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Obama Gets Super Delegates Under Affirmative Action

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 32 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-03-05) — While the delegate count remains close in the Democrat presidential race after Sen. Hillary Clinton’s victories in Ohio and Texas yesterday, experts said the Super Delegates should all go to Sen. Barack Obama under a Democrat party formula designed to compensate for historic racial prejudice.

The Affirmative Action formula will hand Sen. Obama the nomination, even if, as the Clinton campaign contends, he gets only half of the Super Delegates — an amount proportionate to his genetic racial mix.

Meanwhile, Sen. Clinton’s lawyers will press their case that the former First Lady should get a Super Delegate “bonus” of 23 percent, in addition to those already committed to her, because women in general earn only 77 cents for every dollar men earn, according to labor union figures.

Democrat National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said the closeness of the race only serves to highlight the value of the Super Delegates.

“If we didn’t have these professional politicians to ultimately pick the nominee,” said Mr. Dean, “the future of our party would be left in the hands of common, ordinary people.”

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32 responses so far ↓

  • 1 camojack // Mar 5, 2008 at 6:40 am


  • 2 RedPepper // Mar 5, 2008 at 7:45 am

    Well! This is disturbing! Hillary wins Texas and Ohio, and all Obama has to show for his efforts is the home habitat of the Northern Spotted Moonbat ?

    What ever happened to Obamomentum ?

  • 3 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 5, 2008 at 7:49 am

    Indeed, that is how they do things, isn’t it? I mean, if everybody is entitled, then everybody is entitled, right?

    Frankly, I don’t see how in the world Obama got a single mark on anybody’s ballot. I laughed at the ad that he ran here in North TX, claiming that a corporate CEO’s earnings should be somehow re-distributed to whomever-and the one about how McCain wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years-but not because either was the least bit humorous.

    The utter ludicrousness of the man…’s despicable…..disrespectful…..he dishonors The United States of America and seeks to undermine the very foundations of this Great Country with arrogant pride.

    We should, like, just Text Message our, like, vote on 04 November like on American Idol. It would be, like, so exciting…..o-o-oh [faint]…..

  • 4 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 5, 2008 at 8:25 am

    Ladies and Gentlemen-let the fights begin. It is time for the modern day Cassius Marcellus Obama to whoop on Queen Rhodam or is it time for Queen Rhodam to throw the TKO on Cassius Marcellus Obama.

    Hmm, let me figure that one out.

    wv: never Madison — a political slogan from ye olde days

  • 5 Maggie // Mar 5, 2008 at 9:05 am

    Yes we can!

  • 6 gafisher // Mar 5, 2008 at 9:10 am

    Affirmative Action suggests we should support the nominee, whoever it is, of the Party that freed the slaves and passed the Civil Rights Act. Unfortunately, this year that Party has no viable candidate.

  • 7 Maggie // Mar 5, 2008 at 9:10 am

    Yes she will.

    wv uncle shad : means fish are relative

  • 8 Hawkeye // Mar 5, 2008 at 9:18 am

    “faster than a speeding bull session, more powerful than a loco politician, and able to leap to ridiculous conclusions in a single bound”… It’s SUPER DELEGATE!

  • 9 Hawkeye // Mar 5, 2008 at 9:22 am

    Ted Kennedy says he’s all for A.A. (Affirmative Action), but he won’t participate… hic!

  • 10 Libby Gone // Mar 5, 2008 at 9:43 am

    So does Hillary join forces with Oibahama and become V. P.? If so, how long before she starts rehearsing her planned epitath for him?
    Cynical I know………….
    wv:Switzerland more,,,,,,,,,,,,holes in cheese??

  • 11 Fred Sinclair // Mar 5, 2008 at 9:52 am

    My #150 (prior thread) was “submitted” about 2 A.M.

    As of 6 A.M. it still hadn’t posted. So - off ‘this’ topic for mkk and those following the train of thought, I’ll re-post it here and now.

    150Fred Sinclair // Mar 5, 2008 at 1:52 am

    mkk - 147 - “…I really find money to be one of life’s most nasty problems, whether you have it or you don’t, it sems like a hassle to me. Gotta feel sorry for those that are so enamored with the stuff…..”

    Please don’t disparage money. For their day, Abraham, David, Solomon and Jesus, to name only a few, had more money than today’s Bill Gates, Soros, Edwards, Kerry, etc. Money as you’ve heard isn’t evil, it’s the love of money (greed) that’s the root of all evil.

    Money is the basis of freedom. If you have $100.00 and go into a restaurant and the most expensive item is $99.00 then you’re free to order anything on the menu. Now there’s only two people who can take your moned, (1) A robber with a gun, “Gimmie your wallet!” and (2) The government. Say they take 30% from your paycheck, then you are limited (not free) in what you can buy from that menu. 40, 50 or 80 % like in Sweden or India where at $5,000.00 you are legally wealthy so they tax anything over 5K @ 95%.

    So naturally the workers @ 5K take the rest of the year off and spend their time playing board fames under the banyan tree.

    America’s success is because we do less of that than any of the other countries. The higher the taxes, the poorer the country.
    Freedom allows you to care for your family, friends and leave “…an inheritance for your children’s children…” and the commandment to honor your parents is more than to respect and obey - “honor” is from the same root word from which we get the word “honorarium” to provide for their needs (not necessarily ‘wants’) as they cared for you as a child. Rent, transportation, food, etc. all require money.

    I believe God blesses those He can trust to be good stewards with finances. Tithing, supporting charities you believe in, your church (gifts and offerings). The old lady down the street whose fridge or stove crashes and you can call Sears and tell them to meet that need, send you the bill and make sure she doesn’t know the source. (and by the way, they’ll do it.)

    The “Good Samaritan” would never made history if he had been broke.

    A touch of humor, I’ve always thought, when it came to taxes, Jesus didn’t want to waste his money so He had Peter catch a fish and the first one caught would have a coin in it’s mouth - enough to pay for both of their taxes. - That’s an often overlooked miracle of His. Rates right up there with water walking & winemaking.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 12 Fred Sinclair // Mar 5, 2008 at 10:12 am

    JL3rd - 6 - vote like on American Idol? Genius! I love it. I doubt it will get any further than my 17% Federal flat tax idea. (which is foolproof btw)

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 13 boberinyetagain // Mar 5, 2008 at 10:53 am

    Even Jesus didn’t whine about the taxes. A temple tax at that. Of course he didn’t actually pay it either…the fish did

    Scott, it probably will go like that as it should :)

    idyl editorial….no such thing!

  • 14 Fred Sinclair // Mar 5, 2008 at 11:24 am

    We need a new TV show, Now!

    “Are Voters Smarter than 5th Graders?”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 15 mindknumbed kid // Mar 5, 2008 at 11:29 am

    I do like money, being charitable is the most satisfying use there is, I just think that when you are too concerned about how to play a system to legally keep what you’ve earned that it becomes something that it need not be, such as did you buy a green car? We’ll give you a big break if you do what we want you to do…..I only want to go to work, earn a living, spend it as I see fit and pay what is right in the end. That’s all.

    I wonder if Hillary’s victory is due to Rush? Isn’t that a funny thought ? I wonder if that idea is playing “head games” with her now? I can’t see her asking Obeserk asking her to be VP, maybe so, but I don’t see it.

    wv: Murmansk Island - Camo’s next vacation spot?

  • 16 Maggie // Mar 5, 2008 at 11:58 am

    MKK re Camo …….. #15,

    He is not that kind of a Murman.

  • 17 gafisher // Mar 5, 2008 at 12:12 pm

    Well, at this moment J. Sidney McC is at lunch with the man whose White House experience dwarfs Hillary’s.

    wv - first reluctant - Conservativism’s reaction to the Nominee.

  • 18 Terry Cowgill » Red Eye Blogging // Mar 5, 2008 at 1:03 pm

    [...] Maybe they could apportion the delegates this way. It only seems fair, [...]

  • 19 Beerme // Mar 5, 2008 at 1:06 pm

    Chef Scheib’s White House experience may dwarf sHrillary’s, but she probably still has more White House cutlery than he…

  • 20 Fred Sinclair // Mar 5, 2008 at 1:08 pm

    Obama located: What a hoot!

    Obama, Japan, is rooting for candidate Obama, hoping that if he becomes the US president he will put this ancient fishing town of 32,000 people firmly on the tourist map and, just maybe, choose it for an international summit.

    Supporters in Obama — which means “small shore” in Japanese — have held parties to watch election results, put up posters wishing the senator luck and plan a special batch of the town’s “manju” sweets bearing his likeness.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 21 DrivebyMeteor // Mar 5, 2008 at 1:52 pm

    “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”

    - Groucho Marx

  • 22 gafisher // Mar 5, 2008 at 2:12 pm

    Beerme Re#19: :rofl:

  • 23 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 5, 2008 at 2:24 pm

    Not as good as a song as The Great Santini would have wrote but it works for me……

  • 24 mig // Mar 5, 2008 at 2:32 pm

    Hey everyone,

    Been really busy but of course not to busy to share this little horror:
    Planned Parenthood Racism Investigation

  • 25 gafisher // Mar 5, 2008 at 2:53 pm

    mig Re#24: “Planned Parenthood” grew out of the same movement that spawned the Holocaust in Germany; in fact, the founder of the first was an enthusiastic and cheerful consultant to the second. The application of Darwin’s principle of “survival of the fittest” is exceptionally dangerous when applied to humans by humans.

  • 26 woodnwheel // Mar 5, 2008 at 3:03 pm

    gafisher re. the WV in #17: That serves as a good segue to what I was wanting to say. For any conservatives still reluctant to vote for McCain (or for any Republicans who are supporting Obama out of ignorance, intentional or otherwise, of his views), I strongly recommend this piece by Rick Santorum from last Thursday’s Philadelphia Inquirer. I’ve known for some time that Obama was the Senate’s most liberal member, but Santorum’s piece sent a nice cold chill down my spine.

  • 27 woodnwheel // Mar 5, 2008 at 3:06 pm

    mig re. #24: I heard about that on the radio the other day. Absolutely horrendous that the PP worker was “excited” about the donation.

  • 28 mindknumbed kid // Mar 5, 2008 at 5:12 pm

    When you see all of the evil that is going on, apparently it is getting worse and worse with the passing of time. Makes me wonder how long the Righteous Judge will permit it to continue. You take what we know and multiply it infinitely and you have how much more that He knows, and then when you consider the insignificance of man, it doesn’t make any sense that God will continue to humor us with existence.

  • 29 camojack // Mar 5, 2008 at 5:31 pm

    mindknumbed kid // Mar 5, 2008 at 11:29 am
    wv: Murmansk Island - Camo’s next vacation spot?

    Maggie // Mar 5, 2008 at 11:58 am
    MKK re Camo …….. #15,
    He is not that kind of a Murman.

    Actually, my next planned vacation spot is in the Caribbean, FWIW…

  • 30 Darthmeister // Mar 5, 2008 at 8:39 pm

    More Donk hypocrisy revealed:

    It has been discovered the late Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone - this famous champion of the little guy, scourge of corporate interests - illegally failed to procure workers’ compensation insurance for his campaign’s employees. The four employees who perished in the airplane crash along with Wellstone and his wife were therefore uninsured.

    The Wellstone campaign subsequently reached a “settlement” with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, whereby the campaign agreed to pay $400,000 and the remaining amount due — estimated at around $600,000 — was to be picked up by the taxpayers, courtesy of a fund for employees whose employers break the law by failing to obtain the required coverage or to properly self-insure.

    Minnesota Senate candidate Al Franken (my note: buwahahahaha! What a moonbat!) is a guy who casts himself as being in the Wellstone mold, and he may be, at least in this one respect. It now turns out that Franken owes a $25,000 penalty to the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board for failing to carry workers’ compensation insurance for employees of his namesake corporation (Alan Franken Inc.) from 2002 to 2005. According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, New York officials have made numerous attempts to contact Franken about the matter since April 2005 but have gotten no reply.

    I guess the liberal media can’t deep-six every corrupt and rotten Democrat story so they have to pick on a dead guy and the moron Franken to balance out their endless conflating of Republican “scandals” real or imagined.

  • 31 debass // Mar 5, 2008 at 11:38 pm

    “If we didn’t have these professional politicians to ultimately pick the nominee,” said Mr. Dean, “the future of our party would be left in the hands of common, ordinary people.”

    We can’t have that. Besides, there is no constitutional right to vote. I know that I wouldn’t want my future in the hands of Dhimmicrap voters. Howard may be smarter than he sounds.

  • 32 Obama’s Detractors - Drink Your Glasses of STHU - Jack & Jill Politics // Aug 29, 2008 at 9:25 pm

    [...] gets the nomination and the GOP starts whining about Affirmative Action. Get the Hell out of [...]

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