

    Gasoline … $2.05/gal
    Home mortage rates … 5.1%
    Unemployment … 4.9%
    Stock Market … 13,200 pts.

    Please take the red pill and wake up.

  • 42 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 10:04 pm


    I DO NOT HAVE EVIDENCE that SARAH PALIN was ever a member of the Alaskan Independence Party. It has been pretty clear, I believe that Tod Palin (first dude) was a member for some time.

    Now, if the Republican Party can claim that Sarah Palin is insulated from the Alaskan Independence Party, even with her husband being a member, then I think it is FAR more understandable to assume that Mr. Obama’s relation with Mr. Myers was that of coincidence.

    My God Bless Our Troops

  • 43 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 10:16 pm


    I apologize, I have to withdraw any kind of sympathy or dignity I would have otherwise shown. WTF have you got to prove your argument? “Yep” doesn’ t count any more after 8 years of one philosophy.

  • 44 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2008 at 10:26 pm

    It’s Ayers and not Myers and its … “May God Bless our Troops” and not “My God …”

    And “Mr. Obama’s relation with Mr. Myers (sic)” was never considered a “coincidence”, it is considered by the Obama shills as inconsequential. You’re still forcing a false moral equivalence. You didn’t deal with a single distinction I brought up. Ayers is self-admitted, unrepentant terrorist who hates America. The same cannot be said of even Todd Palin, much less Sarah Palin. We’re not saying that Mr. Obama believes what Ayers/Wright/Rezko/et al believe, but rather his judgment must be questioned because he so easily finds himself in the company of such dirtbags.

    And please don’t compare Obama with Messiah Jesus “supping with sinners” in an attempt to obfuscate Obama’s many sordid associations/relationships. Despite what liberal Donks believe, Obama is no Messiah. Jesus was associating with “sinners and publicans”, the lowliest of the low in that culture … Ayers and Wright are radical elitists in the left’s culture - the equivalent of the Jewish elite who were always plotting against Roman rule. Jesus went forth to call sinners to repentance, Obama sought Ayers and Wright out to advance his political career.

    To our knowledge Obama never challenged these men to change their ways yet he wants us to believe he can “change” America. In fact, yesterday Obama claimed he had thought Ayers was repentant. So much for Obama’s level of discernment and judgment of character, eh? So I ask, what chance does this naive empty suit have against Russian President Putin, NoKo’s Kim Jong Il, Iranian president Ahmadaboutjihad, or any other radical Islamic thug leader? Obama has demonstrated time and again he isn’t qualified to be president of the greatest nation on earth.

    Despite his own flaws, at least John McCain is more qualified to be POTUS than anyone else in the U.S. Senate, including John F’n Kerry.

  • 45 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 10:40 pm


    “and its … “May God Bless our Troops” and not “My God …”

    NO! You are not correct. I am a Christian. I have been baptized twice in a southern baptist church. I have dedicated my children to Christ within that church.


    I do not believe that members of this post, or this site believe in the same God I do. Only God will decide in the end.

    My God Bless Our Troops

  • 46 danimal // Oct 11, 2008 at 11:06 pm

    Mr Lion - Let’s imagine that we take this election out of the consumer market for a minute and make it Ron Paul vs. Ralph Nader. Where would you be?

    I only ask because I’m trying to figure out WTFUR.

  • 47 BlackLion31U // Oct 11, 2008 at 11:43 pm


    Ron Paul

  • 48 mindknumbed kid // Oct 11, 2008 at 11:49 pm

    Why not go for three times just in case the two other times were inadequate? I was baptized one time, but not in a Baptist church, although I attend one today. It is possible to enter into the waters of baptism an unforgiven sinner and to emerge from them a wet unforgiven sinner, hope that isn’t where you put your faith. You can be a Christian and vote for Obama, but why on earth would you?
    If you are searching for the truth as to who Barack Obama is, try looking for the common denominator in the people and organizations that he associates with, then you can work on determining the reason for the associations. To continue to babble the prescribed lines about not being able to judge him by them is not going to learn you nothin’. If nothing else it shows that he is careless in his associations. And when it comes to Ayers it isn’t just one time they sat on a board together. He chose Ayers’ home to launch his campaign, there is a purpose he chose that location. Why all of the pretense, your mind is made up and you are in the tank for Obama, now go drink some more kool aid.

  • 49 RepublicanAttackMachine // Oct 12, 2008 at 3:28 am

    MKK, You beat me to it! Apparently we do NOT serve the same GOD BL31U. Mine only requires ONE baptism. Two sounds to me like you do not think HE could do the job the first time. I also noticed that you said, “I have dedicated my children to Christ within that church.” GOD might have something to say about “YOU” dedicating them to Jesus. No one comes to the Father except that they be drawn by HIM, NOT YOU!

    GOD says, “Let your yea be yea, and your nay be nay!” O’Bama has NO IDEA what that means and if you support him, then neither do you! MOST important, if you can support a candidate that is for abortion on demand, then “MY GOD” says you have that same blood on your hands!

    If you are a CHRISTIAN, I would expect at least a few quotes of the MASTER of the UNIVERSE, instead of Ben “dead guy” Franklin, who was a KNOWN playboy, (I only mention that because libs seem to have a big problem with McCain being divorced, yet NONE with Clinton’s escapades or weirdos like Barney Frank), and I guess you and your lib friends ASSUME EVERYTHING Ben said was GOSPEL, as for your ‘overused” quote about “temporary safety”.

    Did any of you liberals notice the “temporary” part of the quote? True Americans are aiming a little higher than “temporary safety”.

    If Ben was alive today, and said something negative about O’Bama, I bet you libs would throw him under the bus as you did McCain. It was only months ago, MOST libs were singing his praises when he was fighting his own party.

    But we ALL know how fickle libs are! :lol:

    Pardon me if I do this “drive by”, then do NOT respond to your “lib rebuttal” I KNOW is coming. I do not have time to waste debating you, (ala the “Let your yea be yea-” quote).

    I just had had enough of your “blah, blah, blah” bloviating, kind of like when Jesus took the time to fashion a whip out of cords and then drive the “money changers” from HIS FATHER’s Temple! HE took the time to make a thought out responce without all the anger! ;-)

  • 50 mindknumbed kid // Oct 12, 2008 at 8:13 am

    Current wv- “today’s worship”
    To whom will it be? Jesus Christ or Barack Hussein Obama?

    Choose ye this day whom you will worship…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

  • 51 mindknumbed kid // Oct 12, 2008 at 8:50 am

    No need for hats, pills, or drinkage. If the end were to come today I am ready.
    Luke 18:27
    And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.
    I am but a man, I cannot make myself eligible for admittance into God’s Holy habitation, I can have myself sprinkled or dunked, go around doing good deeds and go to church religiously, give money to churches and honorable organizations, or even become a great spiritual leader. None of those type of things will ever “cut the mustard”, as I would enter into eternity (existence without the constraints of time) just as condemned by the Word of God as a thieving murderous soul that spent all of my days cursing God. Some 2000 years ago Jesus Christ, God Almighty in human flesh came to live a life I cannot live, die a death that I could not die, and through his own power was resurrected again unto life, that through him I have obtained by his grace and mercies, life everlasting through simple child-like faith in the Son of God.
    When will “the end of the world” come? The Word of God tells us to watch, and to be ready because:
    Matthew 24:36
    But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
    Romans 14:12
    So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
    I submit to you again, hats,pills, and drink I need not, I have obtained all I need in Christ.

  • 52 gafisher // Oct 12, 2008 at 1:46 pm

    BL31U Re#43, I wasn’t arguing in #38; I was agreeing.

  • 53 RepublicanAttackMachine // Oct 12, 2008 at 3:03 pm

    BL31UHere are 3 more Franklin sayings. “Half wits talk much, but say little!”"You may be too cunning for one, but not for all!”"Silence is not always a sign of Wisdom, but BABBLING is ever a folly!”"Fools need advice most, but only wise men are the better for it!”and my personal favorite:” A pair of good ears will wring dry an hundred tongues!”I hope one or MORE help you. Libs need to memorize them too! :lol:One last one because it is if Ben KNEW O’Bama and what even his supporters will realize AFTER they elect him:”An open foe may prove a curse, but a pretended friend is WORSE!”That describes the difference between Ted Kennedy and O’Bama!

  • 54 RepublicanAttackMachine // Oct 12, 2008 at 3:08 pm

    Sorry that is more than 3, but I just couldn’t narrow them down to 3! ;-)

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