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Reid Probe: Who Outed MSNBC’s Olbermann, Matthews?

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 47 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-09-08) — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, today called for a full investigation into who outed MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, after the two lost their jobs as anchors of the news network’s election coverage.

Mr. Olbermann and Mr. Matthews have been consigned to commentary roles in the wake of what NBC News officials saw as their incendiary attacks on Republicans and sycophantic cheerleading for Democrats while they served as “news anchors” during the recent party conventions.

Sen. Reid, in calling for the probe, suggested that officials in the Bush administration had “pulled another Valerie Plame trick” in the unmasking of two more “covert agents.”

“Not only does the outing of Olbermann and Matthews take them off the front lines, where they had been working to keep our democracy safe,” said Sen. Reid, “but now that their cover is blown, other covert agents in the mainstream media have to constantly look over their shoulders. A chill wind is blowing across our land.”

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Tags: Conventions · Politics

47 responses so far ↓

  • 1 gafisher // Sep 8, 2008 at 8:36 am

    In his speech supporting the War in Iraq, Reid quoted Kennedy's phrase "… the mere absence of war is not Peace." Perhaps now he should admit "the mere absence of (a few) loonies is not News."

  • 2 RedPepper // Sep 8, 2008 at 11:32 am

    meesterbig #4: I fear that Herr Rove has teamed up with Clinton Inc. in a vast wingding conspiracy with tentacles that have penetrated everywhere!

    The hit job on Tim Russert shoulda been a dead giveaway …


  • 3 beekabok2 // Sep 8, 2008 at 12:31 pm

    Walter Cronkite must be spinning in his grave. Oh wait. I not sure if he is even dead yet

  • 4 mig // Sep 8, 2008 at 12:37 pm

    This is just a drop in the bucket.

  • 5 meesterbig // Sep 8, 2008 at 12:39 pm

    This is all Karl Rove’s fault, open and shut case.

  • 6 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 8, 2008 at 12:43 pm

    I wonder if they are demoralized since even the Septic System is REJECTing them; great slap-stick, though, in sepia-tone for dramatic effect.

    They really should repent and I hope they do.

    God Bless America

  • 7 upnorthlurkin // Sep 8, 2008 at 12:46 pm

    Personally, I bet Scooter Libby’s fingerprints are all over this one…..what a hoot!

  • 8 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 8, 2008 at 12:47 pm

    Line up the old media and make them stand their naked (not literally) before America. Then you would see why we need talk radio. Krap, krap and more krap, spoon fed to the dumb and gullible.

    The press is the grocery store for canned Krap.â„¢*

    *Misspelled for those who have sensitive
    thinking apparatuses

  • 9 mig // Sep 8, 2008 at 12:56 pm

    Happened to see a slide show of the Republican Convention, they had pictures of the protestors Code Pink. Did they show any protestors at Obamas’ speech or Bidens speech? And were there any?

    Winchell on: Phrase used by older police officers driving out of parking lots with donuts and coffee.

  • 10 gafisher // Sep 8, 2008 at 12:59 pm

    beekabok2 Re#1: ‘Walter Wilcox’ Cronkite was able to fake sincerity much more effectively than Matthews, Olberman et al, but he was no more honest. Cronkite (from Krankheyt, the Dutch word for ’sickness’) isn’t dead yet but seeing broadcast news organizations being held to account must have him spinning mad.

  • 11 upnorthlurkin // Sep 8, 2008 at 1:03 pm

    perceived shift to the political left?!
    …quite possibly alienating viewers?!

    Woot!!These guys aren’t serious are they? Are they admitting Mr. Tingly leg and what’s his name the washed up sports guy actually have some sort of slant to their broadcasts?!
    Here’s a flash for ya, PMSNBC management….you alienated my household years ago!! There’s not a LSM anchor who doesn’t have a bias…

  • 12 Hawkeye // Sep 8, 2008 at 1:18 pm

    I’m sure we will soon learn that it was really Richard Armitage all along… even though Special Prosecutor Fitzpatrick knew about it all along. Sheesh! :shock:

  • 13 Hawkeye // Sep 8, 2008 at 1:19 pm


    “Mr. Tingly leg”?… I love it! :smile:

  • 14 da Bunny // Sep 8, 2008 at 1:34 pm

    Slobbermann and Tingly Legs Matthews “sycophantic cheerleaders for the demon-crats?” Noooo! They’re being framed!!

    The resident troll showing up to tell us all how “stupid” we are and to remind us how many more days until Bu$hitler leaves office in 4…3…2…

  • 15 Mack // Sep 8, 2008 at 1:38 pm

    I could see the left responding to the loss of people they count on for support. After all the unconditional love the MSM has heaped on every liberal is all part of their plan. They need the positive unconditional love from the adoring media to continue. After all, they aren’t getting very far without it. Like the black vote, they take it for granted.

    If Obama gets his knickers twisted every time a Republican points out his radical leftist Bill Ayers buddy he has to count on the media to cover it up. He has to be able to count on the media to spout about losing the war, because everyone else knows we are winning. He has to count on the media to attack Governor Palin so he doesn’t come off as mean to women. If the media gets outed he has to answer his own questions.

    If real people start asking him real questions as was pointed out in Governor Palin’s speech the left will have to start responding without the benefit of unconditional support from the people who are now screening them. It must be hard to lose that security blanket. Republicans have never had a day when they weren’t scrutinized and even lied about by the media. We expect it.

    Dan Rather watch out, your buddies are being evicted from the house.

  • 16 streeter // Sep 8, 2008 at 2:02 pm

    Good to see Reid will focus on what’s important. I was worried he might waste time on why Bob Woodward wants to reveal top secret techniques to track AQ in Iraq and other trivial matters.
    Over the weekend I saw a great cartoon that showed Mathews watching Palin speak. The balloon caption has Chris saying “Oh, I just felt a tinkle down my leg”.

  • 17 MajorDomo // Sep 8, 2008 at 2:35 pm

    MSM journalists as covert agents of the Democrats: Great shot, Scott!

    In Olberman’s and Matthews’ case, let me paraphrase an old saying,
    Don’t let the door hit you in the rear end on the way out of the public eye! RIP

  • 18 Mack // Sep 8, 2008 at 2:51 pm

    This is one of my sore points. I always tell people that if your agenda is worth pursuing, you should be able to present it honestly to the public and rightly expect support. How ever, the media has sabotaged every effort conservatives have put forth. Omission or commission they have done all they can to hinder conservatives.

    We see Dan Rather lying about President Bush, getting caught, and still lying about him. His only defense was to call his material “Fake but accurate.” By definition that is a lie they expect stupid people to believe anyway. The media can not help but know the truth. They choose to block it. They choose to openly slander people they don’t like while choosing to cover the faults of people who they do like. They knowingly cover up what they know would stop their candidates and then defend it.

    If the media scrutinized Obama and his history half as hard as they did Governor Palin, the man would have a hard time getting his job back as a community organizer let alone winning the Presidency. But they give him a pass. When Governor Palin smacked him in her speech they attacked her for pointing out what they refuse to report.

  • 19 boberinyetagain // Sep 8, 2008 at 3:16 pm

    Humans with points of view? I’d never have suspected…but then I’m quite gullible

  • 20 beekabok2 // Sep 8, 2008 at 3:29 pm

    Democrat seem
    I am not sure it is working for them.

  • 21 Fred Sinclair // Sep 8, 2008 at 4:14 pm

    JL3rd #5 - To repent one must acknowledge that he has sinned and be sorry for the sin/sins. It’s difficult for a liberal to repent, if not impossible. Of what would they repent. Since they have no morals, in their minds it’s virtually impossible to sin since sin doesn’t exist except in the minds of crazed Jesus Freaks.

    Virtually impossible since the one and only sin is unforgivable - that being if a liberal strays to the right ITMO Joe Libermann and a few of his ilk.

    From “CNN Politics” -

    A senior Barack Obama campaign adviser said Lieberman flat-out lied when he told delegates that Obama never successfully reached across party lines.

    “Joe Lieberman ought to be ashamed of himself for some of the things he said tonight, not as a Democrat but as an American,” adviser Robert Gibbs said on “Larry King Live.”

    Lieberman, an independent senator from Connecticut who was the Democratic vice presidential candidate alongside Al Gore in 2000, has thrown his support behind John McCain, a longtime friend.

    Lieberman urged Democratic and independent voters to make a change and vote for a McCain because, he said, he would do whatever it took to help the American public.

    Lieberman attacked Obama’s rhetoric, saying “eloquence is no substitute for a record.”

    Sorry Joe - you’re under the bus.


  • 22 Fred Sinclair // Sep 8, 2008 at 4:40 pm

    Thought for today:


    I took one look at daily thought and right away thought about (Dingy) Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha, Ted Kennedy, Carl Levin, Jennifer Granholm etc., etc. Of course FIRST we must pray for them: “Bless them that curse you and pray for them which despitefully use you.” (Luke 6:28 KJV).


  • 23 Fred Sinclair // Sep 8, 2008 at 4:56 pm

    Jason Lewis (Fill in for Rush today) Asked “What’s the difference between a pit bull and Joe Biden?”………… answer: The pit bull.


  • 24 Just Ranting // Sep 8, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    Fred re 23

    Jason Lewis (Fill in for Rush today) Asked ?What?s the difference between a pit bull and Joe Biden?????? answer: The pit bull.

    I would have said, “Pit Bulls go on the paper, Joe Biden then plagiarizes it.”

  • 25 Fred Sinclair // Sep 8, 2008 at 6:33 pm

    JR # 24 - PRICELESS


  • 26 R.A.M. // Sep 8, 2008 at 7:03 pm

    Now if NBC would fire Keith Overbite from Sunday Night Football, all would be right in the world again! Actually, NBC needs to lose their ENTIRE studio crew along with Michaels and Madden. Last night, Michaels said the Colts kickoff return guy graduated from Indiana U.

    People may like to think us “Hoosiers”, as “hayseeds” but we still like people to call our University by it’s proper name which is EITHER I.U. OR Indiana University.

    God bless the USA, and Sarah Palin!!!

  • 27 R.A.M. // Sep 8, 2008 at 7:09 pm

    Has anyone else wondered why there are no polls showing which way the voters in those “other” 7 to 9 states are leaning?

    Hussein’s people should be working on this.

  • 28 onlineanalyst // Sep 8, 2008 at 7:22 pm

    What really must frost Keef D’obermann’s fanny is that Governor Sarah Palin was a sports broadcaster at one time, and he has been bested by this woman, who claimed that her current role as a public servant is to serve the people, not to court the media.

    Apparently Keef was snarking during Palin’s speech and trying to goad Matthews to join in on his “fun”. To his credit, Mr. Tingles (Will he ever live down that stupid remark?) wasn’t taking the bait.

    Meanwhile “Plugs” Biden has mocked Gov. Palin’s executive history by repeatedly referring to her role as Mayor of Wassila (sp?). Slow Joe needs to be told that the Alaskan town has a population that equals his total votes in the primaries. (He may be busy plagiarizing other peoples’ speeches though to be bothered by this fact.)

  • 29 camojack // Sep 8, 2008 at 7:38 pm

    The people have spoken…and have been doing so for awhile now.

    What’s different this time is that (at long last!) certain media outlets are listening. Well, they’d better, or they will go bankrupt… ;-)

  • 30 onlineanalyst // Sep 8, 2008 at 7:43 pm

    The Community Organizerâ„¢ is gradually being exposed for the emptiness of that resume enhancer. Byron York explains.

    Also, check out some further OhBummer history is organizing at In “Best of the Web” today, Tarnato skewers The One by referring to a piece in the liberal-leaning The New Republic

  • 31 onlineanalyst // Sep 8, 2008 at 8:00 pm

    The thought of a Reid probe gives me the willies. He does have a sadistic look, doesn’t he?

    WV: sauce Demo
    What Julia Childs does when not being a spy

    What the cRats can expect for all of the slurs that they heap on their betters in the Republican party

  • 32 Fred Sinclair // Sep 8, 2008 at 8:04 pm

    R.A.M. #27 - From the Los Angeles Times -

    “Yesterday The Ticket broke the stunning news of America’s acquisition of seven, maybe eight, new states, according to future president Barack Obama.

    He was speaking at the start of a two-day swoop through Oregon, which is already a state.

    In Beaverton, which is not a state yet, the Democrat let it slip that during this marathon 16-month party presidential nomination struggle against a bunch of dropouts and this female political zombie from New York who won’t surrender short of a silver stake, he had already visited 57 states with one more to go.

    That’s not counting the existing states of Alaska and Hawaii, he said, which his staff decided aren’t important enough to visit. Unless maybe you’re Mike Gravel or Dennis Kucinich, who weren’t very important either, come to think of it.”

    The accompanying video of his comment could not be plainer.
    “because - uh - it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon. In the last 16 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in - uh - fifty - uh - seven states I think, one left to go, Alaska and Hawaii. I was not allowed to go even though I really wanted to but my staff would not justify it.”


  • 33 mindknumbed kid // Sep 8, 2008 at 8:29 pm

    I’ve been thinking of getting into politics, and I figure the best bet it to run for Governor of one of the new 7 or 8 states. The problem is that no one has been able to tell me where they are or how long you need to be a resident to qualify for office. I “feel” as though I am uniquely qualified to be a Governor because I am ready for change, I have worked harder than I have ever worked in my life here in Whyomin’ and I sense the need to MoveOn to new horizons. So help me go wherever I want to go and please remember to tell your friends to vote for the MKK as next Governor of ????

  • 34 gafisher // Sep 8, 2008 at 8:52 pm

    mkk, As a lifelong resident, on behalf of The Great State of ??? allow me to welcome your candidacy and wish you the best.

  • 35 mindknumbed kid // Sep 8, 2008 at 8:52 pm

    Iwas just over at Obama’s website, in just a matter of minutes I started feeling nauseous. Don’t go there…

  • 36 mindknumbed kid // Sep 8, 2008 at 8:57 pm

    gafisher - thank you for identifying one of the new Oblooper states, I’ve spent enough time there to qualify for offfice too! Is that an endorsement?

  • 37 PanamaRed // Sep 8, 2008 at 9:27 pm

    Rumor has it that an anonymous staffer at NBC was the source that outed the two MSM agents.
    An MSNBC spokesman called for an immediate FCC investigation, saying “We can be biased and unfair if Fox can be fair and balanced. A spokesman for HBO said Bill Maher had “no comment” on the situation although rumor has it both will be guests on his next show along with other as-yet unnamed liberal Hollyweed stars and socialist twits found in abundance in CA.

  • 38 mindknumbed kid // Sep 8, 2008 at 9:31 pm

    Mack, re#17 - It ought to be legal to be able to file a malpractice lawsuit against the MSM outlets. It would make reporters dig out real facts and report them instead of pushing an agenda.

  • 39 PanamaRed // Sep 8, 2008 at 9:50 pm

    FLASH!!! Obama said the McCain camp never said anything about his “muslim religion” in an interview with G Stephanopolis who had to remind him he was a christian! In the WaPo and you tube. No telepromter so faux pax or Freudian slip? You decide! (link to follow if I get a good one).

  • 40 Fred Sinclair // Sep 8, 2008 at 11:02 pm

    I ‘dogpiled’ obama’s 57 states and got several pages of links - several have the You tube video - I don’t know if these will post as links. the one about the new lapel pin is good.

    Found on Ads by Google
    YouTube - Obama Claims He’s Visited 57 States
    May 9, 2008 … At a campaign event in Beaverton, OR, Obama claimed to have visited 57 US states during the campaign. • Found on Google, Yahoo! Search, Barack Obama and 57 States
    Jun 19, 2008 … Did Barack Obama say that he had visited ‘fifty-seven states’? • Found on Google, Yahoo! Search,
    Barack Obama wants to be president of these 57 United States | Top …
    Obama may have misspoke about 57 states, but in all US territories and administered regions, the head of state is the President of the United States. …… • Found on Google, Yahoo! Search
    Patriotic Barack Obama lapel pins unveiled honoring all 57 states …
    May 10, 2008 … Patriotic new lapel pin honoring Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s 57 United States of America …… • Found on Google, Yahoo! Search,
    Obama’s 57 States: A Muslim Freudian Slip? « BUUUUURRRRNING HOT
    It is wonderful to be back in Oregon,” Obama said. “Over the last 15 months, weÂ’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. IÂ’ve now been in 57 states …… • Found on Google
    PoliGazette ” Obama’s 57 States
    … such an educated person would have stated “I have been to 48 States. … To come out and state that he’s been to 57 states, and then have idiots here try … • Found on Yahoo! Search
    Old Media Ignores Obama’s ‘57 States,’ Obsessed Over Quayle’s …
    May 11, 2008 … On Friday, Barack Obama, as NewsBusters John Stephenson reported, told an Oregon audience that “I’ve been in 57 states, (with) I think one …… • Found on Google, Yahoo! Search,
    Obama Wants to Be President of 57 States : Stop The ACLU
    And, since Obama said he has already been to 57 states, you will NEED to be specific because by your reasoning, he has BEEN to 57 states and that means he … • Found on Google, Yahoo! Search
    Obama’s 57 States & other lessons | The Anchoress
    9 Responses to “Obama’s 57 States & other lessons” chuck Says: … Obama said he’d been to 57 and had one left to go. As to the 58th state, I recommend Basra. …… • Found on Yahoo! Search

  • 41 R.A.M. // Sep 8, 2008 at 11:10 pm

    Fred re: #32

    I am SURE O’Bama, (haven’t you heard, now he’s Irish!), was already counting Washington, D.C. as a state.

    Perhaps he is also counting the states of New Orleans, Detroit, Harlem, Gary (IN), and I am sure a few others that would add liberal Senators and Reps to their column not to mention Governors and electoral votes!

    I started this as a joke, but stranger things have happened recently!

    I believe with all my heart, (no, not the washed up singing group), that reparations for black people is his first agenda.

    Then on with his “mask” coming off and admitting he is a Muslim.

    YES, B.O. stinks and is foul!

  • 42 Darthmeister // Sep 9, 2008 at 7:22 am

    Another Bu$Hitler/Cheney/RoveHimmler/Halliburton vast reich-wing trick to tilt the already right-wing media further right. I mean, is there no decency?

    And there go the Republicans, creating more joblessness. Wait, Olbermann and Matthews will still be retained as “commentators”, so I guess that means nothing has really changed. Clever.

    I wonder if Matthews ever got that Obamessiah tingling in his leg professionally looked into? That’s a real concern, ya know.

  • 43 Pseudo-Polymath » Blog Archive » Tuesday Highlights // Sep 9, 2008 at 9:32 am

    [...] Mr Reid on the MSNBC moves … or not. [...]

  • 44 R.A.M. // Sep 9, 2008 at 10:20 am

    Darth: I think the same thing. Matthews and Overbite being kept as “commentators” probably means, they will have less work to do, yet probably no cut in salery!

    The 25 years I worked at the railroad, I saw that FEW, if ANY managers ever got fired, rather they would simply move them around to other places, hoping they would do better there. Usually, what happened was they messed things up there too, but being subsidized by Congress, it really didn’t matter, there was no accountability because , “we the taxpayers” kept paying the price for their failures!!!

  • 45 gafisher // Sep 9, 2008 at 5:29 pm

    I don’t know if O’bama’s actually Irish, but the Palin name has roots in the Emerald Isle. McCain, being a Navy man, has unquestionable sea credentials. Put ‘em together and waddaya get?

    —-= Beat B.O with =—-
    Old Spice and Irish Spring!

  • 46 R.A.M. // Sep 9, 2008 at 6:43 pm

    gafisher: Good one, now that’s COMEDY!!! lol

  • 47 Pros and Cons » Sarah Palin Myths - supposedly informed leftys, and even a concerned Canuck righty, have sent several to me // Sep 10, 2008 at 4:35 pm

    [...] Cafe), doing the job the MSM is too lazy to do (well, maybe not always, the can be shamed, hat tip Scrappleface).  Jackson Brown wrote what ought to be the Obama campaign theme music, except it is too ironic [...]

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