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Eliot Spitzer and Me: The Difference Between Us

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 76 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

NOTE: Scott Ott, editor of, also writes non-satirical columns at Below is a preview of his latest and a link to read the rest.

Before you rise to do a Snoopy dance on the political grave of New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, you might pause to consider how a man with a such a public reputation of integrity ends up a poster-child of corruption, guilt and shame. Then go a dangerous step further and ask yourself: What’s the difference between me and Eliot Spitzer?

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76 responses so far ↓

  • 1 gafisher // Mar 11, 2008 at 9:49 am

    Sadly, it is often the crusaders who are most thoroughly caught up in the sins of those they hope or profess to correct (Gal. 6:1: “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.)

    Gov. Spitzer was all too often sanctimonious when he might have acted in meekness, a habit which will give his enemies all the more glee as he now faces the court of public opinion before which he had so often condemned others in the past. Nevertheless, “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” (1 Cor. 10:12) — As we used to say but seldom really believed, “There but for the grace of God go I.”

  • 2 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 11, 2008 at 10:18 am

    This is worth a thousand dollars if you didn’t see it on the last post. Is his soul being sucked away?

    I left my thoughts on Town Hall. Though I know we are fragile beings and easily led astray without a daily renewal of our hearts. The Lord’s Prayer simply teaches us “Lead us not into temptation.” My stone throwing arm is not what it once was.

    But, once I was up against prosecutor years ago in a lawsuit and they are the most lying, rotten, bottom feeding creatures on the planet. We all hoot and holler when a murderer is being tried, but a divorce or a business deal gone sour can put you on the hot seat-then you will see what a Spitzer can do to ruin your life.

    Lord have mercy on his soul

  • 3 RedPepper // Mar 11, 2008 at 11:18 am

    Scott: I don’t think it is ever an inappropriate time to remind us all, “There but for the grace of God go I.”

    Having said that, an essential part of Eliot Spitzer’s downfall is precisely that he was someone who was convinced that he was above all that - that the rules did not apply to him.

    Prior to his election as the NYS Governor, Spitzer made a reputation for himself as the state’s Attorney General. In an advertisement during his gubernatorial campaign, Mr. Spitzer declared that as attorney general, “I had a simple rule. I never asked if a case was popular or unpopular. I never asked if it was big or small, hard or easy. I simply asked if it was right or wrong.” IMO, the reality was considerably less noble. Many of the cases that Spitzer pursued during his eight-year tenure as AG seemed to be selected, not because of the importance of the offence, but rather to make Spitzer appear to the public as a populist, crusading defender of “the little guy”. These cases, once begun, were pursued without mercy. The editors of the WSJ characterized it this way : “ … Spitzer … made his career by specializing in not just the prosecution, but the ruin, of other men.” And the news media, which now howls for his resignation, “ … were happy to prosper from his leaks and even applaud, rather than temper, the manifestly abusive instincts of a public official.” Partly as a result of his well-crafted public image, Governor Spitzer enjoyed an astounding approval rating of over 70% when he first assumed office. Why did Eliot Spitzer have “ … such a public reputation for integrity … ” ? Because he intentionally cultivated it. And he didn’t care who he had to destroy to get it, as long as he could be perceived as “protecting the consumer.” In his heyday, after enjoying the services provided by “The Emperor’s Club,” Spitzer would have gone after them hammer and tongs … for price-gouging!

  • 4 da Bunny // Mar 11, 2008 at 11:35 am

    What a kind, compassionate column, Scott. Well done!!

    Fortunately, not everyone goes around giving in to their “inner-Spitzer” in such a grandiose way, publicly humiliating their spouses and children in the process. It’s one thing to ruin one’s own reputation and career…it’s an entirely different matter when one selfishly causes irreparable harm to the lives of others.

  • 5 boberinyetagain // Mar 11, 2008 at 11:51 am

    Scott, you make a black and white issue deliciously “gray” and you do it with style.
    Rejoice not indeed…you are “the man”!

    season newsman…then cook him slowly until golden brown

  • 6 upnorthlurkin // Mar 11, 2008 at 12:03 pm

    RP, well said! Not only will this incident pad Spitzer’s resumé, it may qualify him as the next dhimmi veep. I wouldn’t put anything past these miscreants.

  • 7 da Bunny // Mar 11, 2008 at 12:04 pm

    The simple fact of the matter is that Spitzer made his “inner-Spitzer” more important than anything or anyone else in his life. I know he is Jewish, ethnically, but it appears that he still doesn’t acknowledge a Power any greater than his own ego. As of this moment, he still has not resigned…not exactly indicative of someone who has been humbled by the public revelation of his illegal and immoral actions. Continuing to revel in his arrogance is not helping his “cause.”

  • 8 JQ // Mar 11, 2008 at 1:57 pm

    …and only 7 responses so far today, Scott. I’d have to guess that there’s a lot of reflection going on in Scrappledom today. As for myself, I’d be lying if I wasn’t already considering plagiarizing Scott’s thoughts for a meditation at church.

    Who among us is so pure that he wouldn’t recoil in horror at the mere suggestion that all of his secret deeds might be brought to light? It’s good to be reminded from time to time that “there is no one righteous, not even one” (Romans 3:10).

    “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! ” (Romans 7:24,25)

  • 9 da Bunny // Mar 11, 2008 at 2:37 pm

    After more than 24 hours since the public revelation of Spitzer’s illegal/immoral activites…there’s still no Spitzer resignation. Obviously, he’s still tapping into his “inner-Spitzer,” combined with his “inner-Clinton.” [and his "inner-Craig" on a smaller scale]

    Scott, I do not know you personally, but I believe that there is a great deal of “difference” between you and Eliot Spitzer. Your faith in God and the saving grace of Jesus Christ most certainly separates you from the “it’s-all-about-me” and “I’m-above-the-law” Spitzers of the world. True, we’re all capable of doing wrong, but Spitzer actively sought to do wrong, paid a big pile of money to do wrong, and is thus far refusing to accept the consequences for what he willingly did wrong. I do not believe that Scott Ott would act this way, since there is way too much evidence of decency and a conscience in the articles being posted on this site, and on

  • 10 EXT // Mar 11, 2008 at 2:47 pm

    I can’t get too excited over this. Spitzer paid for what he received. Can Hillary’s Husband say the same?

    Certainly can’t fault The Gov. as being a cheapskate….

  • 11 MargeinMI // Mar 11, 2008 at 3:05 pm

    Thanks for all the good wishes all! I just hope this new year works out better than the last couple.

    Thank God for his Grace upon me, ’cause I’m a big fat sinner-my inner Spitzer catches up with me once in a while. :o (

    nylecoj, Yep, that was me. Rachel rocks!

    wv: expanding streets-Yup, just about the season of the blooming orange traffic cones here in Pothole Central, I mean Michigan.

  • 12 boberinyetagain // Mar 11, 2008 at 3:10 pm

    EXT, I’m with you (but I swear not to tell anyone). A victimless crime.
    Did you see that the 9/11 money tracking rule is how they “got” him? You’d think he might have been aware of those regulations.

    sheriff filming….the encounter referred to here? That might be something

  • 13 MargeinMI // Mar 11, 2008 at 3:10 pm

    Fred, Beerme & gafisher, Gotta share….

    I ran into a friend at the gas station today. He had decaled the back window of his Jeep with a saying:

    Get Canadian Trash Out of Michigan!
    Impeach Grandholm!

    Don’tcha just love it?

  • 14 da Bunny // Mar 11, 2008 at 3:28 pm

    Happy birthday and best wishes on the job search, Marge. :-)

  • 15 Fred Sinclair // Mar 11, 2008 at 3:28 pm

    When I first heard of Spitzer’s troubles, my first thought was a piece of Paul’s letter to the Chrstians in Rome. Especially verse 19, a verse unfortunately that I am all too familiar with in both context and practice.

    Rom. 7:15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.
    Rom. 7:16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.
    Rom. 7:17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
    Rom. 7:18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
    Rom. 7:19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. (KJV)

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 16 nylecoj // Mar 11, 2008 at 5:16 pm

    Marge re #11,
    I just found her site but she does indeed rock.
    BTW I forgot to wish you good luck on the job search when I wished you Happy Bday.

  • 17 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 11, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    RE: #12~~
    It’s quite obvious that Spitzer was “aware of those regulations” since (according to what I’ve heard/read) it was His Bank that dropped a dime on him for waving a Red Flag by being suspiciously just under those limits in several transactions. If I’m not mistaken, his poor attempt at sneakiness is actually what started the investigation and brought him down.
    Thank you

  • 18 Darthmeister // Mar 11, 2008 at 6:35 pm

    Gee, being a DemDonk I thought the prostitution scandal would be a resume enhancement for Spitzer. I guess the Donks and the liberal media are becoming such Victorian prudes.

    Mary Ann of “Gilligan’s Island” Caught With Marijuana in Car.
    Mary Ann is caught with some Mary Jane? IS NOTHING SACRED ANYMORE?

    Geraldine Ferraro: If Obama gains White House he can thank affirmative action.

    You go girl! Yep, straight off the liberal plantation right into the White House!

  • 19 da Bunny // Mar 11, 2008 at 6:58 pm

    Saw on “Hardball” while flipping channels…
    “Eliot Mess”

    The “inner-Spitzer” hasn’t resigned, yet…but since it’s a “victimless crime,” and not a “black and white, but a gray” issue, why don’t we all just forget about it and “moveon?”


  • 20 Hawkeye // Mar 11, 2008 at 7:20 pm

    Hi Marge,

    Happy Birthday! Did you get the e-mail I sent you?

    Best wishes :smile:

    wv: old healthy — I’m stronger in the first category than the second.

  • 21 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 11, 2008 at 7:20 pm

    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear MargeinMI
    Happy Birthday to you

    Can’t ya just feel the love

    ex Willow: Nice firewood, great carbon

  • 22 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 11, 2008 at 7:24 pm

    …….it must have been The Wind in the Willows. Mr Toad was splattered by the trunk

    Ohh, can’t ya just feel the love, er pity

    Back to topic

    wv: Bolivia Thomas-Dylan’s gaucho brother

  • 23 Fred Sinclair // Mar 11, 2008 at 7:43 pm

    Off topic - this just in…..…excerpt


    Is it any wonder that those states and cities with the most
    restrictive gun control laws tend to also be home to the highest crime
    rates? The old saying is still true. “When guns are outlawed, only
    outlaws will have guns.” There is another saying I like even better.
    “When guns are outlawed, I will be an outlaw.”
    Even our Lord Jesus understood and validated the right of every
    person to arm themselves for self-defense. He said, “He that hath no
    sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36 KJV) Therefore, to help keep your family safe and your country free, go buy a gun.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 24 mindknumbed kid // Mar 11, 2008 at 8:07 pm

    I don’t see the gray, I see Scott being compassionate and humble, realizing that even if we can’t pay the price that Spitzer paid, we are all capable of “doing (as Paul said, thank you Fred for putting that passage in for us) the things that we would not do”. Paying a hooker really is not much different than sleeping around while away from his spouse, one is against civil lsw, the other against moral law. We are all capable of the most unsavory sins, as it is also written, “let him that is without sin cast vthe first stone.”
    I believe a man of character would resign quickly, I think it is not necessary for his political opponents to cry for his resignation, there are plenty of Republicans that are no different than he is, if after a period of time he doesn’t resign, then go ahead and prod him a bit. It just seems to me that it is all politically motivated, just scoring cheap shots - give him time and show a little compassion. Don’t be, or even appear opportunistic every time someone does something out of weakness. I think it turnrd many against us when we were always finding fault wjth the” slick one,” not that he showed any moral leadership, or character, but lied and fanned the flames by his own actions. I’m just thinkin’ we are a little off track, time to rethink things a bit.

  • 25 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 11, 2008 at 8:09 pm

    Cattle die, kinsmen die,
    one day you die yourself;
    I know one thing that never dies —
    the dead man’s reputation.

    Source: Poems of the Elder Edda, translated by Patricia Terry, pp. 13, 21

  • 26 gafisher // Mar 11, 2008 at 8:14 pm

    Marge Re#13: “Get Canadian Trash Out of Michigan!

    Gotta git me one of those!

    I hope your interview and your birthday both went well. Support the Michigan Fair Tax — it’s our best hope to get Michigan back on its feet. Well, after deporting Granholm, of course. ;-)

  • 27 mindknumbed kid // Mar 11, 2008 at 8:18 pm

    Fred - Maybe people that are not wanting to or willing to stand up for themselves, fear using a firearm to defend themselves more than facing a criminal? It seems to me that not wanting to defend and protect yourself is unnatural. Maybe they feel so vulnerable after disarming/giving up that they start seeking a government to depend on for just about everything?

  • 28 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 11, 2008 at 8:55 pm

    RE: the use of the word “we” in #24:
    While there are, no doubt, many who are “a little off track” who need “to rethink things a bit” I am not one of them and, in my opinion, neither are the rest of “us.”

    By the way, is it really surprising that an Immoral, un-American, Godless Ingrate’s Deviant Eyeballs would only see gray and not see the crystal-clear black and white?

    Spitzer is not the victim. Aside from spitting in the face of his wife and 3 daughters (not to mention his constituency), he is the perpetrator of more than one major Federal Crimes. I’ll have “compassion” for the family but I’ll have none for him. Why would I have “compassion” for someone who arrogantly puts himself above all Laws both Secular and Biblical?

    My “compassion” is that he gets 50 years and that, maybe, he’ll seek the Lord while he’s there—most don’t, though, because they are convinced they’ve done nothing wrong (despite their vile, self-serving apologies).
    Thank you

  • 29 Fred Sinclair // Mar 11, 2008 at 10:06 pm

    mkk #27 - Someone broke in and stole my firearms in 1992. About $5,500. the only one they left was my 1959 Rem. Nylon 66, .22 cal.

    What I have now is a 409 spray bottle set on stream and filled with ammonia. Foreign to the body, it won’t let you breathe and is every bit as effective as a piano wire garrotte (much better than pepper spray, mace, etc.).

    People who know me ask,”What kind of gun should I get?” I tell them “none because I know you and I know you can’t afford to buy the ammo nor will you collect used wheel weights, melt them, cast your own bullets, and construct your own handloads, go to the range 3 or 4 times a week, and average shooting 60 - 65,000 rounds a year like I did until I became competent enough to be trusted to use a gun in self defense. Stick a bottle of ammonia in your car and don’t hesitate to use it.”

    At wheellchair range that ammonia is more effective at stopping an attacker than any gun made. My ‘Recon Scout’ from “Cold Steel” is as close to a “sword” as is practical while sitting.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 30 Fred Sinclair // Mar 11, 2008 at 10:29 pm

    John 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. (KJV)

    I actually have a stone, laser engraved with words “the first stone” I keep it on my desk as a paperweight to remind me that while I am encouraged to be a fruit inspector, I need not be judgemental.

    Matt. 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 31 camojack // Mar 12, 2008 at 12:13 am

    I didn’t realize that this was posted here as well as at; anyway, my 2¢ (or less) worth:

    One major difference between me and Eliot Spitzer is that I have never held out as some kind of moral exemplar…knowing full well that there are dozens of disgruntled females in my wake, although none of them were what what one might call “cash on the barrelhead” transactions. None of us is perfect, all we can do is try our best. Mr. Spitzer’s hypocrisy however, while certainly not unprecedented in the world of politics, is on a monumental scale.


  • 32 Libby Gone // Mar 12, 2008 at 7:23 am

    Excellent, thought provoking perspective.

  • 33 Libby Gone // Mar 12, 2008 at 7:30 am

    Off Topic,
    Doesnt the picture Of Shrillairy on Drudge remind anyone of Lon Chaney as the Phantom of the Oprah?

  • 34 boberinyetagain // Mar 12, 2008 at 7:39 am

    JL3, this (#28) was a mean thing to say about Mr. Ott but I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion…

    “By the way, is it really surprising that an Immoral, un-American, Godless Ingrate’s Deviant Eyeballs would only see gray and not see the crystal-clear black and white?”

    It must be very satisfying to be correct in all words and deeds, I envy you, really…(you and dabunny both seem quite upset, surely more than is required, by both the incident and that he hasn’t tucked his tail and run). What is it to you anyway (what this man did or didn’t do?) Just curious…is his wife your sister or something? What’s relevant is…is he good at his job or not?

  • 35 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 12, 2008 at 8:24 am

    RE: #34~~
    Like I said, it is no surprise whatsoever that, through your demented eyes, you see only gray even when the line between black and white is scalpel-sharp. Nor does it surprise me that you condone criminal behavior and sexual perversion. Nor does it surprise me that you do not read posts or comments except to pick a phrase out of context in order to spin satan’s lies.

    Scott’s excellent article denied the existence the carnal “gray” you embrace so dearly.

  • 36 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 12, 2008 at 8:26 am

    existence of the carnal

  • 37 boberinyetagain // Mar 12, 2008 at 9:18 am

    And I love you too, your kind words have surely shown you to one with Christ

  • 38 danimal // Mar 12, 2008 at 9:42 am

    Well, I’m a steamroller, baby
    I’m bound to roll all over you
    Yes, I’m a steamroller now, baby
    I’m bound to roll all over you
    I’m gonna inject your soul
    with some sweet rock ‘n roll
    And shoot you full of rhythm and blues
    Well, I’m a cement mixer
    A churning urn of burning funk
    Yes, I’m a cement mixer for you, baby
    A churning urn of burning funk
    Well, I’m a demolition derby (yeah)
    A hefty hunk of steaming junk
    Now, I’m a napalm bomb, baby
    Just guaranteed to blow your mind
    Yeah, I’m a napalm bomb for you, baby
    Oh, guaranteed, just guaranteed to blow your mind
    And if I can’t have your love for my own (now)
    Sweet child, won’t be nothing left behind
    It seems how lately, baby
    Got a bad case of steamroller blues

  • 39 boberinyetagain // Mar 12, 2008 at 10:26 am

    I see the Spitzer will be subjecting himself to a public hanging at 11:30 this morning having listented to the public outcry and concluded that it’s the only honorable thing to do.
    Hopefully that will be satisfactory.

    wv = sparrow say…and would a sparrow lie? he wouldn’t dare…

  • 40 mindknumbed kid // Mar 12, 2008 at 10:44 am

    Re : the use of “we” in #24
    I was speaking for the most part the political “leaders” in each of the parties, that are seeking to capitalize on every deed just as quickly as the news is out. I’m just saying what goes around comes around and it might be best to give the guilty party a bit of time to adress it, if that doesn’t happen, then it is appropriate to apply some pressure and call for action. That’s all.

  • 41 boberinyetagain // Mar 12, 2008 at 11:00 am

    I’m guessing that given similar circumstaces many of us might wish to be allowed to keep our jobs, at least until found guilty of something and sent to jail (that would limit your ability to work somewhat)

    gotiating respect…not likely

  • 42 always right // Mar 12, 2008 at 11:08 am

    His wife now qualifies for the NY gov job.

  • 43 always right // Mar 12, 2008 at 11:46 am

    Darthmeister // Mar 11, 2008 at 6:35 pm
    Re: Geraldine Ferraro
    Edward is kicking himself for MERELY being a son of a mill owner. The way I see it, there’s little difference of what Obama preaches and Edward’s message.

  • 44 boberinyetagain // Mar 12, 2008 at 11:52 am

    or sainthood…I would not have stood up there with him. Make the hooker stand there, maybe but her? No chance

    lonely oct…poor oct!

  • 45 Sex & The State: The “Rise” & Fall Of Gov. Eliot Spitzer; Resigns As NY Governor : The Feldman Blog // Mar 12, 2008 at 12:01 pm

    [...] announced his resignation effective Monday without actually addressing any of the allegations against him, allegations [...]

  • 46 Fred Sinclair // Mar 12, 2008 at 12:28 pm

    New York Demo Gov. Eliot Spitzer on allegedly being “Client No. 9” of the Emperors Club VIP prostitution ring

    I would like to see published the names of Client No.’s 1 - 8 and beyond.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 47 Fred Sinclair // Mar 12, 2008 at 12:56 pm

    Mr. Liberal bya: Amazing! You have the ability to create your own reality and then live it.

    The sooner we Conservatives realize that we cannot rationalize with a wounded elephant on a rage, we may begin to realize that trying to be rational with America’s no 1 enemy - Liberals and Militant Islamics, the elephant is the easiest of the three.

    Heirborn Ranger

    WV - husband diamonds - in the same ReCAPTCHA?

  • 48 nylecoj // Mar 12, 2008 at 1:20 pm

    I have to agree with you about his wife. That she is able to stand beside him with all of this going on is an incredible act of grace under fire. I am not sure I could do it.
    I am not saying though, that she should not stand by him in private that is between the two of them.

  • 49 upnorthlurkin // Mar 12, 2008 at 1:30 pm

    Nyl, I have a little different take on this one…..Spitzer’s wife is no dummie…..I put her in the same category as Mrs. Clinton….the cheated on wife…..someone who believes with all her being that she is entitled to payback for putting up with the cheating sob. Turns out it’s Mrs Spitzer who’s been urging the gov not to resign. Earlier I suggested this incident was resumé enhancement…..I assumed it was the governor’s resumé not the governor’s wife’s. I think this is all about power. I think it’s an addiction with a big percentage of all politicians.

  • 50 boberinyetagain // Mar 12, 2008 at 1:36 pm

    nyl, surely agreed, their private deal is just that. For all we know the hookers were approved of, stranger things happen all the time. Having to stand there on the other hand…very odd.

    upnorth, he had major assets long before becoming governor, if anything that job made life harder to enjoy. Power is not all it’s cracked up to be. Money on the other hand doesn’t buy happiness but it makes being miserable more comfortable.

    morrison slump…being dead can do that to you

  • 51 boberinyetagain // Mar 12, 2008 at 1:39 pm

    oh, and Fred, I’d still hope to retain my job if it came to light that I had hired a hooker.
    If that make me a raving liberal then I’m guilty as charged.

    fast worster? a big improvement over that darned slow worster hopefully

  • 52 boberinyetagain // Mar 12, 2008 at 1:40 pm

    Mind you, if she were on the state payroll or he had used public funds, that’s different but it isn’t what happened

  • 53 onlineanalyst // Mar 12, 2008 at 1:55 pm

    Well, Scott, you are a larger, more forgiving spirit than I in your apologetics for Spitzer’s (D) fall from grace. Thomas Sowell agrees that with power and position, one is obliged to a more rigorous standard.

    Spitzer has scandalized his family, his constituents, and his profession through his behavior. As a Harvard scholar in the legal profession, he had to know the layers of law-breaking his actions involved. The extra-marital sex is but a part of his malfeasance. From the details coming to the fore, it seems clear that he would have continued these trysts had he not been caught.

    Do I delight in his shame? No. There is some poetic justice, however, in his being reminded that justice should be tempered with mercy, a truth that he failed to practice in his role as a ruthless prosecutor.

  • 54 upnorthlurkin // Mar 12, 2008 at 2:33 pm

    OLA, well said…by you and by Thomas Sowell. And when I say “I couldn’t have said it better myself”, I mean it! You always say it better!! Even believing one has absolute power, obviously corrupts(absolutely)! It’s scary! What scares me even more are those who are defending him.

  • 55 boberinyetagain // Mar 12, 2008 at 3:00 pm

    For the record I am NOT “defending” him but this seems, at most, a matter between he and his family, his God and possibly the police but it does not mean that he should automatically be sentenced to death, real or political.
    Off with his head…he cheated on his wife? There’d be a lot of headless politicians and men in general. Dare I say that if it were reversed there might be a slight increase in headless women as well.

    sights garbage…and our mayor is even trying to mobilize the citizens to clean it up. Imagine that!

  • 56 RedPepper // Mar 12, 2008 at 3:39 pm

    boberin #s 51,55 : Glad you cleared that up, bob … ’cause it certainly sounded to me like you were defending him! But hey!

    Not to beat a dead horse, but … actually, bob, if you were working for me, & one of the chief things that you were expected to do in that job was to enforce the law … say, like if you were in a supervisory position over the local police force? … and you hired a call girl, who btw worked for an organization quite similar to one that you yourself had gone after, in the course of your former job (the one you’d been promoted to your present position from?), & you committed some other crimes in the course of, & to facilitate, these activities (which, themselves, happen to be illegal, btw … ), then, actually, bob - yes, I would expect you to resign your position!

    And hopefully, you would do so quickly enough that I would not have to fire you first!

    But that’s just me, bob …

    wv=”ethics lad”; reCaptcha still making snide comments … no problem, two (or more) can (& do!) play that game!

  • 57 boberinyetagain // Mar 12, 2008 at 4:08 pm

    red, a decent point

    restaurant no…not hungry I guess

  • 58 mindknumbed kid // Mar 12, 2008 at 4:12 pm

    I posted this a few weeks ago for another “gray person”
    Bob, how long have you been gray? Believe it or not, everything is black and white, if you have enough knowledge and understanding. Too many are just not looking to know or understand because it requires them to acknowledge faults or to change something they want to do more than live according to the Word of God. It takes courage to keep things in proper view, but when you are looking for the easy way out gray always looks good. Right is always right, wrong is always wrong, good is always good, evil is always evil. Truth is always truth, we can fool people most of the time, no one will ever fool God.

  • 59 Fred Sinclair // Mar 12, 2008 at 4:25 pm

    An earlier post, prior to my last, is still out there in the ionosphere, lost, trying to find it’s way…. but if it stays lost……..

    Re #’s34, 37, 39, 41, 44, 50, 51, 52 & 55.
    In the words of the late, great William F. Buckley, Jr. “I won’t insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 60 RedPepper // Mar 12, 2008 at 4:44 pm

    boberin #57: Why, thank you, bob!

    One additional thing I’d like to mention. Bob, did you see The Godfather, Part II ? Do you recall the scene with the Senator from Nevada, at the brothel that was operated by Michael Corleone’s brother Fredo? Care to bet whether or not The Emperor Club, VIP has any ties to organized crime? Think someone similar to Tony Soprano might like to be able to tell Governor Corzine, “Be a real shame if anybody found out about your … ah … extra-curricular activities, don’t ya think?” and then assure him that it didn’t have to come out … if he played ball?

    ‘Course I’m probably paranoid …

  • 61 Hawkeye // Mar 12, 2008 at 6:10 pm

    Hat-tip to Evan Coyne Maloney over at Brain Terminal for this one from


  • 62 mindknumbed kid // Mar 12, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    Well, he resigned. I think the Republican party in New York would look “nicer” if they wouldn’t have called for it so strongly so soon, again, not that it was out of line to do so, but in the PR world, I do believe it would have appeared to be a more gracious and sensitive reaction to the situation. There are situations where you do not have to compromise a thing to gain favor in the eyes of voters, in the current climate, our party needs every advantage it can gain.
    in other news, Mississippi gave Obamanation a very sound victory over the “world’s smartest woman”, maybe she will ask him to be VP again, or offer him something really big, like official White House janitor….

  • 63 egospeak // Mar 12, 2008 at 7:13 pm

    I wonder why ET has been so silent the past few days? Seems to me he had a grand old time when Larry Craig was “outed”. Gosh, I wonder what’s different this time? Um… Not really…


    wv - mining prossor. Personally I’d rather be mining for gold.

  • 64 mindknumbed kid // Mar 12, 2008 at 7:48 pm

    Maybe he got the hints……or maybe he realized he was worshiping a false messiah, either way, we are not missing those posts.

  • 65 gafisher // Mar 12, 2008 at 9:25 pm

    mkk Re#72: If the news reports had it right, Democrats in the New York Assembly (the lower chamber, where Dems enjoy better than a two to one majority) held the keys on this situation. Whether Spitzer’s “extracurricular activities” were impeachable is unknown, but it seems his handling of power, both as A.G. and as Governor, cost him the support of his own Party.

    wv - nuts WASHINGTON - see tautology.

  • 66 mindknumbed kid // Mar 12, 2008 at 9:40 pm

    gafisher - precisely, his party was the key, NY is such a Democrat stronghold. I don’t see that the Republicans did themselves any good by immediately calling for him to resign. No way of telling for sure though.

  • 67 EXT // Mar 12, 2008 at 9:51 pm

    Can’t help but wondering how Spitzer could be so stupid. All he would have had to do is get his jollies in Harry Reid’s home state where prostitution is an honourable profession and there would have been no illegality at all. Heck, Harry’s a walking billboard for the trade; whoring himself out to the enviro-loons and “America-Lasters”.

  • 68 everthink // Mar 12, 2008 at 11:42 pm


    “I wonder why ET has been so silent the past few days? Seems to me he had a grand old time when Larry Craig was “outed”. Gosh, I wonder what’s different this time? Um… Not really…”

    No really!

    Former Governor Eliot Spitzer, is a whore monger, who will pay in full measure for crimes and sins.

    Senator Larry Craig, has already paid for his crime.

    The “ladies” will have nothing to fear from Spitzer if they don’t meet him at a hotel, or return his calls; and I’m not worried about him looking over my shoulder in the Rest Room.

    Craig, on the other hand, is still a is still a “tap dancing”, “stall rubbing”, “toilet lurking”, Republican Senator, because his party is mainly interested in holding onto his vote to support the corporate greed of their backers.

    Other than that, you’ve got a point!


  • 69 everthink // Mar 13, 2008 at 12:07 am

    “I actually have a stone, laser engraved with words “the first stone” I keep it on my desk as a paperweight to remind me that while I am encouraged to be a fruit inspector, I need not be judgemental.”

    In your case, that is a distinction without a difference! Maybe you should stay away from that stone altogether until you learn that difference. Then, since it’s clear you do need a reminder, … do you have a Stun Gun?


  • 70 RedPepper // Mar 13, 2008 at 5:08 am

    EXT #67:

    “Can’t help but wondering how Spitzer could be so stupid. ”

    That’s easy.

    Years of practice, EXT … years of practice.

  • 71 Fred Sinclair // Mar 13, 2008 at 5:40 am

    To paraphrase a TV comedian I recall from the early days, “There’s nothing wrong trolls that reincarnation won’t cure, perhaps as their next step up the evolutionary ladder, they can return as mice with the greatly enlarged cranial capacity.”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 72 egospeak // Mar 13, 2008 at 7:17 am


    As usual you miss the point. I was not defending Larry Craig, I was using him to make the point about your sudden silence and the coincidence that your silence occured when the notable person in question basically shares your political orientation. While it is surely possible that 11 o’clock last night was the first time you’ve been able to access the internet this week, you haven’t used that as your excuse. That said , I appreciate your condemnation of Spitzer and his behavior. Better late than never.

    BTW, it is true that Larry Craig may still be stalking bathrooms all over America and maybe even the world, but it is not because Republicans didn’t demand that he resign. If my memory serves me correctly Republicans were among the first to demand his resignation. The fact that he is still there is not something Republicans can control since they did not, at the time, and still do not control the Senate. For those in Rio Linda, that means that they don’t have the power to remove him without help from the Dems, who would like nothing more than for Craig to stay so he can become a campaign issue the next time he stands for reelection.


    wv - Fm Amos As opposed to AM Amos?

  • 73 Possumtrot // Mar 13, 2008 at 7:24 am

    Eliot who? I am bored spitless by this story.

    Where are the good ol’ days of Wilbur Mills cavorting with Fannie Fox, “The Argentine Firecracker”?

    The longer I live, the more I become convinced that I am the only man in North America who never cheated on my wives.

    A politician cheated on his wife? Wake me up when some real news, like the next Muslim-inspired attack/catastrophe, comes along. I like seeing tall buildings fall down; politicians fall every day. As Great Scott says, read the rest at United Possums International.

    It is to laugh.

  • 74 Fred Sinclair // Mar 13, 2008 at 7:58 am

    “….something blatantly obvious….”

    From Planck today:
    Leaning Straight Up,
    Geraldine Ferraro says something blatantly obvious and all hell breaks loose

    Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday she disagrees with Geraldine Ferraro, one of her fundraisers and the 1984 vice presidential candidate, for suggesting that Barack Obama only achieved his status in the presidential race because he’s black.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 75 everthink // Mar 13, 2008 at 6:01 pm

    “The Fruit Inspector” often says he is not judging; if so, it seems some clarification of what those fruits are might be in order.


    Love (agape)

    Joy (chara)

    Peace (eirene)

    Patience (makrothumia)

    Kindness (chrestotes)

    Goodness (agathosune)

    Faithfulness (pistis)

    Gentleness (prautes)

    Self-Control (enkrateia)



  • 76 mindknumbed kid // Mar 13, 2008 at 8:00 pm

    Actually them are fruits . . .but what about Meekness? The meek shall inherit the earth. Read that somewheres, in a book.

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