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Saddam Releases 12,000 Pages of Apologies

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments

(2002-12-07) — Saddam Hussein revealed today that the 12,000 pages of documents he handed over to the United Nations actually contain detailed apologies to nations and individuals and their families who have been victims of the Iraqi leader’s reign of terror.
“First I felt sorry that I attacked Kuwait in 1991,” said Mr. Hussein. “So, I apologized and invited the Kuwaitis to join me in battling the U.S. and the Zionists. Then I realized how many others might join our cause if I just apologized. So, to the widows and orphans, and those suffering chemical burns and acute illness and loss of limbs, I say ‘Please forgive me, and join in our crusade to defeat the Americans and the Zionists’.”
Saddam said he was so contrite that he wept in front of some Iraqi Army officers, who were later executed for gazing upon his face during the emotional moment. Saddam has apologized to their widows and orphans, and offered to buy them explosive belts and vests for use in the struggle against America and Zion.

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