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RNC 2008: Yankees-Red Sox Capitalism 101

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 14 Comments


ScrappleFace editor-in-chief Scott Ott interviews “a guy named Tom” in the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport who explains the difference between conservatives and liberals in economic terms with the classic Yankees-Red Sox analogy.

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Tags: Conventions · Politics

14 responses so far ↓

  • 1 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 31, 2008 at 3:28 pm

    As I wait (impatiently) for the buffer to buff:

    God Bless America

    Please, Lord, spare the people of NO. Thank You.

  • 2 Mack // Aug 31, 2008 at 3:44 pm

    People actually read “Neverthink” entries? I wonder what people read that I write. I have to admit that I don’t read some of what is posted here. I know before hand that it is so stupid as to defy rational thought and thus not worth the bandwidth to respond. I tend to ramble also. If people do read it all I thank you for the compliment.

    I read how the Dems are now in a tailspin trying to come up with an attack strategy etc. I see they haven’t given up and that the MSM is still valiantly in their corner trying to buck them up and offer suggestions. But the dye is cast.

    Between Hillary’s people trying to submarine Obama, his choice of Biden for a running mate, and McCain’s choice for for VP the Dems are in distress. When a State Governor with less that two years in office has more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined they really were in trouble before.

    They chose Biden to appeal to white males? Tell me the gay lobby didn’t have a hand in that. McCain is a war hero. You have to be in actual combat to get captured by the enemy. Getting shot down and captured does not make him a hero. resisting the enemy while John Kerry was pandering to them does. John McCain showed up to fight. Obama and Biden didn’t.

    Biden for change? Governor Palin is change. took on corruption where ever she found it including in her own party. Oh boy do I look forward to this election.

  • 3 mindknumbed kid // Aug 31, 2008 at 4:42 pm

    Alright, I admit it Mack…I can’t read. These threads with audio are a godsend for me…
    I do read almost every word of every post, some I do not put forth the effort to retain much of, most are profitable for something…maybe only fertilizing the garden, but even that is necessary once in a while.

  • 4 Darthmeister // Aug 31, 2008 at 6:20 pm

    Michael Moore: Hurricane Coming During GOP Convention ‘Proof There Is a God in Heaven’…

    What a mooreon! What is it with these liberal twits getting religion all of a sudden? It looks like the right people have been true believers all along if this is the kind of ignorant attitude libtards are going to adopt as “religious folk” to demonstrate their pathological hatred of those who don’t buy into their bankrupt politics of shame.

    But now that the Democratic Party has become a full-fledge cult replete with its own messiah and sacrament of abortion, maybe there is something to be worried about given the religious zeal that liberal seculars secretly harbor in their depraved hearts. Thank God and the Supreme Court for the Second Amendment.

    BTW, has anyone else heard what the extremist leftist Democrats who run Washington D.C. are doing to circumvent the Supreme Court ruling which overturned the D.C. gun ban law as unconstitutional? The arrogant fascist pigs are trying to rewrite D.C. law to redefine all handguns as machineguns! One can’t possibly find bigger liars and tin-plated despots who are willing to bald-face lie to achieve their political aims and this may just be a sampling of what we can expect under the most radical liberal in the U.S. Senate if he were to become POTUS, one Barack Insane Oblahblah.

    And there’s no way this inexperienced, incompetent, lying empty suit ought to be in any position to possibly appoint two SCOTUS justices in the next four years, thus making decent Americans suffer the indignities of whacked out leftist activism for another generation

  • 5 Darthmeister // Aug 31, 2008 at 7:08 pm

    MEDIA BIAS 101

    On “Meet the Depressed”, Tom Brokaw held a round table discussion with other “journalists” about McCain’s pick of Sarah Palin, the Vice Presidential candidate who has ten times the executive and administrative experience than the empty suit Barack Hussein Oblahblah. This is what transpired:

    Tom Brokaw shared the contrasting responses to the Palin pick by the Obama campaign and then asked fellow “journalist” David Gregory if the Democrats don’t have a problem, won’t she be difficult candidate to attack. Gregory blithely said he had spoken to a senior Obama adviser who said they don’t plan to attack Palin. They expect the media do that. All the talking heads assembled then nodded in knowing agreement.

    All that was missing was a wink-wink and a nudge-nudge on camera! Imagine that, the liberal media acting as junkyard attack dogs for the Demoncrat Party. Who would have thought it. Pretty disgusting. Can’t tell me there isn’t left-wing media bias, not after all the evidence I’ve seen over the last thirty or so years … heck, after the last three days!

  • 6 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 31, 2008 at 7:27 pm

    Yes! I read that earlier today (didn’t see it) and that was precisely the image the words conjured.

    They were all solemnly sitting there validating annointing themselves.

    Hence, the origin of my Pet Pair of capitalized words:

    Obsequious Narcissist,

    has (at last) been defined. Digitally, even.

    Metaphorically (of course)—as if in a daydream—they were kissing their own…..
    A still from that would make a nice desktop background—entitled “The Enemy (as in, Vain Collaborator)”.

  • 7 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 31, 2008 at 7:41 pm

    Speaking of reading each comment in a thread~~

    I’ve been following that George Orwell blog that I mentioned once before.

    The comments are from the world over.

    The diary is a bit mundane to this point, but (so far) it sparks the 2nd coolest comment threads. 1938-43, day by day, but not like you think. You’ll see me there, of course.

    I guess I better get on over there and mention ScrappleFace, the 1st coolest.

  • 8 mig // Aug 31, 2008 at 8:32 pm

    So the great O has given the orders, and the great media blitz will begin at 0100 hours. Great. I hope it backfires. j*ck*ssess… the party logo fits.

  • 9 mig // Aug 31, 2008 at 8:34 pm

    Check this out: and scroll to Vietnam Smiles.

  • 10 mindknumbed kid // Aug 31, 2008 at 10:44 pm

    So what if Palin comes out “attacking” Obaminabull? Is it up to the LSM to run defense for them too? Nevermind….

  • 11 Mack // Aug 31, 2008 at 11:27 pm

    The tables have now been turned on the media though. If they attack Governor Palin when they spent the best part of the last 7 years protecting Hillary? Even the most vapid remaining reader of the NY Times will see through that. Though they have never had trouble going after conservative women. Ask people like Ann Coulter.

    I wonder if they will throw food at Governor Palin or if the Secret Service will deter them. We know the MSM is able and willing to attack conservative women. We also know that in so doing they will cost the Democrats more in the end than any temporary advantage they may gain. Governor Palin is the mother of small children we can relate to. She seems like part of the family. Hillary seems like the monster ex-mother in law that wont go away.

    Their other tactic is to take her work out of context and try to embarrass her with stern cross examination only to cut to commercials before she can answer. That seems the only way they can attack Ann Coulter. I don’t think that will fly with Governor Palin. When this fails the Dems will have to produce commercials of their own and Obama will have to “Approve this message.”

    The fact that the press plays down Nancy Pelosi and the current congress’ abysmally low approval rating does not change the fact that it is the lowest in history. Even lower than the President’s which the lib media love to tout. Sooner or later the MSM will decide that their credibility is more important than their political connections to the left. As with the last election, “inquiring minds want to know” how low their market share has to go before they figure it out.

    One last bright note. The democrats have finally put the Clintons on the back burner. Hillary lost. She will no doubt take the rest of the party down with her.

  • 12 Ms RightWing, Ink // Aug 31, 2008 at 11:32 pm

    So God makes a hurricane to stop the Republican Convention. Meanwhile he destroys millions upon millions of dollars of the housing for the poor, since many underprivileged down and outers live there.

    Families are torn apart, lives are lost, and our economy plummets because the oil wells have to stop pumping for a spell.

    All this so the convention is shortened.

    Sad thinking.

    Actually the country will see both the president and the Republican candidates step up to the plate. Oh those sad, poor liberals.

  • 13 gafisher // Sep 1, 2008 at 7:18 am

    Mack Re#11: The MSM had no difficulty promoting the idea that Clarence Thomas wasn’t really black and Sandra Day O’Connor wasn’t really female. For years they’ve been squealing plaintively that Dr. Condoleeza Rice is neither. Attacking Governor Palin will seem easy to them.

    The pen is said to be mightier than the sword, but Governor Palin has demonstrated skills with both. I think what at first seems easy to the MSM will prove otherwise.

  • 14 gafisher // Sep 1, 2008 at 7:29 am

    Scott, this wouldn’t happen to be The “Some Guy Named Tom,” would it?

    Comparing his Red Sox - Yankees analogy to future sports commentator Obama’s Cubs - White Sox ruminations suggests Tom may be more popular in parts of Chicago than Barry O. On the other hand, Tom may want to avoid NFL locker rooms for a while …

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